今天刚巧总结到这个知识点 一起分享一下好啦O(∩_∩)O~
22. (25566-!-item-!-188;#058&002406)
The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets--Mercury, Venus,and Mars--
spins were determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the earlyhistory of the Solar
(A) spins were determined from
(B) spins were determined because of
(C) spins was determined through
(D) spin was determined by(E) spin was determined as a result of
首先说一下这个。。as a result of 作为一个verb modifier 它的意思是前面的动作 is the result of 后面的东西。。那么很明显 在这个句子里面 as a result of doesn't make sense
为什么咩? 因为determined is not the direct consequence of collisions with giant celestial bodies..
we can say "spin is faster as a result of collisions" but not“spin is determined as a result of conllisions”
那么对比两个题———— 这是偶自己横向总结的 希望对LL有帮助咩。。
Q2: PP68.
The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent
years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding woodlands.
A. years as a result of the removal ofB. years as a result of removing
C. years, resulting from the removing of
D. years, which is result of removing
E. years, which is a result of the removal of
这一道 选A。。 误选是C
2】result from只能作为adj词性修饰名词
pollution resulting from the factory is under regulated
3】as a result of加名词没问题 长点也没关系
99. (29845-!-item-!-188;#058&004015)【1+1】
A study of food resources in the North Pacificbetween 1989 and 1996 revealed that creatures of the seabed were sufferingfrom dwindling food supplies, possibly resulting from increasing seasurface temperatures during the same period.
(A) that creatures of the seabed weresuffering from dwindling food supplies, possibly resulting from increasing
(B) thatcreatures of the seabed were suffering because food supplies were dwindling,possibly as a result of an increase in
(C) that creatures of the seabed were sufferingbecause of food supplies, which were dwindling possibly as a result ofincreasing
(D) creatures of the seabed that were sufferingfrom food supplies that were dwindling, possibly resulting from an increase in
(E) creatures of the seabed that were sufferingbecause food supplies were dwindling, which possibly resulted from increasing
这一道选B 误选是A 也是同样的道理
另外 附上ron的解释。。
http://www.manhattangmat.com/forums/post56723.html#p56723"X is determined by Y" means thatY causes X to be the way that it is.
some people think that your personality is determined by your genes."X is determined from Y" means that you can deduce X by looking atinformation Y.
some people think that your personality can be determined from yourhandwriting."X is determined through Y" means that Y is the process used indetermining X.
the effect of most medicinal substances can only be determined throughexperimentation.
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/4/28 20:52:05)
result from后面只能接名词,你是这个意思是吧,result from doing sth?这个不可以,能说下你是在哪看的么,我对这种原则一般不太敢相信。。。只能作为adj.??这个不对吧。
【恩吖。 名词 doing也可以吧我认为 动名词。 我在manhattan看的。。今天做GWD正好总结到了就粘上来了。。呵呵。。是的 只能做adj 因为论坛上那么写的 我觉得应该是绝对错误 我在错题本里截图了 就一起粘给你把。。你可以搜一下啦。。可以搜到的】
我突然觉得,是不是应该说result from后面应该接的是一个已经事实,而这个事实是已经结束的,产生结果了。所以用现在分词就不行,因为现在分词表示了动作的持续性,而不是结果。所以result from一般就接动词的名词形式,或者一个名词,或者动词的过去分词来表示一个已经产生结果的事实。
【no ...我觉得就是一个区别吧 一个是verb modifier即为adv 一个是noun modifier 即为adj】
还有一个问题,你给的那个例子,是prep07上的,也有个疑问,suffering from 后面接现在分词我觉得也完全没问题啊,A 遭受了B,B也可以是一个正在进行中的事件,为什么一定要说是个结果,所以用现在分词不好??
恩 看图吧 偶认为是noun modifier。。。。
抱歉偶没有存地址。。。。你要是想找就从4楼那个连接进去 在右边搜题目你就能搜到啦。。。
-- by 会员 199249712 (2012/4/28 21:56:19)