
标题: 5月21日,北美一战,770,感谢CD,分享写过的作文,供参考 [打印本页]

作者: gougouwoai    时间: 2012-5-22 23:35
标题: 5月21日,北美一战,770,感谢CD,分享写过的作文,供参考

The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.
“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”
“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”


1.jj 中第50题的版本3,我选了A
2.jj中第64题,我选的是A 3y-2x=0
3.jj 中第73题,就是关于一个人开车回家,中途停车加油和买零食的,我选的是E,因为觉得题目没有给出加油和买零食的时间,所以没有办法算后半段路程的平均速度
6. 有两个整数,a-b=27, 求a和b的个位数相差多少。条件一:不太记得了;条件二:好像是a 的个位数小于5, 我选的是B
7. jj 105 题
8. jj
113 题
10. 5个连续偶数的平均值为-4,问这5个数中最小的一个数值为多少,我选的是-8;
有一个什么比率是这样定义的,是里面装的东西的体积比容器的体积。第一个比例S为16个球体,直径为1,容器为一个4×4×1的长方体,第二个比例为16个圆柱体,上下底面的直径为1,高为1, 容器与一个比例中的相同。问c和s谁打,大多少。题目中还给了球体和圆柱体体积的计算公式。可以求出s/c=2/3,我算了C is greater than S by 50% 的选项;
12. jj 195, 我选的是18
X^3Y^2Z > 0 ?  (1) xyz<0 (2) x^2y > 0,我选的是C;

第一段主要讲了目前technology全球化。段落中有4个列举,该处出了个except题,我选的是关于political alliance between government的选项,因为文中没有提到过政治;
第二段主要讲目前还有一种观点,是要保护本国的core technology,因为参与国际合作可能导致国家的重要技术泄露,影响的国家的竞争力。但文章的总体态度是认为这种观点局限了科技的发展,已经不适应目前的局势。因为目前的R&D需要投入大量的资金,需要通过global的market才能满足资金需求。此处出了一个Infer题,就是问从文中可是目前的investment in technology有哪种情况,我选了需要通过全球化的市场
题目还有一道是问文章对第二段中的那种保护国有技术的观点的态度,我选的是××和outdated, 第一个单词不认识。
第四篇是关于predatory pricing的,大意是说。
第一段说这种strategy是 通过低价销售来排挤竞争者,但是说这个strategy 给predator带来的成本比给victim带来的成本高。这个策略要成功,需要predator要有一个足够大的市场份额、可以以低于成本的价格销售商品、有足够的生产能力接手被排挤的竞争者留下的市场需求。
第二段 继续说predator 还可能需要deep pocket, 大意是说还要有资金维持,有两种方式,一种是靠减少对其他产品市场的投资,一种是靠向外部融资。但是第一种可能会导致公司从其他本来有更大盈利能力的市场撤出,可能带来更大成本。而第二种方式,外部融资者不一定借钱给predator, 而更倾向于借钱给victim。
第三段继续说即使predator company短时间内用低价把竞争者,驱出了市场,达到了monopoly,也不一定会有好结果。因为垄断了定价也不一定能很高,因为一高了又会有新的竞争者进来,所以成功的关键是该市场的贸易壁垒是否足以给竞争者进入造成很大困难。但是如果壁垒很高又产生问题,因为竞争者进入的成本太高了所以他们不会轻易退出。
一个是问实施这个策略的最终目标,我选的是为了取得 market dominace


先放这些狗,回馈CD, 稍后再发经验总结贴,希望对还未考的CDer们有所帮助。

The consumer products exported from a powerful country play a more important role in shaping the world than politicians.

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether the consumer products exportation play a more important role in shaping the world than politicians and diplomats for a nation. On the one hand, some people assert that consumer products exportation is more important because consumer products exportation by a nation can change the industry structures of the world. On the other hand, some people claim that political capability is more important for a nation to shape the world because it influents more broaden areas of the world. Although consumer products exportation do play an important role in shaping the world, political and diplomatic capabilities of a country are more important in influencing the structure of the world.

Admittedly, consumer products exported from a powerful country can helpful in shaping the world. Take the country China as an example, it manufactures and exports various consumer products including apparels, toys, furniture in recent ten years and becomes the largest consumer products export country in the world. The large volume exportation of consumer products at relatively lower price from China makes the consumer products industries in many other countries shrink over the last ten years and many workers in these countries have to change their jobs to other industries. The significant increase of consumer products exportation by China changes the distribution of consumer production industry of the world. From this point of view, consumer products exportation play important role in shaping the industry structures of the world.

However, compared to the political strength and diplomatic capabilities, the influence of consumer products exportation is limited. Firstly, the effects of consumer products exportation of a country on the world rely on the political strength of the country. Still take the country China as the example, that it can utilize its advantage of low labor cost to manufacture large quantities of consumer products is based on one critical condition that it enters to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the year 2001. Because of its accession to the WTO, it can export the low price consumer products to various countries without high tariff. Political powers play very important roles in the progress of China to negotiate with other countries in the WTO to obtain the qualification to the WTO. Secondly, the most powerful organization to shape the world nowadays is the United Nation, which consists of five countries and is also a political organization. The United Nation and its subordinated economic organizations make important decisions over the issues in various aspects including military, politics and economics in the world. And we have an interesting example here to compare the influence of consumer products exportation and politicians of a country that whether exportation of Coco cola from America or the president Obama's visiting plays a more important role in shaping the relationship of America and China, the answer obviously is the visiting of Obama.

To sum up, a country can utilize its natural resources and labor resources to enlarge its production and exportation of consumer products to change the world's industry distribution, but the political powers of a country play more important role to shape the world.

Because the high-profile status and access to resources, celebrities are uniquely qualified to effectively address the social problems.

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether celebrities are uniquely qualified to effectively address the social problems. On the one hand, some people assert that famous people have the ability to solve social problems effectively because they have great influence on the society and get more opportunities to access various resources. On the other hand, some people claim that celebrities are equal with other persons in dealing with social problems as different people have different ways to solve social problems. Although celebrities do have high-profile status and access to resources, this does not mean that only celebrities are qualified to effectively address social problems.

Admittedly, celebrities are more influential than ordinary people. Celebrities usually have many admirers who are willing to follow the actions and to support the views and thoughts of celebrities. Thus celebrities do have great positive effects in dealing with social problems. For instance, if a famous person regularly participate the activities to support the poor children's education, he or she will bring more people to pay attention to the situations of poor children's education and to help these children by donating moneys and books.

However, this does not mean celebrities have the only ability to effectively solve the social problems. Firstly, ordinary people also have the ability to address social problems in different ways. Teachers can teach young children the basic social standards and good virtues such as honesty, bravery and respect to reduce juvenile crimes. Scientist can put efforts to develop new renewable energy to replace conventional fuels to eliminate environment problems. And celebrities usually live in a different spheres from ordinary people, thus some social problems related to the ordinary life may hardly be noticed by them.

Secondly, sometimes celebrities themselves bring about social problems or deter the progress of solving social problems. Celebrities are not good at everything or competent in every area. It's often happened that famous persons make mistakes or hold false viewpoints about social issues. In such situations, celebrities may bring negative influence on the solving of social problems because their admirers and fans may blindly follow their actions and support their points. For example, a famous movie star drove cars at very high speed after drinking a lot of alcohols and hurt many people on the street. The action itself brings about seriously bad outcomes, at the same time, their fans and admirers may blindly mimic the movie star's action, leading to more serious consequences.

To sum up, celebrities can be helpful in dealing with social issues because of their high-profile status and access to resources, but every ordinary people also have the ability to address social problems.

Because the high-profile status and access to resources, celebrities are uniquely qualified to effectively address the social problems.

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether celebrities are uniquely qualified to effectively address the social problems. On the one hand, some people assert that famous people have the ability to solve social problems effectively because they have great influence on the society and get more opportunities to access various resources. On the other hand, some people claim that celebrities are equal with other persons in dealing with social problems as different people have different ways to solve social problems. Although celebrities do have high-profile status and access to resources, this does not mean that only celebrities are qualified to effectively address social problems.

Admittedly, celebrities are more influential than ordinary people. Celebrities usually have many admirers who are willing to follow the actions and to support the views and thoughts of celebrities. Thus celebrities do have great positive effects in dealing with social problems. For instance, if a famous person regularly participate the activities to support the poor children's education, he or she will bring more people to pay attention to the situations of poor children's education and to help these children by donating moneys and books.

However, this does not mean celebrities have the only ability to effectively solve the social problems. Firstly, ordinary people also have the ability to address social problems in different ways. Teachers can teach young children the basic social standards and good virtues such as honesty, bravery and respect to reduce juvenile crimes. Scientist can put efforts to develop new renewable energy to replace conventional fuels to eliminate environment problems. And celebrities usually live in a different spheres from ordinary people, thus some social problems related to the ordinary life may hardly be noticed by them.

Secondly, sometimes celebrities themselves bring about social problems or deter the progress of solving social problems. Celebrities are not good at everything or competent in every area. It's often happened that famous persons make mistakes or hold false viewpoints about social issues. In such situations, celebrities may bring negative influence on the solving of social problems because their admirers and fans may blindly follow their actions and support their points. For example, a famous movie star drove cars at very high speed after drinking a lot of alcohols and hurt many people on the street. The action itself brings about seriously bad outcomes, at the same time, their fans and admirers may blindly mimic the movie star's action, leading to more serious consequences.

To sum up, celebrities can be helpful in dealing with social issues because of their high-profile status and access to resources, but every ordinary people also have the ability to address social problems.

In some coutries, television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or no censorship."

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether the television and radio programs should be censored for offensive language and behavior. On the one hand, some people claim that everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression and no limitations should be put on the programs. On the other hand, some people assert that offensiveness in broadcasts has negative influence on the society and should be eliminated from the public media. Although the freedom of speech and expression should be respected especially in news and history programs, censorship of violent contents in programs can reduce the harmful influence on public.

Admittedly, it is true that everyone shall have the freedom to seek, receive and impart information through any medium in a democratic society and the contents of television and radio programs should not be limited by government. Especially for news and history programs, telling the truth is the most important principle. Censorship for news and history program by government may distort the truth and make the programs lose objectivity and credibility.

However, for other programs such as entertainment shows etc., censorship for violence contents is necessary. Firstly, programs that contain a lot of violent actions may cause instability to the society. People who frequently watch the television shows with fierce behaviors may mimic these actions to give vent to their flames of anger when they are under certain pressures. These behaviors are not just illusory imaginations aired on television, but actions actually happened in reality. Others may be hurt or injured by these behaviors and intense violence may bring about panic and instability to the society. Take the school shooting often happened in US recent years for instance, parents become worried about children's safety and scared to send children to universities in America
. Secondly, television and radio programs with offensive contents may be bad for the educations of teenagers who are usually lack the capability of judgment and are in the age of learning things quickly and easily. Young people usually are not able to distinguish fantasy from reality. For example, rapid recovery of people from offensive attack on TV may give youth a false picture of injuries that have suffered.Some research even indicates that children apply the behaviors they observed on TY to their real-life situations. Thus, censorship of television and radio programs can reduce children's exposure to violence shows, making contribution to the healthy growth and psychological development of youth.

To sum up, it's important to cleave to the facts for the news and history programs, so censorship by government for these programs is unnecessary. But for other entertainment programs, carefully review for violent contents before broadcasting is helpful for the society’s stability and teenager's growing up.

“It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”

Nowadays, increasingly serious environmental problems such as desertification, global warming etc. threaten the existence and development of human beings, making energy conservation of great urgency for the entire human society. International cooperation as well as individual nation's action plays an extremely important role in energy resource protection.

On the one hand, it is essential to involve international leadership and worldwide cooperation in protecting the world's energy resource for sustainable development. Firstly, resources can be shared during the international cooperation. More capitals can be invested in research and development programs on energy conservation and updated technologies to consume energy efficiently can be shared in different locations and areas through transnational collaborations. For instance, research programs that aim to replace conventional fuels with renewable energies like wind power, hydra power and solar energy in industrial production and human's daily life usually require large capital support. During international cooperation, these programs can be financed by the World Bank or several banks in different countries. Secondly, interactions among different nations can establish and unify the standards measuring how efficiently to consume energies. Take European emission standards for example, they are agreed by all the European Union states to limit the exhaust emissions of new vehicles sold. Thus, international laws or agreement regarding to energy consumption can encourage or constraint various nations to utilize energies in a more efficient manner from the long-term interests of the whole human society, rather than to waste energy resources focusing on immediate benefits.

On the other hand, the positive effect of individual nation in energy conservation can not be ignored either. In the first place, the successful implementation of energy saving plans relies on individual nation's specific policies and measures. For a long time, single country as a subject formulates policies independently in various areas like politics, economics and also environmental protection. It usually takes very long time to reach an agreement by different countries for a specific matter. However, it is relatively easy to enact unified rules and regulations in a single country. Hence, it's more efficient for a individual nation to formulate and implement regulations with regard to energy protection. Moreover, it is easier for single country to advertise and educate its nationals the significance of energy saving as different countries have different languages and various cultures. For example, single country can publicize the importance of conserving energy for future generations through national television programs and radio broadcasting or it can input the concept of energy conservation into textbooks for teenagers. So people in various countries can realize the urgency of reduction energy waste and take actual actions in their daily life.

Therefore, to conserve energy resource is a global project that requires both worldwide cooperation and individual nation's effort.

A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether the business leader has more opportunity to influence the course of a nation than government official does. On the on hand, some people claim that business leaders have more opportunities to influence the course of a nation because they are more close to people's lives. On the other hand, some people assert that government official affect the establishment and enforcement of various policies of a nation. Although the business leader do have more influence on business related areas of a nation, the influence of business leader on other aspects of a nation is limited.

Admittedly, the nation's development and people's daily life are closely related to the business development in today's society, thus business leaders' influences on a nation are apparent in commercial areas. For instance, Bill Gates holds the information technology revolution that triggers adjustment of the industry structures and leads to changes in people's lives.

However, the influence of business leaders on the courses of a nation is limited compared with that of government official. Firstly, the courses of a nation include many aspects that include politics, military, diplomacy and so on. Business leaders only can influence business related aspects directly. For example, the military policies of a nation is very important for the national security and highly confidential, business leaders have no authority to access the contents of military policies optionally. Secondly, the mainly objective of a corporation is maximum its profit and business leaders conduct their jobs mainly directing to the objective, thus leading to their limitations of influence on the courses of a nation. If they can affect every aspect of the courses of a nation, their decisions may bring some negative effects on the public. Take environment protection policies as example, if business leaders have more influence on the establishment of the environment protection policies than the government officials do, the business leaders may prefer to less severe policies, which will produce lower cost to the business but sacrifice the interest of the public. Thirdly, during the economic recession, even in economic areas, the business leaders' effects are weak. The public will look to the government officials rather than business leaders to adopt policies to stimulate the economy and solve other problems such as high unemployment rate, high inflation rate.

To sum up, in today's society where the economic development takes a dominant role, business leaders do have many direct influences on the development of a nation especially in the economic areas, but compared with government officials, the influence of business leaders on the society is limited.

A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.

There is much disagreement over the issue of whether the business leader has more opportunity to influence the course of a nation than government official does. On the on hand, some people claim that business leaders have more opportunities to influence the course of a nation because they are more close to people's lives. On the other hand, some people assert that government official affect the establishment and enforcement of various policies of a nation. Although the business leader do have more influence on business related areas of a nation, the influence of business leader on other aspects of a nation is limited.

Admittedly, the nation's development and people's daily life are closely related to the business development in today's society, thus business leaders' influences on a nation are apparent in commercial areas. For instance, Bill Gates holds the information technology revolution that triggers adjustment of the industry structures and leads to changes in people's lives.

However, the influence of business leaders on the courses of a nation is limited compared with that of government official. Firstly, the courses of a nation include many aspects that include politics, military, diplomacy and so on. Business leaders only can influence business related aspects directly. For example, the military policies of a nation is very important for the national security and highly confidential, business leaders have no authority to access the contents of military policies optionally. Secondly, the mainly objective of a corporation is maximum its profit and business leaders conduct their jobs mainly directing to the objective, thus leading to their limitations of influence on the courses of a nation. If they can affect every aspect of the courses of a nation, their decisions may bring some negative effects on the public. Take environment protection policies as example, if business leaders have more influence on the establishment of the environment protection policies than the government officials do, the business leaders may prefer to less severe policies, which will produce lower cost to the business but sacrifice the interest of the public. Thirdly, during the economic recession, even in economic areas, the business leaders' effects are weak. The public will look to the government officials rather than business leaders to adopt policies to stimulate the economy and solve other problems such as high unemployment rate, high inflation rate.

To sum up, in today's society where the economic development takes a dominant role, business leaders do have many direct influences on the development of a nation especially in the economic areas, but compared with government officials, the influence of business leaders on the society is limited.

作者: Yakira    时间: 2012-5-22 23:44
作者: gougouwoai    时间: 2012-5-22 23:47
Q 51, V 44
作者: livia2012    时间: 2012-5-22 23:53
作者: 蓝若痕    时间: 2012-5-22 23:58
作者: 馒头包包    时间: 2012-5-23 00:01
沾喜气啊~~ 楼主牛
作者: 公子小熙    时间: 2012-5-23 00:28
作者: mochichi    时间: 2012-5-23 00:35
lz 大牛~等待心经啊~~睡前借RP哈哈
作者: Doris0801    时间: 2012-5-23 01:24
作者: 泾渭不凡    时间: 2012-5-23 01:36
作者: helenaqa    时间: 2012-5-23 05:45
作者: yelei0607    时间: 2012-5-23 08:32
作者: hanlong    时间: 2012-5-23 10:03
作者: wildmantomba    时间: 2012-5-23 10:28
感谢啊 predatory pricing 这题很有帮助
作者: jiangyibq    时间: 2012-5-23 22:26



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