I am subleasing one bedroom in a 2-bedroom 1-bathroom apartment east to ASU campus (around 1.5 mile) this summer.
Time for sublease: May 01 thru May 31.
Renting fee of the bedroom: $290/month, or $150/half month, all utilities(Internet and electricity, etc.) included. The bedroom is furnished with basic furniture.
Location and transportation: 1920 E. Hayden Ln. Tempe, AZ 85281 (around E. University Dr. & S McClintock Dr). The station of bus (“Mercury") is right in front of the the apartment complex. It takes the bus 12 minutes to the east side of ASU, or 15 minutes to the north side of ASU. Bus frequency: 10-15 minutes
Click here for the Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=zh-CN&geocode=&q=1920+E+Hayden+Ln+Tempe,+AZ+85281-7706&sll=33.421699,-111.906824&sspn=0.016047,0.026822&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1920+E+Hayden+Ln,+Tempe,+Arizona+85281&z=16
Characters: It's a great apartment complex, small but cozy, and with walking distance to Tempe market, bar/restaurant “four peaks”, etc. It has a covered parking area, and is gated in the evening. The apartment is on the second floor. There is a washing machine and dryer in the kitchen.
Photo: https://picasaweb.google.com/sereinnep
If you are interested in it, contact me via sereinnep(在) gmail.com , or 4802750092.