作者: ShirleyWong 时间: 2012-4-22 20:24
不要工作经验的野鸡大学 你去吗作者: Vevey 时间: 2012-4-22 23:31
没工作经验,读出来也不太有竞争力。除非读MBA不是为了找工作,只是为了这个学位。作者: superfans124 时间: 2012-4-23 10:43
工作经验结合在MBA里学到的东西理论结合实际是一方面。另一方面,你没在社会上摸爬滚打过,一般申MBA的都是在自己的职业生涯中遇到瓶颈需要突破或者扭转方向,所以他们对MBA的价值更有深刻的体会。比起蹭蹭蹭“顺理成章”“一步登天”的学生可能会更感激学校对自己的栽培,今后回报母校的几率和慷慨度也会更高,这也是学校的出发点中的其一。作者: JonFrank 时间: 2012-4-24 23:09
Hello there! Very good questions. For most regular MBA programs you DO have to have work experience (usually between 3-5 years is the average). But there are a few programs that are designed for people right after your undergraduate studies. For example you have programs such as the HBS 2+2 program: http://www.hbs.edu/mba/admissions/2+2/, and the Yale Silver Scholars program: http://mba.yale.edu/MBA/admissions/apply/college_seniors.shtml
they are VERY competitive programs, of course
You also have a degree which is called Masters in Management (MiM) which you can get mostly from European Business schools. These programs are designed to be joined right after your studies. The most famous one is the LBS MiM, but many other programs are amazing as well.