AW ISSUE——30min 频率超级高 Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.
Argument——30min 频率超级高 The following appeared in a memo from the new vice president of Sartorian, a company that manufactures men's clothing.
"Five years ago, at a time when we had difficulties in obtaining reliable supplies of high-quality wool fabric, we discontinued production of our deluxe alpaca overcoats. Now that we have a new fabric supplier, we should resume production. This coat should sell very well: since we have not offered an alpaca overcoat for five years and since our major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat, there will be pent-up customer demand. Also, since the price of most types of clothing has risen in each of the past five years, customers should be willing to pay significantly higher prices for alpaca overcoats than they did five years ago, and our company profits will increase."
Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.
2有个说一个细菌很容易sccumb to 一个virus,但是这个空格suprisingly beneficial它了。。 选项中没有明确的近义词,建议查英文解释,大概有theory, juxtoposition, susceptibility, characteristic,
3有个说很多seasoned reporter空格formal journalism education,后面解释这个education的内容大概是有洞察力什么的一些正面的话,然后说一些veteran journalist空格去earn money teaching the wide-eyed beginner.没找到逻辑。。 4有个说many towns 投票赞成一个incinarators in county's waste-solid,不是因为他们空格incinarator,而是他们空格narrow their options of weste-desposal 什么的。应该是正面和反面吧。 5有个说一些help shape the New Deal with Roosevelt空格了一个fact-社会的都是有联系的,大概是牵一动百的意思。然而他们空格只为自己的instituents考虑。选项有downplay, ignore, disregard然后记不清了。
6 Bronte impassionate,....shows she's anything but (antipathy?冷漠的意思) 7 谁谁同时支持女权运动与另一个temperance?运动,表明两者不是(Inimical ) 8 某人impossible to play chess with, (impulsiveness?)agony every simple step
9有某个作者采用 (eclectic) 的写作手法highest moral standard……condescending 11一个剧本的角色要求表现出hero, distinguished from her peers, but should not appear to be……选项有(extraordinary , paradoxical ?) 12某个经济学家研究方法和其他人不同,选项有(technical, theoretical, diverged from?) 13 Nano-technology 解决环境问题,it is easy to understand...选项忘了……(三空题) 14 Incinerators, waste plan, not because……but …… to limit option?选项有willing, loath to 等 15某某occasionally(Caution against,rely upon )…… even though (denying, positing) the danger of general human…… He (believe?)there is…… transcendent time and circumstance?
16某个人对建筑的影响……(accede)the importance……but, far from (original) 六选二:完全失忆了……只记得零星的几个。 17 Philosophy是一个……的occupation, rather, general, 选项有 (challenging, exacting, estoric, convoluted? )
19 Although XXX is impassion about gender 什么的,he is anything but ... 这题简单但楼主头晕选错了,应该选apathy的我选了zealous
20有一个三空题是在路边看野生动物的,就是说在路上看到的特别少,推出丛林深处也很少,最后但来个转折取反就行,觉得三空比两空来的简单啊 21还有一个是有几个作家受到accolade,they。。。publicity is exhaustive contend选项都认识但不知道选什么 有hope care question doubt另外两个忘了反正不是同义
22还有个三空是说温度升高是因为云阻挡了热量的散失第一空选inhibit,第二空忘了,第三空说solar energy。。。by the evaporation of the water我是选used up 还有一个说一女的平时。。。 但又。。。in conversation,这题容易就选laconic 和 话多的qurrulous。。什么的,不会拼 记得的单词有inscrutable, dispute, disregard,vunlunbility
23 6选2:说有个文章让人讨厌,although他个出了和详细的(填空点)细节,balabal(貌似以前在哪见过。。。) 24 三空题 某个学者对于现在广为称赞其创新性(第一个填空点)的建筑观点不认同,虽然他承认这个观点有一些不错creation in Paris,(第二个孔忘了,大概就在这)但是他认为从现在的眼光看来这个建筑不够创新(第三个填空点)enough。 25一个学生的对于一个研究结果很Optimism(第一个填空点),但是他的同学对这个研究的结果却是很悲观(第二个填空点),因此他们的研究结果有很大的不同(第三个填空点)。