关于语法的复习经验,推荐看promise的: http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=34&ID=1540 作者: Lorena 时间: 2003-6-25 07:51
谢谢,Zeros 关于逻辑,主要是2年前考着玩的时候,几乎做了当时所有能找到的资料,现在还没到正式复习阶段,想留点题目到8月份做的。不过,你说的很有道理,我从今天开始会每天加10-15题LSAT的CR 语法,7月底之前准备再过1-2遍LZM的书。8月开始以OG/Princeton为主,效仿promise的方法作者: plmnpl 时间: 2003-6-25 21:30
Dear zeros,why i can no longer post new message?????( only can post follow-up message..) why??? you did sth to suspend my right to post new message simply bcs of argument(actually that is not argument , just a excahnge of different opinion,that is all) that nite?please give me a reasonable explanation, i don't think you are that narrow-minded.
feedback when i post new messageis as given below..........
论坛错误信息 产生错误的可能原因:
您是否仔细阅读了帮助文件,可能您还没有登陆或者不具有使用当前功能的权限。( I log in! .. i have no right to post new meeage?)
帖子的主题不应为空。 ( not blank.)作者: Zeros 时间: 2003-6-26 11:14