面试问题: (1) Introduce yourself (2) What motivated you to continue graduate study after bacholar degree? (3) Why did you choose to join industry after graduation from school? (4) what do you think about the most 3 qualities about a leader? (5) how do you assess yourself in these three qualities? (6) short-term & long-term goal (7) why MBA? (8) why HAAS? (9) contribution to HAAS (10) if admitted to HAAS, what will you do in your spare time? (11) questions: 问了他HAAS对于他工作转型的作用,他对于HAAS印象最深的是什么,为什么放弃纽约来到香港(提前在网上搜索了校友的背景资料)。
整个过程大概30分钟,感觉每个问题都问的很紧凑。作者: shicing 时间: 2012-4-13 12:34
cong, which offer will you take?作者: loverwy 时间: 2012-4-13 12:36