1. Tell me sth about yourself, especially your work history. 2. Why you transfer you career from banking to film industry? (陳教授有請我解釋Taipei FIlm Commission的中文正式全稱)
3. What's your duty for your first job? Can you tell us more details? 4. Tell me your tips when you deal with C-level executives? Or, how do you keep good relationships with client C-suite offices? (陳教授提出他的疑問,為什麼你一位男性可以當秘書?有背景?有特殊貢獻?) (Lydia再補刀,身為男性秘書的心得是什麼。)
5. Tell us sth about your efforts to Film Commission? Were there any cases turning different because of you? (陳教授直接問了why CEIBS? 感覺起來USC/UCLA應該更適合我。我以未來職涯要在中國發展為主幹,帶出我申請中歐的理由)
6. Please tell us more about your college commencement speech. 7. ANy questions to us? (我問了中國的影視公司大都在北京,請問學校有什麼樣的資源可以幫助想在北京發展的童鞋)