啊,忘了说了,现在还是大三学生~无工作经验作者: TTK 时间: 2012-4-23 19:43
go to work作者: JKNASH 时间: 2012-4-23 20:03
大三学生...你申请个啥MBA...作者: JonFrank 时间: 2012-4-26 16:50
Well you have some great numbers there sir! So you are off to a good start. Retaking the TOEFL though would be a good idea though. For many top schools, you will need a 109 or so. Now with those numbers you can apply to Top 10 schools and have good hopes for getting in. If you tell us a bit more about your work experience (how many months you have worked, how many promotions you have had, if you lead any people) we can get a better idea of exactly what and where. As you probably know Kellogg is the number 1 ranked marketing school, but really any of the Top 20 programs would be good for you as all of them have good marketing coursework. So you should start looking into all top 20 and think about what appeals to you (in terms of location, coursework, class size, method of teaching, etc.)
- Jon Frank Founder PrecisionEssay作者: Karmalot 时间: 2012-4-27 12:38
最近好几贴UG想申MBA的...LZ先研究一下MBA是干啥的然后去工作几年再说吧...作者: Arche 时间: 2012-4-27 12:46