阅读: 有两篇jj很有用,一个是风景画那篇,强推haowang0116大牛整理的阅读jj(见http://forum.chasedream.com/GMAT_Math/thread-715998-1-1.html),这篇基本上就是那样的。 一段讲数据显示风景画比抽象画更流行,段末提出问题:为什么''landscape painting is more preferable than abstract painting, even though some places do not have such landscape and culture.'' 二段就是对这个问题的一个解释:因为calendar,接着又给否了,说''calendar insufficient去解释这个现象(考虑到有些calendar上还是没有山水画的)'' 三段是另外一个解释:要追溯到更深远的原因,''人们的这种偏好来自于人的instinct。因为ancestor喜欢资源丰富的地方,对于offspring有利。'' 有一题想了半天,第三段支持下列哪个选项:desert的画畅销;抽象画近几年popularity递减...;hikers与有山有水的地方的什么关系(可能是喜欢,生词不认识,但觉得提到hikers挺奇怪的)。我还是选了抽象画近几年popularity递减,blablabla。其他题都挺简单。
还有一篇jj里没有,竟然是prep的!!!没人遇到吗??? 我只是觉得眼熟,回来找才发现,MD不淡定了!!!俩月前做的,考试的时候居然一点文章具体内容都不记得,真是二十岁的人六十岁的脑子。 In the 1980's, astronomer Bohdan Paczynski proposed a way of determining whether the enormous dark halo constituting the outermost part of the Milky Way galaxy is composed of MACHO's (massive compact halo objects), which are astronomical objects too dim to be visible. Paczynski reasoned that if MACHO's make up this halo, a MACHO would occasionally drift in front of a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a bright galaxy near the Milky Way. The gravity of a MACHO that had so drifted, astronomers agree, would cause the star's light rays, which would otherwise diverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the star would temporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing. Because many individual stars are of intrinsically variable brightness, some astronomers have contended that the brightening of intrinsically variable stars can be mistaken for microlensing. However, whereas the different colors of light emitted by an intrinsically variable star are affected differently when the star brightens, all of a star's colors are equally affected by microlensing. Thus, if a MACHO magnifies a star's red light tenfold, it will do the same to the star's blue light and yellow light. Moreover, it is highly unlikely that a star in the Large Magellanic Cloud will undergo microlensing more than once, because the chance that a second MACHO would pass in front of exactly the same star is minuscule. 不过文章还是有差别的!!考试时文章有三段,一共一屏半。加了很多内容。我看第一段的时候以为要考jj里的dark mass,说宇宙大多数都是暗物质,再往下看竟然不是,我就慌了,花了很多时间! microlensing在考试时是第二段,算是重点,说The gravity of a MACHO that had so drifted, astronomers agree, would cause the star's light rays, which would otherwise diverge, to bend together so that, as observed from Earth, the star would temporarily appear to brighten, a process known as microlensing.然后省略了一部分,接着说the only chance for astronomers to see MACHO is...(说了一种情况) 要注意考试时文章的重心和prep文的重心是不同的。第二段以科学家的研究为主线,题也与研究有关。(注意下研究的目的,研究遇到的问题等)
还有jj里妇女权益那篇。这篇结构很清晰。 我在V1的基础上,我看到的是:很多国家的feminist leader在做effort总是考虑demands from men who has little interest in change women's roles.她们运动的方式往往是:以尽自己的作为女人义务为理由,更争取更多资源。 (women不得不屈服于很多 pragmatic stress来要求更多的resource in order to fulfill women's traditional roles)第二段说了一个特例,是unusual且成功的,south african的女人们的努力, 1970怎么怎么样, 1980怎么怎么样, 最后说的是south african的女人最卓越的贡献是在改善women's role的过程中做了strategic change.(与其他的妇女运动有了质的不同,产生了改变。)