
标题: 关于og12 cr78超速吃罚单的题,小弟再次遇到又研究了一下,试着解释解释,求各牛拍砖 [打印本页]

作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-25 04:05
标题: 关于og12 cr78超速吃罚单的题,小弟再次遇到又研究了一下,试着解释解释,求各牛拍砖

A recent report determined that although only 3 percent of drivers on Maryland highways equipment their vehicles with radar detectors, 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them. Clearly, drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who do not.

the conclusion drawn above depends on which of the assumotions?

A Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are less likely to be ticketed for exceeding the speed limit than are drivers who do not.
B Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are likely to exceed the speed limit reguarly than are drivers who are not ticketed.
C The number of vehicles that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit was greater than the number of vehicles that were equipped with radar detectors.
D Many of the vehicels that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit wre located more than once in the time period covered by the report.
E Drivers on Maryland highways exceeded the speed limit more often than diDd drivers on other state highways not covered in the report

题目结论是:装r 的比没有装r 的 regulary 更可能超速。

就是用 (‘装r的超速车’ 占 ‘装r的总车数’的比例) 与 (‘没装r的超速车’ 占 ‘没装r的总车数’的比例) 来比较,就是用  
                  (33%*超速车)/ (3%*总车)  与  (66%*超速车)/ (97%*总车)   来比较
显然,前者大于后者,所以就会得到 “装r 的比没有装r 的更可能超速的结论。

那么接下来就会发现题目的结论和上面的比较是有gap的,而这个gap 就是regularly!就是说上面的比较是基于一次调查得到的数据(题目一开始说”A recent report determined that.." ),那么要得到结论中的regularly,就要考虑调查以外的情况,来排除这次调查的个别性。

在看题目之前,根据上面的分析,我们先来解释一个题目中将会出现新概念,就是 “被ticket的车”, 它在这里所指的就是针对这次调查来说的,也就是 “被ticket的车”是指在调查中的超速车,而之前我们一直讨论的超速车,就是在regularly 情况下所说的超速车。

A 装r车的比没r的车更不可能被ticket------------用og的解释 “这个说法很可能是对的,但是它与要推论道regularly的结论 无关(not relevant)"
B 被ticket的车比没被ticket的车regularly更可能超速-------------发现没有,这里就正好确保了当跳出调查以后,在regularly时这个调查依然具有可信度。而这个调查在regularly时是否有可信度就是这题的assumption。
D 在调查中,大部分被ticket的车都是被ticket了多于1次的----------------依然用og,“这个也许可以支持结论,但是并不necessary,因为它只是针对单次的调查来说事,并不是一个general的情况。”

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-25 04:20
You analysis missed the difference between being ticketed and exceeding speed limit.  And your analysis, especially the equation you presented, hinges on the ASUMPTION that the speeding ticket reflects the speeding action.  And this assumption is B).  Therefore, your analysis is a circular reasoning.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-25 05:01
You analysis missed the difference between being ticketed and exceeding speed limit.  And your analysis, especially the equation you presented, hinges on the ASUMPTION that the speeding ticket reflects the speeding action.  And this assumption is B).  Therefore, your analysis is a circular reasoning.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2012/3/25 4:20:08)


2在一个一段时间的调查中,不遗漏地讲每一辆超速车都ticket也是可能的,而且根据og对各选项的解释,我们会发现,他关注的只是regularly的问题,也就像我分析那样,用公式得出一个针对调查的结论,而需要的是一个普遍的结论。而这里面 被ticket是针对调查中来说,超度是针对普遍来说。


感谢sdcar大牛的关注啊,还请再看一眼题目与我的分析,并对比og的解释。  也还请继续对我提出批判啊!
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-25 12:07
-- 最后一行不知道为什么变小了。 感谢sdcar2010大牛的关注,还请再想一想我提出的看法,因为和之前大家讨论的有些出入,并且我觉得按我这样理解更符合og对这题的解释,而且个人也觉得没有大的漏洞。

2、是评判谁更容易超速上。我认为直接用3% 和 30%的差别来感觉是没有道理的,比较谁更容易超速,要用“自己范围内的超速车”占“这个范围里的总车数”的比例 来比较,就是最初的公式。  
(x*超速车)/(3%*总车)  与 【(1-x)*超速车】/(97%*总车)  比较-------------x是超速车中安装了radar的比例

当 超速车=被ticket车 时,x=33%. 如果他们不等,x就是未知的。就算加入了B选项的assumption也不是充分的可以得出谁更可能超速的结论(这里都还没涉及regularly的情况),虽然有了B以后前者是可能大于后者的,但是没有B 也有可能(具体可以带入一个数值看一下)。

我的这个看法,只是在评判谁更可能超车上有点绕,但是一旦确定了,其实“被ticket车”和“超速车”一致时,那么这道题就变成:   一个特殊的结论,需要一个assumption,然后的出一个普遍的结论。

作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-25 12:16

B) is not a sufficient assumption, but a necessary assumption. That's the key.

当 超速车=被ticket车 时

This is wrong on two counts:
1) Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed.
2) The passage does not claim that either all the speeding cars are ticketed or the same fixed percentage of speeding cars are ticketed among both normal cars and car equiped with radar.

If something does not show up as a premise, you cannot take for granted that it is the case the author assumes.  As test takers, we are asked to FIND assumptions, not to put assumptions into the author's mouth/mind.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-25 12:37
关于1,题目也并没有明确说呀 Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed呀,这不算是 put assumption in author‘s mouth吗?
题目只是用了1、vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit和 2、more likely to exceed the speed
就像我在2L说的,这里的区别只是 “在一个调查中,我们为了强调数量,说这段时间有多少多少辆车吃了罚单,而在说一个普遍的结论的时候,我们说某某车更容易超速。”
我并没有加入自己的assumption,这里完全可能说的all speeding cars are ticketed。而你认为的 Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed也是自己感觉出来的。

而且,如我在3L说的,如果认为Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed,用题目中的条件,加上任何一个选项,就连“ 装r的车比没装的更可能超速” 这个结论,更别提把它延伸到regularly的情况
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-25 20:47

What LZ said above IS unsubstatiated assumption!

This passage is not about a group of policemen sitting at an intersection for three straight days and catching ALL the speeding cars and issuing a ticket for everyone of them . . .

This passage simply picks two somewhat related numbers from records and makes a conclusion.

If you agree that 题目只是用了1、vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit和 2、more likely to exceed the speed
Then, you were wrong to say 就是用 (‘装r的超速车’ 占 ‘装r的总车数’的比例) 与 (‘没装r的超速车’ 占 ‘没装r的总车数’的比例) 来比较,就是用(33%*超速车)/ (3%*总车) 与 (66%*超速车)/ (97%*总车) 来比较
Because you added several assumptions, including B) to reach the above equation, and then you use your equation to conclude that the assumption B) is correct.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-25 22:55
我的那个所谓的算式是来比较以得出 “谁更可能超速”这样一个结论。的确,如果要把33% 和 66%用上去就已经承认被ticket 和超速是一致的。

但是,而我这里最想关注的一个问题就是,如果按你的想法,仅仅根据题目条件和 B) ,请你告诉我是怎么可以的出“装r的车比没装r的车更可能超速” 这个结论,我们且把regularly放一边??

(x*超速车)/(3%*总车)  与 【(1-x)*超速车】/(97%*总车)  比较-------------x是超速车中安装了radar的比例

而我的意思就是,题目条件 再加上 B) 给你,也是比较不了上面的大小的。。
因为结论其实包含了 “装r的比没装的更可能超速”和“regularly”两部分的,对吧?你连第一个都得不出来,就更不用去关注regularly了

所以,我为什么认为出题人这里的意思本身就是把 被ticket车 和 超速车 同等看待,就是因为当只有这样时候,才可能有前一部分的成立,然后答案是要我们选一个可以同时保证后一部分(即regularly)成立的选项。
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-25 23:26
Necessary is different from sufficent.

LZ, you need to understand the difference between the two.

For the difference between sufficient assumption and necessargy assumption, here is an analogy:

Suppose you have city A and city B, separated by a river H.  If there are multiple bridges over the river H, each bridge is sufficient but not necessary to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over river H is working.

If there is only one bridge over the river H, then that bridge is both sufficient and necessary to connect city A with city B.

If there there are two rivers C and D separate the cities A and B, and there is one bridge over C and many bridges over D, then the bridge over C is necessary (but not sufficient) to connect city A and B, while all the individual bridge over D is neither necessary nor sufficient to connect city A with city B. What is necessary is that at least one bridge over D is working!
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 00:02
sdcar2010 大牛,你的观点我在其他帖子里已经了解了,我也明白你在试图跟我说的问题。但是,我觉得在你的分析有一些问题,所以我也想请你抛开你之前的固有观点,看一看我所想表达的东西。可能之前我翻来覆去说了好多,有些杂了,我下面整理说一下我的重点:

首先,我把题目结论分为两部分来看待(1)装r的车比不装r的更可能超速    (2)在(1)中的情况是regularly的

我认为如果要有(1)这样的结论,一定 是比较  (x*超速车)/(3%*总车)  与 【(1-x)*超速车】/(97%*总车)  才能得到的------------x是超速车中安装了radar的比例

那么也就可以认为出题人的本意就没有把上述两种车分开,正如我说的,题目没有明确说明 Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed,我并没有自己附加一个条件来说两者是一致的,而是出题人本来就没有把他们分开,是我们延伸思考以后认为 Only a fraction of speeding cars are ticketed。

2、 如果姑且让我承认这两种车一致,根据题干中的条件我们就可以就可以比较两个比例,从而得出结论的(1)这个部分,而得不到(2)regularly这个情况。那么,现在的情况就是“我们有一特殊的结论,需要把它推广到普遍的结论”。
我想请sdcar2010 姑且承认这个情况,重新去看一下每一个选项,以及og对每一个选项的解释,你就会很清晰发现,og想说的其实就是这个意思。非常清晰。

所以,我在这里认为,出题人的本意就是 “被ticket车”和“超速车”是一致的。还请想请sdcar2010给出对应的反驳,特别是第1点。
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-26 01:06
我认为如果要有(1)这样的结论,一定 是比较  (x*超速车)/(3%*总车)  与 【(1-x)*超速车】/(97%*总车)  才能得到的------------x是超速车中安装了radar的比例

Wrong. You still do not understand the difference between sufficient assumption and necessary assumption.

There are many roads to Rome.  Some of them are the ONLY road (necessary). But using these roads ALONE cannot be sufficient for one to get to Rome.  Nonetheless, these necessary roads are INDISPENSABLE.

Akin to the above analogy, a necessary assumption for the passage is indispensable for the conclusion to be drawn, but may not be sufficient when used alone to reach the final conclusion.

Once you understand the above explanation, you will understand why what you presented was wrong.

A rule of thumb: For a necessary assumption, the language is not strict, but broad and general, to cover many possible alternatives.
For a sufficient assumption, the language is strict and narrow, to narrow down to a single enabling scenario.

According to the passage, the numbers of 3% and 33% are just two numbers. The passage does not say both was obtained from the same "study."  In fact the words like study or poll or the like are not mentioned in the passage!  Like I said, both numbers are not from a STUDY with ALL the cars during a specific checkout period.  If in doubt, ask a Chinese policeman for details.

Your equation is specific, requires A LOT of assumptions, thus, it may be sufficient, but not necessary.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 01:43
According to the passage, the numbers of 3% and 33% are just two numbers. The passage does not say both was obtained from the same "study."  In fact the words like study or poll or the like are not mentioned in the passage!  Like I said, both numbers are not from a STUDY with ALL the cars during a specific checkout period.  If in doubt, ask a Chinese policeman for details.
那么我不能理解的是,我们要如何从题目和B)中推出“有r的车比没r的车更可能超速” 这个结论,如果我们把regularly先抛开的话?

Your equation is specific, requires A LOT of assumptions, thus, it may be sufficient, but not necessary.
我的理解是,这个equation确实不是necessary,但是就题目的条件来看,这是我唯一可以推想的方向了,还是回到那个问题,我不知道要如何用题目条件+B)选项得出“有r的车比没r的车更可能超速” 这个说法?
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-26 02:05
Necessary assumption. Use negation.

If you negate (B), you have:
Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.

If that is the case, then for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. This is in contrary to the conclusion of the stimulus -- Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors ARE more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are driver who do not. So if you negate (B), the stimulus falls apart. Thus, (B) is the correct answer since it is necessary for the conclusion to be drawn.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 02:36
1、Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. ------>for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.
Why? how did you bring the factor 'radar' inside this discuss?

2、So if you negate (B), the stimulus falls apart.
你这里的stimulus falls apart 具体指什么?是stimulus和conclusion falls apart吗?stimulus从来就没有和conclusion有过完整的逻辑联系呀。我想知道在你的整个推理过程中,是怎么运用题目although only 3 percent of drivers on Maryland highways equipment their vehicles with radar detectors, 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them,这个条件的
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-26 03:07
1) In the stimulus: 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them. Therefore, 33% of those ticketed do have radar.
Since you like math, here comes the math:  A = A1 + A2.  If A is NOT more likely than B to do something and A comprises A1; then A1 is DEFINITELY not more likely than B to do something!  That's called proper deduction.

2) stimulus = passage.

As to how to use the two cited numbers and reach the original conclusion in the passage (stimulus), that is not my concern because that is asking for an enabling condition to satisfy whatever has been said in the passage.  My job is to find a NECESSARY assumption that must-be-true for the passsage (stimulus) to hold.

Nonetheless, the surposed logic which is used in the passage (stimulus) is that the 33% number is a true reflection of those drivers who are speeding on a regular basis.  In other words, those who were issued a speeding ticket were not due to bad luck but due to their normal behavior. Choice B) is necessary for the above logic to hold.
作者: yiayia    时间: 2012-3-26 06:36

撇开regularly, if drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters are not more likely to exceed the speed limit  than are drivers who do not, then it should not be  that33% percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them.
A=it should be 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them.
B=drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters are more likely to exceed the speed limit  than are drivers who do not.
如果if not B, then not A 成立
那么if  A,then B 成立。

事实上,装雷达探测器的超速驾驶人能更好地规避被ticket的风险,因为他们能发现雷达!所有实际 装雷达测速器超速的人超速的可能性比数据表现的更高。
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 14:42
sdcar2010,谢谢你的解释,同意。然后我又有没想通的地方的,再次请教,在你13楼的推理中: for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. This is in contrary to the conclusion of the stimulus -- Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors ARE more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are driver who do not.

我觉得前半部分的结论是没有一定contrary to 后面这部分的。因为在这里, drivers who are not ticketed 里面,有的装了radar、有的没装,那么我们依然没有充足的理由来比较装radar和没装radar 谁更可能超速,也就是说这里可能contrary to 也可能没有。

作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 14:58
撇开regularly, if drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters are not more likely to exceed the speed limit  than are drivers who do not, then it should not be  that33% percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them.

你这里就说不通呀。  1、首先结论中是,被ticket同时装雷达的,占被ticket车的33%,你这里就没有考虑到  被ticket车 和 超速车 的区别了。
2、再者,如果我们忽略区别,或者被 ticket的车 有代表性,根据你说的 “(换句话说,就是装雷达对是否超速无影响或者甚至会降低超速)”,那么在被ticket车里面,装雷达的只用等于或小于50%就可以了
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-26 20:35
If A=A1 + A2, B = B1 + B2; and A is not more likely to do somethi1ng than B; Then A1 is not more likely to do something than B2.  Same logic!
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 21:04
for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. This is in contrary to the conclusion of the stimulus -- Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors ARE more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are driver who do not.

麻烦在上述这个推理之中对应一下A1,A2,B1,B2各自所指啊。。我对不上啊~~~If A=A1 + A2, B = B1 + B2; and A is not more likely to do somethi1ng than B; Then A1 is not more likely to do something than B2.
按照这个推论,A是指(装radar+被ticket),B是指 (没被ticket的所有) ,A1指(装radar所有),B2指(没有radar所有)
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2012-3-26 21:08
A = ticketed.  B = not ticketed.  1 = with radar.  2 = w/o radar.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 21:17
for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. This is in contrary to the conclusion of the stimulus -- Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors ARE more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are driver who do not.
If A=A1 + A2, B = B1 + B2; and A is not more likely to do somethi1ng than B; Then A1 is not more likely to do something than B2.
(A = ticketed.  B = not ticketed.  1 = with radar.  2 = w/o radar.)

那么也就是,A1指ticketed 里面with radar的车,B2指not ticketed里面without radar的车
结论中比较的是1和2,并不是A1和B2 啊??
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 21:23
for those drivers who have radar detectors and who got a speeding ticket, they are NOT more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed. This is in contrary to the conclusion of the stimulus -- Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors ARE more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are driver who do not.

而且你的上述推论里面说的的是 A1 is NOT more likely to do somthing than B; then 1  is not more likely to do something than 2.
并能用If A=A1 + A2, B = B1 + B2; and A is not more likely to do somethi1ng than B; Then A1 is not more likely to do something than B2.来解释呀
作者: yiayia    时间: 2012-3-26 22:04

1.If drivers on Maryland highways equipment their vehicles with radar detectors are as likely as exceeding the speed than are drivers who do not, then the proportion all vehicles(both with andnot with radar detectors) ticketed for exceeding the speed limit should be the same,namely, the proportion of vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit and with radar detectors among all the vehicles equals to the proportion 3% of  drivers on Maryland highways equipment their vehicles with radar detectors among the all drivers on Maryland.
Unstated Assumption: a.whether equip with their vehicles with radar detectors will not influence the possibility of being ticketed.
b. One people drive a car.

However,the experience tells us that drivers use radar detectors to avoid being caught by the radar, and then avoid being ticketed. So let's make the argument more precise, the proportion of vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit and with radar detectors among all the vehicles should be lower than 3%.  But the data shows that 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them, far exceeding the number we estimate. Thus,  we can conclude that drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters are more likely to exceed the speed limit than are drivers who do not. The possibility of being ticketed for drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detecters is lower than the possibility of being ticketed for drivers who equip their vehicles without radar detecters. But the possibility of  exceeding the limit for  drivers who equip their vehicles are higher than than the possibility of exceeding the speed for drivers who equip their vehicles without radar detecters. Here is the logistic sequence.
作者: pirate舟    时间: 2012-3-26 22:34

作者: undefeatedxk    时间: 2012-7-9 19:08
还是同意LZ的 不论解释多么合理如果不符合OG的解释的话都没用,要不也不用刷OG了。解释里面说的就是gap在于particular example to generalization,就像实验数据和实际情况一下。
作者: sami244    时间: 2012-7-26 17:56


作者: shunshun2008    时间: 2012-7-28 20:27
作者: eb1forever    时间: 2012-7-30 23:53
作者: chelsea1211    时间: 2014-12-12 16:43
3% of all equipped with detectors
33% of vehicles caught speeding equipped with detectors
Conclusion: drivers who use detectors are more likely to speed regularly than those who don't

Author has made a leap between speeding only occasionally and getting (unluckily) caught vs. speeding regularly - but the rest of the argument does not actually mention anything about the frequency of speeding of various groups. It may be obvious that the more often you speed, the more chances you have to get caught - but the argument does not spell this out.

Choice A does not address author's conclusion - he's contending that drivers who choose to use detectors do so because they plan to speed regularly. This choice says that whether someone has a detector has a bearing on whether s/he gets caught - which may be true in the real world, but it does not answer this question.

Choice B addresses this leap that the author makes about the frequency of speeding. If drivers who are ticketed are likely to exceed the speed limit regularly, then the 33% of vehicles caught speeding with detectors will fall into this category of people who are more likely to speed regularly. Remember, again, that it may be obvious that the more often you speed, the more likely you are to get caught - but the argument doesn't literally spell it out, and that's the point. The author is just assuming this point is true without spelling it out.

D is incorrect because its content is irrelevant to the content of the passage.

the passage talks in terms of percentages of the number of VEHICLES ticketed - not percentages of the total number of tickets. therefore, even if certain vehicles were ticketed multiple times, nothing in the argument would change (because one vehicle still counts as one vehicle, even if it is pulled over multiple times).

also note that you're looking for an ASSUMPTION that is REQUIRED by the passage. if you pick an answer like d - which is clearly not REQUIRED by the argument, even if you don't immediately see why it's irrelevant - that probably means you aren't reading the question prompt correctly.
RON--the existing problem with the passage is that it conflates "people who are ticketed for speeding" with "people who speed regularly".
since these two things are, in fact, not the same, we need an assumption that the group of people ticketed for speeding actually represents people who speed more often.
basically, this argument is treating X (= people ticketed for speeding) as if it were the same as Y (= people who actually speed all the time).
this X and Y are not necessarily connected, so you need an assumption that connects them. the correct answer does this job.
you would need the same type of assumption if, e.g., the premises of the argument talked about "people convicted of crime X" but the conclusion talked about "people who have committed crime X".
if this were a strengthening/weakening problem, then choice (a) would be a strengthener; if people driving with radar detectors were actually less likely to be caught and ticketed, then the 33%/3% discrepancy described in the passage would actually take on even more significance.
an assumption is a statement that is REQUIRED in order for the argument to work. (if you have a statement that considerably strengthens the argument, but isn't actually REQUIRED, then it's not an assumption. period.)
this assumption treats the population of drivers who are ticketed for speeding as a reliable representation of the general population of speeders. although this may seem "obvious" to you, it is still a required assumption!

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