标题: ARUMENT 9 求猛拍 [打印本页] 作者: MarshaMa 时间: 2012-5-15 17:38 标题: ARUMENT 9 求猛拍 9 Nature's Way, a chain of stores sellinghealth food and other health-related products, is opening its next franchise inthe town of Plainsville. The store should prove to be very successful: 1Nature's Way franchises tend to be most profitable in areas where residentslead healthy lives, and clearly Plainsville is such an area. 2 Plainsville merchants report that salesof running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. 3 The localhealth club has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobicsclasses are always full. 4 Finally, Plainsville's schoolchildren represent anew generation of potential customers:these schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness-for-life program,which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age. Write a response in which you examine thestated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure toexplain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implicationsare for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
In this argument, the arguer claims that anew franchise of Nature’s way will be successful in the town of Plainsville. Tosupport this claim, the arguer cites the report of local merchants which showsthat sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. Inaddition, the arguer assumes that more members of the local health club as wellas the introduction of fitness-for-life program for schoolchildren imply agreat amount of customers for Nature’s way. This argument is flawed since it isrife with holes and assumptions. In the first place, the author cites the localmerchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are atall-time highs. It is not known, however, whether this report is objective ornot. Moreover, is there any other reasons which could cause the rise of thesales of running shoes and exercise clothing? For example, the upcomingnational sports game encourages people to buy running shoes and exerciseclothings. And we don’t know the exactnumber of the sales of running shoes and exercise clothings. If the sales areonly around one hundred in the past but three hundred this year, it’s true thatthe sales are at all-time high. But the number is still so small to be convincing.Unless the report is fully representative, reliable and valid, it couldn’t beused to effectively back up the authors’ argument. In the second place, the arguer implies thatNature’s way will have large numbers of customers since the local health clubhas more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes arealways full. What if most of those participants are obese persons who wants tolose weight in those clubs? If so, then this evidence is unconvincing that manylocal people like to participate exercise. And the author doesn’t imply the numberand size of training classes which is a quite important factor to take intoconsiderations. For example, if there is only three training classes in totaland each only corporates ten people, even if there are always full, they onlyinclude few people. Moreover, the fact that a certain fitnessprogram is mandatory for Plainesville’s schoolchildren accomplishes nothingtoward bolstering the conclusion that those schoolchildren are potential customersof Nature’s way. There is no concrete connection between children taking partin this program and the necessity to buy the products of Nature’s way. Even ifthere is such correlation, it does not necessarily prove that the former causesthe latter. The author needs to show that the schoolchildren represent a largepercent of the total local population and their need for the products fromNature’s way will not decline as they grow up. To sum up, the author fails to establish astrong link between the high sales of running shoes and exercise clothings ormore members in the local health club or the introduction of the program andthe necessary need for the products in Nature’s way. In order to prove theprediction, the arguer needs to show more evidence, such as conducting a thoroughresearch on how many people are willing to buy the Nature’s way products, ect. 作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2012-5-15 19:08
证据很好, To sum up, the author fails to establish astrong link between the high sales of running shoes and exercise clothings ormore members in the local health club or the introduction of the program andthe necessary need for the products in Nature’s way.
in Nature’s way这个短语用在这里不是很合适。作者: 竹林中人 时间: 2012-5-15 19:35
这篇argu写的很到位,继续努力!作者: MarshaMa 时间: 2012-5-15 19:46
谢谢版主。恩,我再重新修改下最后一段。我觉得我在写这篇arg的shih时候,遇到最大的问题就是如何把assupmtion凸显chu出来,就是那个instruction. 刚刚开始看arg,觉得总是在instruction上犯困。T T