AA SmartPro Software那篇 AI “Since science and technology are becoming more aid more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science; and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities. ”
数学 JJ已经很全了
但有一道题,我不知道JJ有没有出现过,因为我只看到JJ的第300题…… 题目是这样的 a and x are both real numbers. -a<X<a² , is X positive ? 条件1:a²-a>0 条件2:a²+a<0 (条件1算出来a>1 or a<0,不充分,条件2算出来-1<a<0,但这样的话,就会变成-a>a²了,那X就不存在了,楼主就不知道这种情况到底是充分还是不充分……题目楼主肯定没有记错,但就不知道中间到底是哪个想法出错了……)
语法 一道GWD原题 Researchersare using computer images to help surgeons plan difficult operations and todevelop programs that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way thatflight simulators do for pilots, letting medical personnel practice theirtechniques and test their reflexes before they ever see a patient. A. plan difficult operations and to developprograms that will work for doctors and nurses in the same way that flightsimulators do B. plan difficult operations and developprograms to work for doctors and nurses the same way as with flight simulators C. to plan difficult operations and to developprograms that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators D. plan difficult operations and in developingprograms to work for doctors and nurses the same way as flight simulators E. to plan difficult operations and developingprograms that will work for doctors and nurses like flight simulators do (选A)
逻辑 1. 一道GWD原题 The city of Workney, in raising bus fares from $1.00 to $1.25, proposed that 18 fare tokens be sold for $20.00 to alleviate the extra burden of the fare increase on the city’s low-income residents. Critics suggested alternatively that 9 fare tokens be sold for $10.00, because a $20.00 outlay would be prohibitive for low-income riders. The alternative proposal depends on which of the following assumptions? A. Low-income residents of Workney will continue to ride the buses in the same numbers despite the fare increase. B. Low-income riders would be more likely to take advantage of the savings afforded by the 9-token offer than would other riders. C. The outlay of $10.00 for the purchase of 9 fare tokens would not be prohibitive for low-income bus riders. D. The proposed fare increase is needed for the purchase of new buses for the city’s bus system. E. Buses provide the only means of public transportation in the city of Workney. (选C)