
标题: 请教三道逻辑题 [打印本页]

作者: 等待花开    时间: 2012-4-14 10:08
标题: 请教三道逻辑题
OG sample里有三道逻辑题不太明白,请教走过路过的各位牛人!在此先谢过指点!
1、Following several years of declining advertising sales, the Greenvile Times(GT) reorganised its advertising sales force. Before reorganization, the sales force was organized geographically, with some sales representatives concentrating on city-center businesses and other concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorganization attempted to increase the sales representatives` knowledge of clients` business by having each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or retailing. After the reorganization, revenue from advertising sales increased.

In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sales can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be most helpful to find out which of the following?

A. What proportion of the total revenue of the GT is generated by advertising sales?
B. Has the circulation of the GT increased substantially in the last two years?
C. Among all the types of industry and retailing that use the GT as an advertising vehicle, which type accounts for the largest proporation of  the newspaper`s advertising sales?
D. Do any clients of the sales representatives of the GT have a standing order with the Times for a fixed amount of advertising per month?
E. Among the advertisers in the GT, are there more types of retail business or more types of industrial business?


A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevity. In the Wistar region of Bellaria, the average age at death is considerably higher than in any other part of the country. Wistar is the only mountainous part of Bellaria. A mountainous terrain makes even such basic activities as walking relatively strenuous; it essentially imposes a physically active lifestyle on people. Clearly, this circumstance explains the long lives of people in Wistar.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. In Bellaria all medical expenses are paid by the government, so that personal income does not affect the quality of
health care a person receives.
B. The Wistar region is one of Bellaria’s least populated regions.
C. Many people who live in the Wistar region have moved there in middle age or upon retirement.
D. The many opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities that Wistar’s mountains offer make it a favorite destination for vacationing Bellarians.
E. Per capita spending on recreational activities is no higher in Wistar than it is in other regions of Bellaria.


3.A year ago, Dietz Foods launched a yearlong advertising campaign for its canned tuna. Last year Dietz sold 12 million cans of tuna compared to the 10 million sold during the previous year, an increase directly attributable to new customers brought in by the campaign. Pro?ts from the additional sales, however, were substantially less than the cost of the advertising campaign. Clearly, therefore, the campaign did nothing to further Dietz’s economic interests.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. Sales of canned tuna account for a relatively small percentage of Dietz Foods’ pro?ts.
B. Most of the people who bought Dietz’s canned tuna for the ?rst time as a result of the campaign were already loyal customers of other Dietz products.
C. A less expensive advertising campaign would have brought in signi?cantly fewer new customers for Dietz’s canned tuna than did the campaign Dietz Foods launched last year.
D. Dietz made money on sales of canned tuna last year.
E.In each of the past ?ve years, there was a steep, industry-wide decline in sales of canned tuna.

这个答案选E而我做的时候选了B.我觉得B可以证明即使一时亏损但ad canpaign 是可以有长远效益的。E的话……总觉得是拐了弯的间接推理呐……

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-4-14 11:25
For No. 2, the scope is "the Wistar region of Bellaria", not Bellaria.
作者: 等待花开    时间: 2012-4-14 12:17
For No. 2, the scope is "the Wistar region of Bellaria", not Bellaria.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2012/4/14 11:25:30)

you mean B does not include other countries except for Bellaria, do you? Then C is the best answer although it is based on an extra consumption. Thank you!
作者: letease    时间: 2012-10-6 23:47
第三题,B选项有一个already,买罐头的顾客已经是公司其他产品的客户了,所以可能与广告无关 ,我想你是看漏了already。
作者: windfog    时间: 2013-3-10 07:07
第三题 C选项是什么意思啊,看不懂
作者: tianzuo    时间: 2014-7-29 22:29
sdcar2010 发表于 2012-4-14 11:25
For No. 2, the scope is "the Wistar region of Bellaria", not Bellaria.

作者: DODOGGMAT    时间: 2016-8-22 16:18

E选项,在整个行业的颓势下D公司的销量增加。如果不打广告,可能这次的销量还没有10million多!虽然这次打了广告没有上次10million挣的多,但很有可能不打广告会比打广告挣的更少!在挣钱越来越少的趋势下能挣的不那么少也算是did sth to futher D's economic interests

附利润计算:previous year:10million的利润
                   last year:(10million的利润+2million的利润-cost)<previous year的利润
作者: 御寒    时间: 2017-1-9 16:01
DODOGGMAT 发表于 2016-8-22 16:18

此题考查weaken,只要 ...

作者: watermeleon    时间: 2018-5-14 21:24
楼主第二题弄明白了吗 我也觉得B选项可以 也觉得C选项不一定非得要从小形成的习惯才叫习惯吧 如果楼主明白了求解答!!
作者: jadexia    时间: 2018-12-21 18:04
DODOGGMAT 发表于 2016-8-22 16:18

此题考查weaken,只要 ...


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