
标题: 一篇2月份鸡精ISSUE求老师大神指导 [打印本页]

作者: buerkuson    时间: 2012-3-22 19:58
标题: 一篇2月份鸡精ISSUE求老师大神指导
The general welfare of a nation's people isa better indication of that nation's greatness than are the achievements of itsrulers, artists, or scientists.

I greatly agreewith the idea that the general welfare of a nation’s people is a betterindication of a country than are the achievements of its rulers, artists, orscientists. Especially, the happiness the citizens can grasp is the mostimportant for a either developing or developed country.
Obviously, theconditions where a nation’s people live are a major problem for every country. Someof them are enjoy the bliss the government or other institutes offered, butothers are not. As a cruel phenomenon, a majority of people around the worldcan’t appreciate their conditions. A part of them are even suffering theirlives. Meanwhile, most of the victims are in a country which is facing manyproblems on its developing way. On the contrary, most developed counties canoffer a great welfare for their citizens. Also, this indicates the greatness ofa nation.
Some otherthings should be admitted are that not all the nations can provide a peacefullife for their citizens. Some middle-east countries have powerful governmentsand rulers, but the fact is quantities of people are living in a battlefieldthat can’t provide a quiet condition for them to keep on living. Some artistsor scientists have extraordinary achievements during their lifetime, but a lotof them change their nations they were belonging to into another peacefulcountry such as Einstein. He can’t bear the unrest surrounding him. So this maytell us that a peaceful country and a good welfare are really important to anation’s development.
Nevertheless,the achievements of the rulers, artists, or scientists may play a crucial rolein the society. There’s no country can step in the prosperity without thecontributions they made. For example, the US is the best developed in theworld. No one can negate the achievements the artists and scientists have madefor their own country. In addition, the campaign of the president of America isalso focused on by all people around the world. This may reveal the importanceof the achievements the rulers make for the nation. However, without thestability of the society can’t the rulers make progress on the development ofthe nation.
In summary, thegeneral welfare is a better indication of a nation’s greatness. Although many achievementsthe rulers, artists and scientists made make contributions to the boom of acountry indeed, the peaceful life citizens live and the bliss citizens graspare the basis for a nation’s prosperity. Thus, to make the people enjoy thelife is the first thing to do for the government to consider about.

作者: 普渡哥    时间: 2012-3-23 10:24
Someof them are enjoy the bliss the government or other institutes offered,

作者: 竹林中人    时间: 2012-3-23 12:26
作者: 竹林中人    时间: 2012-3-23 12:27
作者: buerkuson    时间: 2012-3-23 17:32
作者: buerkuson    时间: 2012-3-23 17:33
-- by 会员 竹林中人 (2012/3/23 12:27:04)

作者: buerkuson    时间: 2012-3-23 17:34
-- by 会员 竹林中人 (2012/3/23 12:26:35)


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