没有任何退路,只好和老板说:(1) 要么我离开去其他实验室,请老板写推荐信;(2) 留下但改 换另外的课题。这两要求老板都不同意。他立即把A找来,把我们刚刚讨论的 结论告知了A。 我实在是按不住自己心中的怒火:”I AM NOT SAYING YOU MADE THE SEED MIXTURE BUT THE SEEDS YOU GAVE TO ME ARE MIXTURE “ 这样老板对 A提出明 确要求: "YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM F1 SEEDS RIGHT NOW! BE CORRECT!"
藉此, 我在组里的第一次博士后公开开讲的标题是”MAKE SENSE OUT OF MESS OR MAKE MESS OUT OF SENSE“, 内容是这些突变的杂交后代是如何混杂的。虽然有理有节 ,可四个月不分日夜的辛劳啊 ,心在滴血。然而这没有阻挡住”A”对我工作疯狂置障。
corresponding author can change the order of authors during revision.
I don't think you need care PI's opinion as long as BULL does not define what you can not do.
You can reply a decent email to PI, BULL and bcc to PI's director, saying something like freedom is the spirit of science, it is harmful for scince to keep expert from doing what he is good at. competition is a key factor to make science advance.you will communicate/keep him posted about your progress in the future. blahblah. Be professional and not emotional.
I heard if you do not kick ass then you have to lick ass.
be tough and good luck! ____________________________________________________________________