
标题: ask og 143 again [打印本页]

作者: calista5133    时间: 2004-10-10 08:17
标题: ask og 143 again

143. Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.
(A) rather than developing independently from
(B) rather than a type that developed independently from
(C) rather than a type whose development was independent of
(D) instead of developing independently from
(E) instead of a development that was independent of

In C, the expression a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor states the opposite of the original point_that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor.

here i still do not understand this sentense,who can translate the whole sentense and the explaination of the og?

作者: r1418    时间: 2004-10-10 09:41


rather than 前面是说  现今在澳大利亚发现的生蛋的哺乳动物是mammalian  evolution主系中的一个分支,也就是说和共同的祖先有关系

rather than 后面是令一种说法:这种哺乳动物不依赖哺乳动物共同的祖先而是独立进化来的



作者: calista5133    时间: 2004-10-10 13:20
so how to understand :"rather than a type whose development was independent of",sorry to ask such silly question,i find my head stuffed.

作者: rt316    时间: 2004-10-11 05:48
stoneren注:1-蛋生哺乳类动物-即生蛋的那种哺乳类动物-好像是鸭嘴兽;2-a branch of the maim stem ofmammalian evolution主流哺乳类进化过程中的一个分支(即从主流的哺乳动物进化过程中进化过来的);3-进化分叉的举例说明:N年前,人和猴子共享一个祖先A,突然有一天有一个东东走到地上去了,于是乎,从这天开始人和猴子发生了进化分叉,N年后,一部分当年的A进化成现在的人,另一部分A进化成现代的猴子。

作者: calista5133    时间: 2004-10-11 10:37
thanks,stoneren,i got it
作者: rt316    时间: 2004-10-12 03:12
C的错误在于whose的指代对象是type,也即type's development,这个搭配在逻辑上不很严密;而且independent of和independently from是两个完全不同的意思。

作者: carina    时间: 2005-2-27 13:45


a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution( rather than a type that developed independently )from a common ancestor of mammals

而independent of就不能这样断,也就不是original point了

作者: DARRENMA    时间: 2005-6-24 17:43

(B) rather than a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.______即可理解为:" egg-laying mammals 从同一个祖先,独立地进化发展而来...."

(C) rather than a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago._______理解为:" egg-laying mammals 的进化发展是独立于同一个祖先(暗示不是由同一祖先进化而来)"


作者: vler    时间: 2005-8-2 14:38
以下是引用DARRENMA在2005-6-24 17:43:00的发言:

(B) rather than a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.______即可理解为:" egg-laying mammals 从同一个祖先,独立地进化发展而来...."

(C) rather than a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago._______理解为:" egg-laying mammals 的进化发展是独立于同一个祖先(暗示不是由同一祖先进化而来)"



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-2 14:45:28编辑过]

作者: dormousedzc    时间: 2007-11-30 01:06

OG说E   While a development may appear to parallel a branch,the logic of the sentence is contradicted by the meaning of this usage,



作者: allln123123    时间: 2007-11-30 01:13

the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution instead of a development ...


作者: 月桂女神    时间: 2008-3-14 21:37

作者: steve66    时间: 2008-5-28 10:18


举个例子,在远古时代有一种猫(common ancestor),发展到今天,有一种动物狮子是那种猫的一个branch,但今天也还有猫;

原文说一个发现,证明这个狮子是一个branch of main stem(远古那只猫),rather than什么;

B,rather than develop from,与原文练起来就是说,

有一个发现,证明这个狮子是一个branch of main stem(远古那只猫),而不是develop from远古那种猫;

(强调狮子是远古猫的一个branch,这个发现的贡献就在于说狮子不是远古那种猫develop的,而是那种猫的一个分支进化来的,而今天的猫才是远古那种猫develop from来的);

C,rather than was independent of,与原文练起来,

有一个发现,证明这个狮子是一个branch of main stem(远古那只猫),而不是与远古那种猫无关;





[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-2 10:13:41编辑过]

作者: steve66    时间: 2008-6-2 11:03


In C, the expression a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor states the opposite of the original point—that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor.



第二个,original point是指哪句的point;


第一,expression指a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor 而不是rather than a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor ,解释中很清楚的表示了出来,翻译过来看看,

说(C选项所描述的)这个type与common ancestor无关是与original point相反的

第二,original point不是指‘B所表达的意思’,也不是指‘rather than前面的...are a brach of...’,而应该是指整个本句话想要表述的意思;

第三,that后面的解释绝对是在说这个original point而不是那个opposite point,分析一下这句话,

that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution,but still to have descended from a common ancestor.

the type of mammal mentioned是说文中的这个发现所描述的对象,就是Australian egg...mammals,整句翻译过来看看,

(original point想表述为)这个Australian egg...mammals被认为是从main stem独立地进化发展而来的,但是仍然是descended from(从...遗传)这个common ancestor的;

为什么要用一个but来表示后面的意思呢,原因就是要强调,回应,和反驳C选项所说的be independent of(跟common ancestor无关的)这个意思;


C选项中所说的这个type与common ancestor无关是错的,并且是与原句要表达的观点相反的,原句想说这个type是从main stem独立地发展进化而来的,但是仍然是从common ancestor中遗传过来的,而不是像C所说的是与common ancestor没有关系的;

作者: yinlixiao    时间: 2008-7-28 04:59

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