
标题: 请大家提提建议 [打印本页]

作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-24 07:25
标题: 请大家提提建议
Going to apply for 2004 fall.


Toefl: 643
GPA: Amazingly low( around 2.3,ranking top 25%,Kind of like that). Graduated from a top enginering school in China 8 years ago. The grading policy is so strict that nobody,I guess, in my class could possibly have reached 3.1 or 3.2 on GPA.
Age and: About 30, male.
WE: 8 years in IT industry.Used to be the country manager of a small US IT company(fortune 1000).
Extra: Not very much.

Target schools(not decided): HBS, MIT,Kellogg,Chicago or Dartmouth, Virginia,Yale, Austin, Emory.

Am I too old for HBS? I know they like young guys.

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-24 11:58:24编辑过]

作者: 迅捷    时间: 2003-6-24 08:40

作者: 迅捷    时间: 2003-6-24 08:42
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-24 11:22
Thank you.

I can feel HBS is too stretch for me. Maybe just try to see if i am lucky.

Are you in darden?
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-24 12:00

HBS, MIT,Kellogg,Chicago or Dartmouth, Virginia,Yale, Austin, Emory.


作者: 迅捷    时间: 2003-6-24 12:15
作者: mbacn02    时间: 2003-6-24 13:40
Yeap, you need to tell us what is your career goal and then we may have some suggestions. You maybe need some good luck to get into HBS, but for other schools, if your essays are quite touching and convincing, you'll make it.
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-25 00:51

To mbacn02:

我的career goals是:

A.continue my career in IT industry, seek for management positions. OR
B.Management Consultanting, IT or high-tech

问题就在于,写一篇quite touching and convincing的essay是多么的不容易.: (


作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-25 01:06
to 迅捷,

great! I will definitely apply to darden. any tips?


作者: mbacn02    时间: 2003-6-25 03:46
I believe you are at a better position in terms of your industry focus because IT industry is the least industrial group in which companies will be biased for foreign students duriing the recrutings. Those top 10 names and west coast schools will help you out.  However, if you want to target Management consultings, you'd better to focus on top 10. Only a handful consulting firms hire people for their China offices. McKinsey, BCG, Bain, ATKearney.and Monitor. Each class, probably 20-25 people will get in given the base that around 100 mainlanders go to top 10 each year. BTW, i didn't say GPA is not important, instead, I say essay is more important. Anyway, you cannot change your GPA, why not just focus more on essays.
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-25 04:13
to mbacn02,

thank you so much.

Yes. I can never have a chance to change my undergraduate GPA.

Besides those schools I will apply to, any other schools you recommend?
作者: mbacn02    时间: 2003-6-25 07:20
Hey, my personal suggesion is to consider Berkeley, UCLA and USC. And you also can look at US news special ranking for IT, it does give you a good hint who are the best.
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-25 08:07
thank you. It is very kind of you.

Berkeley is a great school. But I've heard that they pay much attention on the UGPA, Is that right? I am afraid my UGPA is too low. As to UCLA, I have many friends who work or study at UCLA. And most of them extremly recommend not to apply to UCLA because there are so many chinese and ABC so that the competion is too.. .  I went to LA serveral times. To be honest, I don't like it. The city is nice, but the people are so agressive and lack of tolerance.

Maybe I should also apply to CMU. But will unlikely apply to Arizona while it has a good ranking on IT. What do you think?

By the way, are you in CA?

作者: westwood    时间: 2003-6-25 12:50
As a matter of face, I think GPA is not that important since you has worked for more thatn 8 Years. Your work experience and essays are much more important than anything else. Buddy, don't worry too much, do what you can do.

作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-26 01:10
thanks all you guys.
作者: mbacn02    时间: 2003-6-26 07:42
While, I am not at CA, but love CA very much. The reason I recommened CA based schools is that you have the great advantage to do off campus job research due to geographic reason. So many small/middle IT firms are there. Also, I think competition is everywhere nowdays, I don't think you face less in other schools, if not more.
作者: zgs    时间: 2003-6-27 15:52
以下是引用k2在2003-6-25 0:51:00的发言:

To mbacn02:

我的career goals是:

A.continue my career in IT industry, seek for management positions. OR
B.Management Consultanting, IT or high-tech

问题就在于,写一篇quite touching and convincing的essay是多么的不容易.: (


可能您不爱听。 觉得您的Career Goal有点费解,不太明白您为什么需要读MBA。

您已经是 Country Manager of a Top 1000 Company (不能说是小公司吧?), 那么MBA可以帮您什么哪?

作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-28 06:02
To zgs,

Thank you for your attention. See below for the reasons I need a mba.

First, according to my personal experience, the country manager at a f1000 company CHINA OFFICE probaby is not such a job that you imagined, especially in the case that they don't  have substantiall business links to china. It is more like a senior sales manager rather than a true GM that you supposed. I am tired of selling products. I would like to sell idea and do management. I don't have any formal business education, then I need an MBA.

Second, in the past two years, I worked in a JV company. It doesn't have a good reputation as my former f1000 does. However it provided me with much more opportunities to manage people. I did pretty well. But I think it would be much easier or possible to get a certain higher level position if I have an MBA.

Third, all my experiences make me realize that I did much better on strategy or GM than on any other fields, such as sales, marketing, and tech( i used to be an engineer). I need an MBA to do MC.

Last, my family is in US now. I need to seek job here. I need a us-made MBA.

Am I answering 'why MBA?' : )

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-13 7:56:04编辑过]

作者: mbacn02    时间: 2003-6-28 11:52
Wow, if you want to work in the states, then never think about MC in the States. There is no one in any school going to major MC firms in the states this year. No exception except you have US working expereince. But it is possbile to go to IT industry, if you are really smart.
作者: k2    时间: 2003-6-28 12:27
Thank you mbacn02.

Yes. The current job market is really frustrated. Hope it would be better 2006.

How to be smart to go to IT industry as you said? : )
作者: zgs    时间: 2003-7-3 15:11
Hi, K2

Your reason is convincing to me. If I were you, I would try to apply for those schools strong at Management rather than strong at Information Technology.

I feel that you may be suitable for product management in the software compamy. You don't write the codes but must have industry expertise, project management and good concepts. Even though the position is not within business consulting, you will find much of your time is put to similiar things.
作者: k2    时间: 2003-7-4 04:42
Thank you. ZGS.

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