标题: 被bible上一道CR题搞死了,真心求NN们来帮忙 [打印本页] 作者: DUKB24 时间: 2012-4-26 17:33 标题: 被bible上一道CR题搞死了,真心求NN们来帮忙 Anne:Halley's Comet,now in a part of its orbit relatively far from the Sun,recently flared brightly enough to be seen by telescope.No comet has ever been observed to flare so far from the Sun before,so such a flare must be highly unusual.Sue:Nonsense.Usually no one bothers to try to observe comets when they are so far from the Sun.This flare was observed only because an observatory was tracking Halley's Comet very carefully. Sue challenges Anne's reasoning by : A.pointing out that Anne's use of the term"observed" is excessively vague B.drawing attention to an inconsistency between two of Anne's claims C.presenting evidence that directly contradicts Anne's evidence D.offering an alternative explanation for the evidence Anne cites E.undermining some of Anne's evidence while agreeing with her conclusion
BIBLE有句话的解释我真的超级无语,我发现我的逻辑真的是弱爆了,完全不知道在说什么。。。Anne uses causal reasoning to indicate that the cause of the sighting is unusual activity with Halley's comet the flare is unusual推出-----no comet has ever been observed to flare so far from the sun (前者不是结论么?怎么结论推出前提了??我真心无法理解BIBLE高深的语言)求NN一语惊醒我并提供下解题思路,万分感激!!!原题在bible229页...多谢大家了,哎哎哎逻辑真的是弱爆了作者: DUKB24 时间: 2012-4-26 17:54
有木有大牛大神打救下我啊,我纠结了这个问题好几天了啊作者: DUKB24 时间: 2012-4-26 18:12
都没人能解释下我不懂的那句话么真心呼救作者: 韩啸0508 时间: 2012-4-26 23:24
Anne uses causal reasoning to indicate (Anne用了一个因果联系来说明)the cause of the sighting is unusual activity with Halley's comet(在那么远的距离下看到哈雷彗星是件不同寻常的事)。 从未在那么远的距离见过》哈雷这件事很独特, 这就是那个causal reasoning , 说明了哈雷这事很独特作者: DUKB24 时间: 2012-4-26 23:34
不是很明白你的意思我怎么就感觉它是在用结论推前提呢。。。就是用flare unusual 来说这个东东rarely been seen...(BIBLE是这样说的)。。。但是不是应该是反过来么作者: yanghaijian 时间: 2013-10-16 16:35