
标题: OG13 阅读战队训练进度&题目分析帖(6月13日更新NO. 5 &6,红字是未解决问题) [打印本页]

作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-9 06:10
标题: OG13 阅读战队训练进度&题目分析帖(6月13日更新NO. 5 &6,红字是未解决问题)





OG13 紫色标注是13版OG的新题

第一篇 生物学 school & fish
1 Supporting Idea
2 Supporting Idea
3 Inference
4 Main Idea

第二篇 商业 ecoefficiency & business
5 Main Idea
6 Supporting Idea
7 Inference

第三篇 考古学 a suggestion of dealing with artifacts
8 Main Idea
9 Inference
10 Supporting Idea

第四篇 天文学 Jupiter’s four moons
11 Supporting Idea
12 Evaluation
13 Evaluation

第五篇 种族歧视 African American
14 Supporting Idea
15 Inference
16 Inference
17 Supporting Idea

第六篇 生物学 Terrestrial snakes
18 Application
19 Supporting Idea
20 Inference
21 Evaluation
22 Inference
23 Inference
24 Evaluation
25 Main Idea

作者: Armstrong0330    时间: 2012-6-9 06:12
词汇:predator肉食动物   原来school有鱼群的意思 晕!开始还想着鱼的学校呢 后来也就推出来了 但是一开始就蒙了 这题比较容易还花了好长时间。!第一部分:Biologists have advanced two theories to explain why schooling of fish occurs in so many fish species.生物学家提出了两个理论为什么鱼群总存在很多鱼的种类中。both theories assume that schooling offers the advantage of some protection from predators然后作者提出了这两个理论假设鱼群能得到保护避免受到捕食者攻击。

第二部分 反驳了第一个理论 Proponents of theory A dispute the assumption that a school of thousands of fish is highly visible.说鱼群在水中是高度可见的。(这样不是个更容易被捕食者发现么?)后面有个Thus 在两个方面反驳了这个theory

第三部分 反驳了第二个理论 从However 开始school continues to be of value to its members even after detection——"confusion effect," 鱼群对于他们的成员是有价值的在他们被捕食者察觉后,就是说鱼群帮助鱼避免被捕捉在被捕食者发现之后 the theory被作者称做"confusion effect,"然后再进行了两个argue:
  第一个argument:predators simply cannot decide which fish to attack.捕食者简单的不能决定捕哪一条鱼。
  第二个argument:to do with the sensory confusion caused by a large number of prey moving around the predator.The movement of other prey in the school can be distracting.就是说鱼群的有他们避免被捕食者捕捉的prey moving(movenment)。

1.According to the passage, theory B states that whichof the following is a factor that enables a schoolingfish to escape predators?
(A) The tendency of fish to form compact groups
(B) The movement of other fish within the school
(C) The inability of predators to detect schools
(D) The ability of fish to hide behind one another ina school
(E) The great speed with which a school candisperse
A选项是说theory A
B 正确 theory的第二个argument
C 没提及
D 没有提及another
E 没说speed

2.According to the passage, both theory A and theory B have been developed to explain how
(A) fish hide from predators by forming schools
(B) forming schools functions to protect fish from predators
(C) schooling among fish differs from other protective behaviors
(D) small fish are able to make rapid decisions
(E) small fish are able to survive in an environment densely populated by large predators

A theoryA 可以用A选项来概略 但是theory B 是说fish school帮助鱼群逃脱追捕在被捕食者发现之后
B 正确 两个theory都说了protection
C behaviour没提及
D decision也没提及
E 各种没提及

3.According to one explanation of the "confusioneffect," a fish that swims in a school will have greateradvantages for survival if it
(A) tends to be visible for no more than 200 meters
(B) stays near either the front or the rear of a school
(0 is part of a small school rather than a large school
(D) is very similar in appearance to the other fish in the school
(E) is medium-sized

原句This indecision supposedly results from a predator's preference forstriking prey that is distinct from the rest of theschool in appearance. In many schools the fish arealmost identical in appearance, making it difficultfor apredator to select one.

4题就不post 本文就是讲两个theory 第一句话太明显了。
作者: Armstrong0330    时间: 2012-6-9 06:13
老观点——but新观点——新观点解释第一段:ecoefficency是全球的一种趋势,很多人认为它可以减少对于环境的污染 第二段:but提出了新的观点:but suggest that simply adopting ecoefficiency innovations could actually worsen environmental stresses in the future
            ecoefficiency  inovation不能减少对于环境的污染,而相反可能增加环境污染。
第三段:是新观点的解释 Such innovations reduce production waste but do not alter the number of products manufactured nor the waste generated from their use and discard;  新的ecoefficiency 没有改变产品生产的数量和产品利用和丢弃的浪费 从而增加了产品的浪费
第四段:之后连词是moreover: 进一步解释:Moreover, there is no guarantee that increased economic growth from ecoefficiency will come in similarly ecoefficient ways, since in today's global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries. 这段话好绕啊。总体就是利润可能在简单的重新投资在老的ecoinefficient 的投资资本上。其实就是新的ecoefficenay利润不高 不是一个ecoefficency的方法。第五段:新的Econefficeny比久的更加浪费。
第六段:提出了新的方法:1:business sustain 2:减少浪费和材料的使用

6. The passage mentions which of the following as a
possible consequence of companies' realization of
greater profits through ecoefficiency?
(A) The companies may be able to sell a greater
number of products by lowering prices.
(B) The companies may be better able to attract
investment capital in the global market.
(C) The profits may be reinvested to increase
economic growth through ecoefficiency.
(D) The profits may be used as investment capital
for industries that are not ecoefficient.
(E) The profits may encourage companies to make
further innovations in reducing production
当时在文中看到定位词great profits,特别兴奋:greater profits maybe turned into investment capital that could easily bereinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries因为当时没有搞懂文中逻辑和结构。结构就选了C答案。其实这句话是说之前老的环境概念。所以我选了一个反方向的答案C 真是答案选D
A 错在价格低没有被提及
B  没说讨论吸引外来投资
C 相反的 文章说的是老的环境效益
E a vastly more ecoefficient industrial system could,were it to grow much larger, generate more total
waste and destroy more habitat and species than
would a smaller, less ecoefficient economy

用排除法第5题作对了 用的排除法:A B D E都没提及 或者 有的没有在文章被讨论

第7题 The passage implies that which of the following is a
possible consequence of a company's adoption of
innovations that increase its ecoefficiency?
(A) Company profits resulting from such innovations
may be reinvested inthat company with no
guarantee that the company will continue to
make further improvements in ecoefficiency.
(B) Company growth fostered by cost savings from
such innovations may allow that company to
manufacture a greater number of products that
will be used and discarded, thus worsening
environmental stress.
(C) A company that fails to realize significant cost
savings from such innovations may have little
incentive to continue to minimize the
environmental impact of its production
(D) A company that comes to depend on such
innovations to increase its profits and growth
may be vulnerable in the global market to
competition from old-style eco-inefficient
(E) A company that meets its ecoefficiency goals is
unlikely to invest its increased profits in the
development of new and innovative ecoefficiency
measures. A E 错在公司没说把ecoefficiency作为目标 C错在公司fails to realize significant cost savings没有讨论 D错在文章没有讨论增加利润和成长容易受攻击对于ecoefficiency革新之后 所以答案选B

很多题就是排除法做的  ==!
作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-9 06:18
OG13第三篇 (对应OG12第三篇9-11)



第二段,作者提出并讨论一个可以提供资金并减少非法挖掘的建议。(an outrageous suggestion)
建议考察队和官方人士在open market 卖excavated artifacts。这样可以blabla……进一步解释。

第三段,考虑到读者可能会反对,因为他们认为出土物品更多是为了获得知识而不是金钱。而且,古代文物是属于全人类文化而不是某个最高价竞标者的。作者虽认同。(I agree. Sell nothing that has unique artistic merit or scientific value.)但是同时否定了every artifact has potential scientific value 的说法。

第四段, 作者举例说到了完全一样的出土文物。eg:2000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in Cyprus.

第五段, 作者提到了博物馆的地下室,说其面积用来装即将发掘的文物是不够大的。甚至没有钱来对文物进行分类。这会导致严重后果。之后提到说,事实上,根据现在的科技,比起藏在地下室,售出文物应该更容易被接受。卖出的东西也是可以被看到,甚至交涉寻回的。

第六段, 作者辩证的说了一下,即使在open market销售,也不会完全杜绝非法挖掘。但是,会在某种程度上起到持续抑制作用。并说明了原因(没人喜欢一个unmarked pot)。

The author implies that all of the following statements
about duplicate artifacts are true EXCEPT
(A) a market for such artifacts alreadyexists
(B) such artifacts seldom havescientific value
(C) there is likely to be a continuing supply of such artifacts
(D) museumsare well supplied with examplesof such artifacts
(E) such artifacts frequently exceed in quality those already cataloged in museum collections

A duplicate artifacts 有市场, 因为文章最后暗示说,很多人希望有一个销售出土文物的市场,因为人们不喜欢unmarked pot
B duplicate artifacts 很少有价值,因为作者第三段反对每个出土文物都有scientific value这种说法。第四段进一步举例。不太明白解释中说Lines 51-53 imply that there are rare instances when duplicates dobecomeneeded for scientific purposes, so duplicates seldom have scientific value.哪位大大可以解释一下嘛?
C 这个很明显在文章第五段说过地下室不够大,in future 有数不胜数的出土文物。
D duplicate artifacts 属于第五段中数不胜数的出土文物中的一种。因此可以well supply。
E 文章中没有提到说duplicate artifacts的质量高于博物馆馆藏品。

其实还是不明白这篇文章的第三段和第四段,尤其是duplicate artifacts到底是很多一样的文物还是复制品。作者是想说,出土文物中的一些复制品是没有价值的嘛?所以这道题我选错了@。@尤其误解了红色这句话,Moreover, ancient artifacts are part of our global cultural heritage, which should be available for all to appreciate, not sold to the highest bidder. I agree. Sell nothing that has unique artistic merit or scientific value. But, you might reply, everything thatcomes out of the ground has scientific value. Here we part company.希望哪位大大能够进一步解释一下~

第10题(考察支持观点supporting ideas)
Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as
a disadvantage of storing artifacts in museum
(A) Museum officials rarely allow scholars access to
such artifacts.
(B) Space that could be better used for display is
taken up for storage.
(C) Artifacts discovered in one excavation often
become separated from each other.
(D) Such artifacts are often damaged by variations
in temperature and humidity.
(E) Such artifacts often remain uncataloged and
thus cannot be located once they are put in


paltry 微不足道的,无价值的
excavation 挖掘
outrageous 可耻的,粗暴的,出人意料的
stroke 打法
inducement 诱惑,动机
expedition 远征队,考察队
duplicate 完全一样的,复制的
作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-9 06:23



Inner planets: Io, Europa  
Outer planets:Ganymede and Callisto.

第一段:木星最大的四个卫星中,两个是inner planets: Io 和 Europa, 大小(类似月球),组成。 Ganymede 和 Callisto 是更大 & 半覆盖冰的outer planets。 四星与太阳系其他星是相似的。但文章指出,木星的卫星更加"systematic” - 随着与木星距离的改变而不断变化。

第二段: 这种成分梯度与地质角度是相类似的,并作出四星比较。 进一步解释坑洞(crater)时提到了与木星的重力之间的关系:虽然木星重力很大应该会吸引彗星、小行星撞击近卫星,然而最接近的Io表面却没有坑洞。(第13题)

Io 是完全活跃; 几乎没有坑洞
Europa 比较活跃; 少坑洞
Ganymede 历史上有活跃过; 部分多坑洞
Callisto 没有活跃; 多坑洞

13. The author's reference to Jupiter's gravity inline 25 serves primarily to
(A) indicate why the absence of craters on lo's surfaceis surprising
(B) explain the presence of craters on the surface of Jupiter's four largest moons
(C) provide an explanation for the lack of geological activity on Callisto
(D) contrast Jupiter's characteristics with the characteristics of its fourlargest moons
(E) illustrate the similarity between Jupiter's four largest moons and the planets of the solar system

A 正确的,Io卫星表面的光滑是与木星重力会带来的结果不符的,是令人震惊的。
B 木星最大的四颗卫星中,两颗不是inner planets。
C 无关选项。而且,相对于inner planets来说, outer planets距离木星较远,所以相对缺乏吸引力,跟木星本身的重力无关
D 文章讨论的是木卫星之间的关系,没有提过木星自身的特征。
E 无关选项。 太阳系只在文章开头提过,最后的木星重力与太阳系没关系,也不是要对比太阳系的其他行星。

难点(我忽视的重点。。。):分清 inner planets 和 outer planets

analogous 相似的, 可比拟的
crater 坑, 环形山
compose 组成
bout 较量;发作
gradient 倾斜度
作者: 沙沙不是莎莎    时间: 2012-6-9 10:35
我也是海外时差党  想知道你们怎么具体操作的 然后加入
作者: lefrancais    时间: 2012-6-9 22:17
作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-9 22:38
我也是海外时差党  想知道你们怎么具体操作的 然后加入
-- by 会员 沙沙不是莎莎 (2012/6/9 10:35:16)

作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-13 03:59
OG 13 阅读第五篇 14-17

第一段: 激进分子Garvey 以一个很好的时间来到了US。因为一战回来的的African American(以后简称AA)士兵成为了有着Garvey's 信条的人的理想选民。

第二段: 希望参与传统美国精神的 AA热情地加入,但是发现被种族歧视了。AA又回到了战前有着歧视的美国环境中。Wallace 说, 当一个鸿沟出现在理想文化和现实文化中时,这种紧张的状态会促发复兴运动(来实现理想文化)。

第三段: 一些学者说,Garvey 从他掀起的AA复兴中创造了意识。但是,这种言论只是模糊了很多概念和AA已有的社群。 Garvey 没有创造这种意识,更确切的说,他从政治上表达了这种意识。

14. According to the passage, which of the following contributed to Marcus Garvey's success?

(A) He introduced cultural and historical consciousness to the African American community.

(B) He believed enthusiastically in the traditional American success ethos.

(C) His audience had already formed a consciousness that made it receptive to his message.

(D) His message appealed to critics of African American support for United States military involvement in the First World War.

(E) He supported the movement to protest segregation that had emerged prior to his arrival in the United States.

哪种促成了Garvey 的成功?

A 文章表述说AA已经在Garvey US之前就有文化和历史意识了。不是他介绍的。

B 这是干扰选项。文章提到相关单词了,但是没提过他相信传统美国成功blabla

C 他的群众已经形成了一个意识,这促使他们接受\Gravey 的信条。 (文章第一段有提到,第二段也在支持说AA已经经历了一战的种族歧视)

D 还是没提

E 不管Gravey他支持什么movement,文章也没有提过任何一种movement


Precisely 精准地,准确地

Constituency 选民

Activist 激进分子

Ethos 社会的精神特质

Segregate 分离, 在……实行种族隔离

Indignity 轻蔑

Perceptible 可感知的,可变的,可察觉的

Revitalization 复兴

Obscure 晦涩的,模糊的


Precisely 精准地,准确地

Constituency 选民

Activist 激进分子

Ethos 社会的精神特质

Segregate 分离, 在……实行种族隔离

Indignity 轻蔑

Perceptible 可感知的,可变的,可察觉的

Revitalization 复兴

Obscure 晦涩的,模糊的

作者: Armstrong0330    时间: 2012-6-13 04:10
5 楼的新OG阅读我错了3个只 对了一个 后来对了OG答案 回归原文了还是不怎么明白 此总结交给晓梦迷碟童鞋 LOL
第一段Terrestrial snakes, in particular, exhibit adaptations that aid in circulating blood against the force of gravity.重力会使血液难以循环。而陆地蛇(T蛇)适应了这个问题

第二段就是 supporting sentence:重力使血液难以循环的问题可以从把海蛇(S蛇)拿到陆地上,在倾斜时会血压降低看出来然后再到:That many terrestrial snakes in similar spatial
orientations do not experience this kind of circulatory failure suggests that certain adaptations enable them to regulate blood pressure more effectively in those orientations.而T蛇没有这种问题,说明有适应性进化

第三部分是 具体说了两个adoptions:1:Such a location requires that blood circulated to the tail of the snake travel a greater distance back to the heart
                                                     2:A蛇:waves of muscle contraction 考肌肉来适应吧

20.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of species of terrestrial snakes that often need to assume a vertical posture?
(A) They are more likely to be susceptible to
circulatory failure in vertical postures than are
sea snakes.
(B) Their hearts are less likely to be located at the
midpoint of their bodies than is the case with
sea snakes.
(0 They cannot counteract the pooling of blood in
lower regions of their bodies as effectively as
sea snakes can.
(D) The blood pressure at their midpoint decreases
significantly when they are tilted with their
heads up.
(E) They are unable to relyon muscle contractions
to move venous blood from the lower torso to
the head.
答案选B  我选了D  是看错蛇了 当时感觉这个在原文有原句重现 就选了 而且当时逻辑也不是很清白
A 违背了文章主旨
C 没提
D 讲的是S蛇
E   A蛇有这个能力 也能推出陆地上的T蛇也有这个能力
作者: 晓梦迷蝶    时间: 2012-6-13 09:49
五楼的新阅读是神马? 对了,阅读除了标注第几篇,也标注一下题号吧~3QQQ
作者: 啊哈哟嘻    时间: 2012-6-30 14:08
作者: 琛angela    时间: 2012-7-12 22:24
作者: fairypp    时间: 2012-8-29 22:57
这么好的帖子 肿么不继续了呢
作者: maymutou    时间: 2012-10-3 22:13
作者: evyren    时间: 2012-11-14 07:40
顶啊 怎么不继续啦
作者: 135cyc    时间: 2012-11-29 23:58
作者: Alice0711    时间: 2013-5-31 20:19
作者: mukanade    时间: 2013-8-25 10:31
OG13 阅读战队训练进度&题目分析

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