第三步: 吃透OG
当你对语法已经有了充分的认识的时候,再静下心来认真的刷一遍OG 。此时,因为已经做过两遍了,所以做题的时候很容易就记住答案,所以最好的办法就是像LZ一样,用一个word的文档,将每一题,每一个选项的错误点,都认真的写下来,如果只是看LZ写的是没用的,印象不会很深刻,写出来的才是自己的。
每道题写完,一定要写总结,这道题考到的知识点是什么,如果记得很模糊,马上回到自己的曼哈顿笔记上去找,提炼出来写在每题下面。这个过程是蛮长的,但是此过程是让你完全升华的一个必经之路。当这个阶段结束,你再回过头来看OG 的任何一道题,不能说都完全掌握了,但是你已经不会有抵触情绪,因为大方向你已经没有问题了,对于代词指代,which 修饰之类的细微之处可能还是会有钻牛角尖的意识。
我鼓励大家在前期弄清每一个语法点,所以LZ才将自己的OG 笔记称之为全解。只有前期充分的掌握语法点之后,在后期提速的过程中才会有坚实的基础。
同时在这里也强调一下语意的重要性,看过CD上有很多人说语意才是王道,掌握了语意语法可以忽略不计之类的言论。LZ 只能说 此类误人子弟的说法太过于绝度。如果真的将 语意 很 语法 用比例来表达出重要性 LZ 觉得是 1: 1 。
首先,如果每道题都通过语意来通读每一个选项做出判断,LZ觉得很Time-consuming 。
例:OG98. Even though Clovis points, spear points with longitudinalgrooves chipped onto their faces, have been found all over North America, theyare named for the New Mexico site where they were first discovered in 1932.
(A) Eventhough Clovis points, spear points with longitudinalgrooves chipped onto their faces,have been found all over North America, they are namedfor the New Mexicosite where they were first discovered in 1932.
(B) Although named forthe New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, Clovis points are spear pointsof longitudinal grooves chipped onto their faces and have been found all overNorth America.
(C) Named for theNew Mexico site where they have been first discoveredin 1932, Clovis points,spear points of longitudinal grooves chipped onto thefaces, have been found all over North America.
(D) Spear points withlongitudinal grooves that are chipped onto the faces, Clovis points, even thoughnamed for the New Mexico site where first discovered in 1932, but were foundall over North America.
(E) While Clovispoints are spear points whose faces have longitudinal grooves chipped intothem, they have been found all over North America, and named for the New Mexico site wherethey have been first discovered in 1932.
敢问此题每个选项都用语意来你需要多久?但是如果对语法 非常熟悉的同学看见A选项的主句 they are 就已经有好感了,为什么?这就是刷OG 刷出来的感觉,此种感觉在CR中体现的更为明显,这里我们不扯太远,继续我们的SC。
第四步: make sense together 注重语意
这步也是新东方老师强推的一个方法,就是找一份OG 正确的句子集合,看正确的句子来反映迷惑的考点,这个过程还是建议在Word文档中完成。当你能一看到那些被的刷了几遍的句子能立刻反应出当时选项是怎么迷惑你的时候,这就是进步。此过程在后期做题的时候对于迷惑选项的判断是非常关键的。此过程也是一个体会语意的最好过程,此时不要吝啬你的时间,把每道题都翻译出来,不仅是划线部分,这也是对你的RC能力的一个体现。
LZ的经验告诉大家OG4遍之后,对于我们这些非大N 而言,prep08的错题应该是40道以内。这是正常的,如果多余60道,只能说明OG你没有完全的掌握。 因为LZ所说的40道里面20道题是OG没有出现 过的语法点,比如:just as ……,so ….. ; Just as … , as … 此类句型;剩下的20道才是你因为别的种种原因(粗心也好,遗忘也罢)做错的。
Sending Cders two gold words :
1.Performing well depends directly on an belief that you can perform well .
2.Little things make a big difference