问题是 哪个statement可以证明 ‘绑安全带可以减少车祸受伤’论据正确。
意在对比 绑安全带 和 不绑安全带 在出车祸受伤时的区别
原题说 80%出车祸受伤的人是因为没有绑安全带造成的
那第一个选项说多于20%的受伤的人在出车祸时绑安全带 意思就是说在所有出车祸受伤的人里面大多数人是没有绑安全带的 少数人是绑安全带的。 所以证明了 绑安全带可以减少车祸受伤。
-- by 会员 luogengchi (2012/3/11 11:21:25)
You need to pay attention to details. "all auto accident victims" vs. "severely injured drivers and front-seat passengers." The premise is that "80% of the severely injured drivers and front-seat passengers" were not wearing set belts. The conclusion is that "by wearing seat belts, drivers and front-seat passengers can greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured if they are in an auto accident."
What about those who were not injuried in an accident? How many of them wearing seat belts? If none of them wore seat belts, then the conclusion is wrong.
A is a necessary assumption.
-- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2012/3/11 13:01:07)