作文:AAa tire manufacturing company’s memo 说要imitate a Toy company’s an Apprentice Training Program. 那个program给old employees bonus if they provide training for young employees,给他们传授experience什么的。。。说那个toy company 实施效果很好,save money. So, their company should follow this kind of program, and other expensive and come-consuming programs are not needed. Their profits 也会增长什么的 我写的反驳是: 1. false analogy: tire manufacturing company &toy company 不能类比 2. 错误假设:implement such an Apprentice Training Program will achieve the same result as other expensive and come-consuming programs will.也许其他programs 虽然贵但是效果好,员工素质提高很多。而这个program 老员工知识已经不适合新员工,不能把新员工train 的很好 3.错误假设:给老员工的bonus一定比 the cost of other programs 低,新员工能带来的benefits一定超过使profits 增长吗?
AIPeople have a duty to disobey laws they consider unjust 这个JJ 不知道有没有我反正就看了3、4 个JJ
2.好像JJ里有类似的不过是残狗 讲袋子X是空的,袋子Y 里有GREEN 的球,RED的球 and other objects.现在从Y中取出一个放入X,接着再取出放入X(就是依次取出不放回), 问X 中的green有两个的概率? 1)后来RED在X 中占X中总数量的48/145(数字不一定对啊) 2)是Y original green balls 的数量是25(这个很确定)、 这题真心不会做啊,后来就选了E,估计错了不然数学也不会不满分 大家会做的话告诉我啊
CR 那道boldface题:说have high profit margin is a good to way to have competitive advantage, which is (解释competitive advantage)。Withoutcompetitive advantage, companys are more likely to have low revenue and then low profits
我觉得都不怎么对 后来选了The first establish an assumption, the second presents a potential objection to the first statement.
其他选项还有the first provides support for the main conclusion, the second is the main conclusion
好像是 there be …that it is preferable to do A Rather than to do B
4.As believed to be …,sth,
5好像也有遇到,句子中有by the time好像选的是 when….什么的
6. 有一题,Widely known to be extinct between year to year, the discovery of XXX that the animal is found in some area bring home that suprised the scientists about the nature. 反正有两个that
7.有一题考了require我好像选的是require that
8有一道: Among all the Arabic xxxx are someone's translation from English of Iliad(伊里亚特),odyssey(奥德赛 )and XXXX, are still taught in XXXXX. 几个选项的差别: in english/from english,
我后来选了translation from English of 的一个,很确定 作者: jiangyibq 时间: 2012-5-25 17:43