Example 1: Verbal Review 2
nd. Q #103
Although they are less obvious,
termites doessignificantly more damage to homes than branches from trees.termites does significantly more damage to homes than
termites do the most damage to significant homes than do
the termite does significantly more damage to homes as do
termites do significantly more damage to homes than
termites do significantly more damage to homes than do
D would be grammatically correct were it not for the firstclause. D appears to compare homes to branches, which is fine in isolation.However, the opening clause indicates that termites are less obvious thansomething, which means the intent of the sentence MUST be to draw termites intoa comparison. This is why the change in meaning that D accomplishes isunacceptable..
here's the full deal with this.
* if you have
just a noun - WITHOUT modifiers - in the second half ofyour parallel structure, then
you can place the helping verb("do", in this case)
EITHER before OR after that noun.
i know more about shakespeare than my brother does.--> correct
i know more about shakespeare than does my brother.--> correct
in this case, the first one (helping verb AFTER the noun) is usually preferred,because it flows more naturally, but either is correct.
* if you have
a noun followed by modifier(s) in the second half of yourparallel structure, then
you MUST place the helping verb BEFORE thenoun.
i know more about shakespeare than my brother,who has never studied literature, does.-->
WRONGi know more about shakespeare than does my brother,who has never studied literature,. --> correct
in this problem, "branches" is followed by a modifier ("fromtrees"), so you MUST place "do" before it.
...than do branches from trees -->correct
...than branches from trees do --> WRONG
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/18 18:30:16)