大全里好象一会说able to是与生具有的能力, 又一会说是capable of才是与生具有的能力,
1. 请问到底是哪个有与生具有的能力??
2. 还有其他什么区别吗??
3. 和CAN呢??
偶认为把can 和be able to一起考时,前者指的是可以做某事,后者倾向于说有能力做某事
ability to do sth & capability of doing sth指的都是能力,偶看到他们第一步的判断方式是看后面的介词对不对,然后再结合其它语法点,语序等等,一般都能搞定。至于具体意思区别,权威的语法书也很模糊:
“ability is a person's mental or physical power to do sth. Capability is the general power or ability of a machine or organization to do sth or be used to do sth. Capability also can be applied to people, but ability is usually the simpler choice"
hehe ,enjoy..
其实ability和capability后面用to do或者of doing都可以:
be able to do sth
have the ability to do sth
have the ability of sth 较少
have the ability of doing sth 较少
it is possible for sb to do sth
have the possibility of sth 较少
have the possibility of doing sth
be capable of doing sth
be capable of sth
have the capability to do sth
have the capability of doing sth
have the capability in sth 较少
have the capability in doing sth 较少
capable of sth的例子,比如:
Facts are capable of such curious inversion and interpretation, honest and otherwise.
It was a body capable of enormous leverage-a cruel body.
Only human beings are capable of speech.
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