Unprecedented industrial growth in the country of Remo has created serious environmental problems because factories there lack adequate pollution-control systems. Remo is developing a clean growth plan that includes environmental regulations that will require the installation of such systems. Since no companies in Remo currently produce pollution-control systems, the plan, if implemented, will create significant opportunities for foreign exporters to market pollution-control systems.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. The clean growth plan will provide tax incentives for local businesses to develop and manufacture pollution-control devices.
B. Foreign exporters would provide factory-trained technicians to maintain the pollution-control systems sold to Remo.
C. Industrial lobbyists sponsored by local businesses in Remo are trying to prevent the implementation of the government regulations.
D. The regulations that Remo plans to implement are much less strict than those in neighboring nations.
Pollution in Remo has caused serious health problems for workers, contributing to a significant increase in the number of workdays lost to illness
Hi,哥们:The regulations that Remo plans to implement are much less strict than those in neighboring nations. 好象应该是更适用,因为人家是按照更严格标准搞的。
有一点我非常赞同你的观点,如“原文的结论是建立在 if implemented上,如果还没有 implemented,则不是该结论所要说的”。但是税收促使当地企业去生产这种系统,就可以削弱create significant opportunities for foreign exporters 吗????
D 错在说的是neighbouboring nations 了 文章说的是EXPORTOR COUNTRIES , 不能说他两个东西相等!D 是无关了!
BTW : LAWYER 又把C 的无关性说的那么清楚~
2。关于A。本地企业有税收优惠。不久和外国企业抢市场,对外国企业还能使SIGNIFICANT 机会吗。
A is right!
B strengthen
C D E are irrelevant to the question
有没有考虑过这种思路,正因为要求不严,市场才没那么大。中国保护知识产权叫得很响,但是实施不严,Windows的市场才没那么大啊,Bill Gates才满腹牢骚啊
Since no companies in Remo currently produce pollution-control systems, the plan, if implemented, will create significant opportunities for foreign exporters to market pollution-control systems.
有一点我非常赞同你的观点,如“原文的结论是建立在 if implemented上,如果还没有 implemented,则不是该结论所要说的”。但是税收促使当地企业去生产这种系统,就可以削弱create significant opportunities for foreign exporters 吗????
汗。。。ets真是刁钻。。。。原文的结论是建立在 if implemented上 这点我没考虑没注意。。。。
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