Dear Colleague, As a valued member of the graduate and business school community, we wanted to provide you with a special preview of an exciting announcement we will make tomorrow: In July 2012, the GRE® revised General Test will include the new ScoreSelectSM option, designed to help test takers approach test day with more confidence so they can do their personal best. This announcement is big news because it builds on the momentum which began in 2011 with the launch of the GRE revised General Test, when test takers worldwide shared their enthusiasm for the new test-taker friendly design. These enhancements help even more people feel good about making a move toward graduate or business school, which leads to more opportunity in their future. With the new ScoreSelect option, GRE test takers now can decide which test scores to send to the institutions they designate. On test day, when viewing their scores at the test center*, test takers can select the:
ScoreSelectMost Recent option — Send their scores from their current test administration (FREE). ScoreSelectAll option — Send their scores from all administrations in the last five years (FREE).
Test takers can decide which option to use for each of their four FREE score reports. After test day, test takers can send Additional Score Reports for a fee and select:
ScoreSelectMost Recent option — Send their scores from their most recent test administration. ScoreSelectAll option — Send their scores from all administrations in the last five years. ScoreSelectAny option — Send their scores from one OR many test administrations in the last five years.
Regardless of which option test takers choose, scores for a test administration must be reported in their entirety.作者: jxytt 时间: 2012-4-24 12:13
是说只能在考试那天才可以么?作者: sam001386 时间: 2012-4-24 13:30
这是神马时候写的东西啊?作者: 天下归心 时间: 2012-4-24 16:34
支持原创,顶作者: yuanqian1988 时间: 2012-4-24 16:43
好像是真的啊,ETS还是要以盈利为首要目标啊,大家可以多考几次,不担心成绩好坏了啊,真是好消息作者: lisicheng123 时间: 2012-4-24 17:31
这个消息够狠啊,我9月三战,哈哈!一定要拿下了!NND,ETS就是大窟窿啊!!!!!1作者: hujie227 时间: 2012-4-26 15:55
一点也不好。。。。学霸狂刷分的话。就逼着别人都要 去刷分了。。作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2012-4-27 07:26
热!!!作者: anluyouming 时间: 2012-4-27 07:52
是只有考试当场才能选吗?过后要送分也能选想要的那场?作者: yytmars 时间: 2012-4-29 11:35
还是有点看不懂诶 选择送分的话是考试当天选 还是怎么样呢?