标题: 求助一道难题!OG补充SC-43 [打印本页] 作者: imddung 时间: 2012-3-5 23:38 标题: 求助一道难题!OG补充SC-43 43.In the minds of many people living inEngland, before AU was AU, it was the antipodes, the opposite pole tocivilization, an obscure and unimaginable place that was considered the end ofthe world. A. before AU was AU, it was the antipodes B. beforethere was AU, it was the antipodes C. it wasthe antipodes that was AU D. AU was what was the antipodes E. AU waswhat had been known as the antipodes 答案是A,我不是很理解,请教大神们~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: yb747 时间: 2012-3-20 15:40
这题我也做错了·····我好象选了E作者: 浅浅123 时间: 2012-3-20 20:47