标题: GRE ISSUE 3,求拍!~ [打印本页] 作者: queenie0126 时间: 2012-5-13 16:39 标题: GRE ISSUE 3,求拍!~ 3. Educational institutions have a responsibility todissuade students from pursuing fields of studies in which they are unlikely to succeed.
Surely, many of usmay embrace the idea that we should not encourage children to do what they arenot good at, because it may totally be a waste of time and energy, for whichreason they shall concentrate on what they are likely to succeed instead. Thisopinion might be infallible at the very first hearing; however, as far as I amconcerned, it is really unwise to adapt such a suggestion. There are tworeasons for my disagreement. Firstly, although the kids may not do it well atpresent, we never know whether they will make progress and show some talent in the future. Secondly, it is said that we are all on the journey to our dreams,but dream does not equal success. There are things that will not bring usprofit or fame—or success, in another word, but pleasure and joy are accessiblein them. Newton’s parents must have neverimagined that their seemingly slow-responded son would be a peerless physicistwho laid a foundation for modern mechanics twenty or so years later. When Jane Austenwas scrabbling broken sentences with the help of her parents and sisters as avery young girl, she also did not show and hint of being a great novelist inlater years. There are lucky ones like Mozart who would have shown to be giftedwhen they first get in touch with what they would succeed in from the verystart. But this group is only a minority. Most of us are successful by workinghard dancing hours and hours, running miles and miles, or painting or writingfor days and days. “He or she is not likely to succeed in this field.” Willthis remark be efficient in the future either? I do not think so. We should notjudge in a hurry. And we should not damp the learners in a hurry as well. Pleasegive them more time and more opportunities. Please do not smother a creativeand talent soul with an arbitrary decision. We should not disillusionchildren because “you are not like to succeed here”. Success is not the onlyaim of learning, spiritual satisfaction also matters. According to some social Darwinists,the fittest ones will survive or live the best life in our society. If this istrue, it seems that the educational institutions do have the responsibility todiscourage children not to do what they are unlikely to succeed: learnersshould concentrate on what will bring tangible benefits in order to be the “fittesone”. However, is more money or larger houses or more luxurious cars the only definitionof “success”? Actually, most of the pleasure we have are not brought by thoselikely to be a success things, but by what can give us the sense of joy. Ilearned ballet from the age of four, and realized that I might never be aprofessional dancer due to the lack of talents. But it is true that ballet doesme good: it gives me a better taste of art, better temperature and healthierbody. We shall not be utilitarian all the time. All in all, it is unadvisable to ask learners to get out of a field just because heor she will not likely to be a success. More time and more chances may suggesta better judgment. Or, if we can, educate them with a belief that enjoy whatyou do may be a better choice. 作者: queenie0126 时间: 2012-5-13 16:50
发出来格式为什么总是这么奇怪……><作者: 竹林中人 时间: 2012-5-14 12:08
LZ,建议下次你附上提纲吧,这样更快地抓住你的outline。 这篇文章,指出两点,一个第二段,不宜直接举例开始,Issue需要例子,但例子不是主要的,不是讲故事。 第二点,交流下我的提纲吧,1.学校等教育机构的确有引导学生培养学生兴趣的职责。2.但这种职责是充分尊重学生的独立思考和自主选择的,而不能代替,更不能强迫。3.成功不成功,是如何判断的?任何一个领域,每个人都可能成功,都可能不成功,这因人而异。作者: queenie0126 时间: 2012-5-14 22:18