
标题: 【每日阅读训练第三期——速度越障1系列】【1-1】科技 [打印本页]

作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-2-27 16:07
标题: 【每日阅读训练第三期——速度越障1系列】【1-1】科技

Small molecule drug discovery: why we need a paradigm shift
An interview with Professor Graeme Robertson

Source: Elsevier Pharma

(计时一 257 WORDS)

Professor Graeme Robertson is a university professor and co-founder of a small biotechnology company focused on developing new strategies for drug design. He explains why he believes the pharmaceutical drug discovery process needs to change direction, and soon…

Professor Robertson is currently Managing Director and co-founder of a small biotech company TES Pharma created and a research professor the University of Perugia, Italy. He has a detailed knowledge of the challenges of drug design gathered from over 24 years’ experience in drug discovery.

He worked for several years at GlaxoSmithKline, where he was responsible for investigating ion channels as potential drug targets and leading chemistry discovery in this area. He then moved to Siena Biotech S.p.A. as Vice President of Therapeutic Research and later became Vice President Portfolio Management, providing support for a portfolio of drug discovery targets.

Professor Robertson recently moved to the academic environment and, together with other members of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Technologies at the University of Perugia, co-founded TES Pharma. The company plans to find new ways to integrate in depth knowledge of drug design and chemistry with basic biology in order to better design and develop effective disease modifiers via a network of world class centres of excellence.

Graeme shared with us his cross-industry perspective on an environment which is fast moving and prone to change, with topics ranging from the current challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry and where it’s heading, to the relationship between academia and pharma, and the ongoing interaction in research between biology and chemistry.

(计时二 254 WORDS)

Highlighting problems with current approaches to drug development

The pharmaceutical industry, thought by many to be recession-proof and able to carry on producing sustainable and increasing profits, is suffering under the pressure of global economic decline. This is illustrated by the large numbers of recent mergers and site closures in Europe, and the increased use of facilities in Asia.

“Early in my career I, like many others, believed that the pharmaceutical industry would be going strong no matter what… but currently this isn’t the case and serious revision of the drug discovery process is needed.

“A significant problem has been the emphasis on a business model and profits for shareholders rather than exploring the science to see where it can take us. There are several core problems: a lack of productivity, a lack of innovation and a failure to get a sufficient number of drugs through the pipeline. Productivity, that is NCEs from pharmaceutical companies has been particularly low in recent decades.”

The strategy that has predominated in small molecule drug discovery during the last few years has been a stepwise and linear approach that has relied on reverse chemical genetics to generate a range of potential lead compounds.

“People within the industry have assumed that putting more compounds into clinical trials would produce a successful drug, but there is little evidence that this is the case. We should not be putting more compounds into clinical trials, we should be putting better compounds into clinical trials.”

(计时三 228 WORDS)

Graeme believes that the process of developing drug candidates requires much better use of animal models and sharing of knowledge before moving into clinical trials.

“Clinical trials are something of a lottery now. If a candidate drug does not show the same effects in humans as it did in the animal model then little is done to revisit the models to improve their predictivity using data from the clinical setting. We don’t spend enough time going backwards to try to work out how we can best use the data generated in the clinical setting. This information could be invaluable in learning more about the drug and the disease process it is trying to target. Unfortunately, however, pharmaceutical companies often move on to pursue the ‘next big thing’, without learning why they are failing.”

Graeme admits there is no magical answer, but the drug discovery process needs to be changed, and radically so, if we are to revitalize drug discovery.

“We need to get away from the mind set of ‘go faster or with lower costs’. If we go faster we’re just going to hit the brick wall with more of a bang and it’ll hurt even more than it has already done because the process we are using just does not work.”

(计时四 220 WORDS)

In the current paradigm of drug development, individuals hard work is not adding up to corporate success.

“It is possible for an individual researcher within a drug company to be brilliant, hugely successful, highly motivated, and very productive but to add zero value to the company because they never work on a project that goes through to market. They are trying to add value, but they are failing and this is not their fault, or their company’s fault. It is really more of a reflection of how little we know about what we are doing in drug discovery.”

Another potential problem is that companies tend to link a target to a disease area far too early in the drug discovery process.

“We’re still way too reductionist in our approaches on selecting targets, and projects tend to be associated with a disease way too early. In our current pharmaceutical industry, compounds are developed for a predetermined product profile. What we should be doing is looking for good modulators of that target in a more disease independent fashion and then finding out the effect of modulating that target with our compounds. Decisions need to be made on the basis of our findings, and we need to stop following rigid research protocols blindly like machines.”

(计时五 269 WORDS)

Collaborative research and information exchange

Graeme, like many researchers, is inundated by new research papers on a daily basis and finds it difficult to keep up with the pace of developments.

“It is impossible to read all the papers you should read and although biology is relatively text-based, when you move into medicinal chemistry and drug design, you need to move beyond text searches. Being able to search structures would be ideal but it’s difficult to do that in any database outside Reaxys. I think this is the ideal model that we should be looking at as a way to interchange information on new drug candidates and their analogues.

“All electronic data associated with an article should be retrievable and searchable electronically, even screening information using pixel maps.”

Graeme foresees a time in the near future when it will be possible to search research papers by chemical structure with a sub-structure or similarity search, both in terms of the biology that is known about that structure, and any toxicology data.

“Electronic publishers are sitting on a mine of information; they are working on putting it into more useable databases for drug discovery research and, although it is a big task, I think they know how to do it.”

“There is widespread acceptance that change is inevitable, but we must first overcome the inertia that our fear of change creates. If publishers were to change the way they provide data so that this fuelled a knowledge seeking and knowledge sharing approach, this could be a great catalyst to get things moving.”



SOURCE: Science 24 February 2012: Vol. 335 no. 6071 pp. 932-933

?    Essays on Science and Society
A Season for Inquiry: Investigating Phenology in Local Campus Trees

[1242 WORDS – title excluded]

Michigan State University rightfully claims one of the most beautiful campuses in the Midwest. Each spring, we anticipate a commencement gilded with tulips and crabapple blossoms. In autumn, the campus beams with golden oaks and fiery maples. As a potential subject for inquiry learning, phenology, the study of recurrent natural events, is appealing for many reasons.

Phenologic studies have relatively few logistical constraints compared with many topics in biology. Virtually every habitat imaginable undergoes cyclical or seasonal changes that can be observed through local plants, animals, or other organisms. Documenting phenological patterns can be a straightforward and cost-effective strategy for engaging students in the science of observation with little need for additional equipment or supplies.

The subject of phenology is both timely and scientifically relevant. Interannual variability in factors such as temperature and precipitation can shift the timing of phenologic events by days to months, with realworld impacts ranging from ecosystem function (e.g., plant-pollinator interactions) to regional economies (e.g., agriculture and tourism). Larger-scale trends over long periods of time serve as important indicators of environmental changes, including climate change.

Finally, phenology is complex. Seemingly simple processes, such as the changing color of leaves, actually result from myriad interactions occurring across molecular- to ecosystem-level scales. As a complex system, phenology encompasses multiple biological processes that can be explored from diverse disciplinary perspectives across scales of space and time.

Our introductory labs are taught by graduate teaching assistants (TAs) ranging in both teaching experience and disciplinary expertise. As the real face of the lab, TAs bear immediate responsibility for motivating student learning and bringing new instructional strategies into the classroom. They recognized that the labs we had been teaching, in which students followed protocols to confirm known outcomes, did not reflect the biology that motivated each of us to become biologists. We believed that in order to change both the content and culture of our labs, we would need to fully engage TAs as collaborators in the reform process.

In summer 2008, we invited TAs to a 2-day “boot camp” to learn about evidence-based teaching practices and to provide input about goals for reforming labs. TAs said that labs should provide students opportunities to experience how science is done—not as a series of methodological steps, but as a way to ask questions, test ideas, and evaluate evidence. In addition, TAs wanted labs to be more authentic and to reflect the uncertainty of science as it is practiced. Students would pursue questions in which a “right” answer might not be known.

To incorporate these goals, TAs worked in small groups to rewrite existing labs, framing them as inquiry investigations with explicit and measurable learning objectives. Five TAs collaborated with us to take on the larger task of developing a new, semester-long phenology study, Campus Trees. Inspired by the citizenscientist model of the National Phenology Network, we envisioned the outgrowth of a long-term, student-generated database documenting phenology in our local campus trees. Our primary challenge was how to engage students in original inquiry, while at the same time, ensuring consistency and reliability in the student-generated data. Ultimately, we decided that students would mirror authentic ecological research by working collaboratively to design, field-test, and evaluate original methods for quantifying phenologic change.

In order to embed replication within the project design, we restricted the study to 200 trees representing four genera: Acer, Quercus, Malus, and Ginkgo. The Office of Campus Parks and Planning provided maps with locations and identification codes for all trees in the study. Students working in groups of four were assigned three trees to study for the semester; each tree was independently sampled by at least three different student groups across different lab sections. Students would not know that others were studying “their” trees until later in the semester.

Students began by locating their trees in the field, making detailed sketches about location and identifying characteristics, and recording tree height and diameter. Students had 2 weeks to brainstorm alternative approaches for quantifying color change and leaf fall and then present their proposals in class. Feedback from classmates and TAs helped students clarify study objectives and solidify their data collection plans.

For the next several weeks, students applied their methods in the field and managed all logistical and troubleshooting issues that arose. After leaves had fallen, students uploaded their final data and methods to our course-management system, LON-CAPA. Students used their tree codes to search for and retrieve the data and methods of other groups that had studied the same trees. In a final presentation, students evaluated alternative methods and compared the quality of data produced. Groups wrote short papers based on their analyses and proposed an “ideal” method that would best meet the criteria for (i) producing reliable and accurate phenologic data, (ii) generating high-quality data that can be used in future research, and (iii) feasible implementation in a course enrolling large numbers of students (up to 1000 per semester).

What did we learn from this experience? First, students are capable of achieving far more than we expect. Our concern that students might converge on a common approach was not realized. In fact, students used diverse and innovative methods for data collection [e.g., determining which branches to sample using a Twister spinner, quantifying leaf color with electronic color-pickers and RGB (red-green-blue) codes] and for troubleshooting (e.g., What should you do if the landscaping staff prunes the branches you were sampling? Should a leaf be counted in your sample if it's half eaten?). Another concern—that students would regard their own method as “best” and not critically evaluate alternatives—was also not realized. In their final analyses, few groups suggested that they had developed an ideal method and, instead, weighed strengths and weaknesses of multiple methods. TAs noted that by the end of the semester, students better understood how nuances in experimental approach could have an impact on both the nature and interpretation of data—an important benchmark in the development of science literacy.

Second, TAs have much to offer in terms of innovating curricula and providing insights that can improve students' learning experiences. Our TAs cared deeply about the quality of their students' learning and took pride in their successes. However, in order to realize the potential of TAs to rejuvenate labs, programs must be willing to liberate some creative control and to provide substantial mentoring along the way. Inquiry teaching is not easy and represents a significant departure from traditional, lecturebased instruction. TAs' transition to inquiry teaching involved discussing real examples in practice. Iterative feedback and a supportive network of peers also helped TAs develop confidence in their classrooms. Our program included TAs in decision-making about curricula and acknowledged authorship on TA-developed materials. This can do much to illustrate the value of TA input, not to mention bolstering TAs' curriculum vitae and teaching portfolios.

Finally, we advocate for including creativity in the reward structure of college-level biology. Confirmatory labs do not provide sufficient opportunities for students to experience the cycles of failure and recovery that practicing scientists experience as an ordinary part of scientific inquiry. Indeed, learning how to deploy creative strategies for managing the unexpected is a critical part of becoming a scientist yet is rarely reflected in most lab curricula. If we truly want to cultivate a nation of problem-solvers, we must allow students opportunities to wrestle with real problems and be rewarded for conceiving creative strategies for solving them. Our students have shown us they are ready for the challenge.
作者: 泾渭不凡    时间: 2012-2-27 16:09

作者: younglynn    时间: 2012-2-27 16:12
作者: Periwinkle    时间: 2012-2-27 16:13
作者: xinnono    时间: 2012-2-27 16:51
作者: phoebe0624    时间: 2012-2-27 16:53


the author tells about the most beautiful university in the world and throws the question-why those plant are so charmming.
the phenology is used for this, but there are some problems in phenology
1、few logical constraints
2、timely and scientifically relevant
TAs should be tought in the lab
what the students to do?
1、obverse the leaves and trees outside
2、 have logical ways to analyse the change.
3、200trees-4 groups-each groups-3 trees-each trees 3 record
the advantage of TAS
1、students show more than before thought
2、innovating curricula
3、reward structure, more chance
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2012-2-27 19:23
占了~ 明天来做

作者: abjure    时间: 2012-2-27 19:43
火车上, 首页留名,今晚做。

1:44; 1:54;  1:30;  2:11 ; 2:07

谈p 这个学科在biology 里面的不同之处。

小可以影响。。。 大可以影响环境和气候,  长期大的变化就更不得了了。

谈TA 怎么在大学里面做了一个TREE 的试验,去发掘学生的创意。

作者: 很邻家    时间: 2012-2-27 19:59
1. The campus is beautiful.
2. some appealing advantages of p study:
-straightforward and cost-effective as a strategy engaging student in the science without additional equipment;
-timely and scientifically relevant;
3. TAs’ duty.
4. the difference between p and the traditional study pattern: p study encourage students to find questions and solve them in the lab, rather than follow the protocols in the text books blindly.
5. the process of study on the local campus trees
-how to collect data effectively;
-in the later semester, they display the product of their research, and comparing with others, they would find some alternative methods more effective than their owns’.
6. What they can get from this p study:
- to refine the curricula;
- to help students advance the ability of inquiry;
- create a reward structure of problem-solving study of biology
作者: Suri在奋斗    时间: 2012-2-27 21:10
1. As a potential subject for inquiry learning, phenology, the study of recurrent natural events, is appealing for many reasons.
2.Phenologic studies have relatively few logistical constraints compared with many topics in biology
  Do cumenting phenological patterns can be a straightforward and cost-effective strategy for engaging students
  The subject of phenology is both timely and scientifically relevant
   Finally,As a complex system, phenology encompasses multiple biological processes that can be explored from diverse disciplinary perspectives across scales of space and time

3.As the real face of the lab, TAs ······
 In summer 2008·····TAs said that labs should······In addition, TAs wanted labs ······
 To incorporate these goals, TAs ·····
 Ultimately, we decided that students would·······
4.In order to embed replication within the project design, we restricted the study to 200 trees ·····students·····
   Students began by ······
   For the next several weeks, students applied ······ Students had 2 weeks to ······used their tree codes to ······· evaluated alternative methods and compared the quality ·······
   5.What did we learn from this experience?
作者: shelvey    时间: 2012-2-27 21:58


作者: kaitlynyl    时间: 2012-2-27 22:30
作者: 高七七    时间: 2012-2-27 22:41
啊~ 占个位置
作者: 778879    时间: 2012-2-27 23:03
2)并没有认为他们自己的method是最好的,知道critical thinking,将自己和别人方案的优缺点相结合
作者: liulu007    时间: 2012-2-27 23:20
第二遍,P这个三个特点:few logistical constraints  timely scientifically relevant complex
作者: shelvey    时间: 2012-2-27 23:46
-- by 会员 kaitlynyl (2012/2/27 22:30:04)

作者: fox0923    时间: 2012-2-28 01:48

1. The Michigan state university research a subject "henology", a study of recurrent nature activities. However, there are some limits that Phenology encounters, such as the higher cost and the useless of additional equipment as compared to the biological research.
2. The subject of Phenology is relevant to the climate change, such as fallen leaves, etc. Also, it's a complex subject too.
3. The Michigan State U. has a group of TAs  (Teaching Assistants) who did the research on this subject, and they organized a "boot camp" in order to better study the nature of Phenology.
4. These TAs used different techniques and innovative methods to study the fallen leaves (does the half fallen leaves considered fallen leaves, etc.), the climate change and the cycle of this change. Later, they incorporated existing lab report and rewrite the existing one with their new thoughts and explorations. From the report, it's clearly to see that these TAs are potential to deal with such challenge problems. In addition, their exploration is not only based on the common sense, but also emphasized by their challenging ideas and techniques. Thus, their altitude should be rewarded.
5. From this study of Phenology, TAs also learn to build their confidence within their classmates and exert various methods to investigate the new field of knowledge.
6. The author suggests that we should provide more opportunities and rewards for our students because they do have the ability to handle the challenging subjects.
作者: xinnono    时间: 2012-2-28 06:39
-- by 会员 kaitlynyl (2012/2/27 22:30:04)

建议计时, 不要在1分钟时停下. 最早的时候是有过这样的建议, 后来考虑到这样会影响对文章整体的理解, 所以改建议每段计时. 超过一分钟不要紧, 争取在今后的阅读中努力吧速度缩短在一分钟以内.

继续加油啊! 不错不错哦~
作者: wjd0315    时间: 2012-2-28 06:54


作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-2-28 07:14

作者: sydmq    时间: 2012-2-28 09:45
作者: xunjiejie5    时间: 2012-2-28 11:14
作者: airthere    时间: 2012-2-28 14:36


1 密大景色好 ,是研究p科的好地方
2研究的原因:研究与 什么时间 季节气候 相关,complex。。。
3 做实验 将学生分成几组 发现三个经验,比想象中更好 学生很有创意 迎接挑战。。。。

希望坚持~~速度真心慢啊 第一次做~
作者: xeyyxzty    时间: 2012-2-28 19:08
作者: yiayia    时间: 2012-2-28 21:48
作者: CHRISTINE2010    时间: 2012-2-29 15:15
作者: lovecloris    时间: 2012-2-29 23:57

先说了一段废话,什么密歇根州立的花开了,各种很美..... 然后就提到了P这个学科,这个学科是不同于生物,但是比生物更复杂。试验导论课是由TA来教授,TA提议打破传统试验课的限制,建议学生关注校园的树。结果超出预计的收到了很好的效果....

BTW,BABY 怎么觉得越障比前面简单,不知道是因为前面几篇还在适应,还是因为前面五段的长句更多。
作者: 泾渭不凡    时间: 2012-3-1 02:56
标题: O(∩_∩)O~~么么哒baby姐姐~~饭饭坏孩纸来补作业~~

作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-1 04:11


先说了一段废话,什么密歇根州立的花开了,各种很美..... 然后就提到了P这个学科,这个学科是不同于生物,但是比生物更复杂。试验导论课是由TA来教授,TA提议打破传统试验课的限制,建议学生关注校园的树。结果超出预计的收到了很好的效果....

BTW,BABY 怎么觉得越障比前面简单,不知道是因为前面几篇还在适应,还是因为前面五段的长句更多。
-- by 会员 lovecloris (2012/2/29 23:57:59)

作者: 鱼鱼的小手    时间: 2012-3-1 14:17
1'13'' /1'10'' /1'03'' /1'02'' /1'15''
作者: livdl    时间: 2012-3-1 22:29

作者: lovecloris    时间: 2012-3-2 13:22



先说了一段废话,什么密歇根州立的花开了,各种很美..... 然后就提到了P这个学科,这个学科是不同于生物,但是比生物更复杂。试验导论课是由TA来教授,TA提议打破传统试验课的限制,建议学生关注校园的树。结果超出预计的收到了很好的效果....

BTW,BABY 怎么觉得越障比前面简单,不知道是因为前面几篇还在适应,还是因为前面五段的长句更多。
-- by 会员 lovecloris (2012/2/29 23:57:59)

-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/1 4:11:56)

作者: 一加heidy    时间: 2012-3-2 15:47
1'26  1'27  1'17  1'19  1'38
作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-2 16:10

1'26  1'27  1'17  1'19  1'38
-- by 会员 一加heidy (2012/3/2 15:47:51)

作者: 一加heidy    时间: 2012-3-2 20:42
恩恩,好的~~~fighting fighting
作者: 猫咪团团    时间: 2012-3-3 15:44


作者: qiuhua01234567    时间: 2012-3-3 20:55
作者: kevin405hu    时间: 2012-3-12 20:00
越障10‘29,看完了只记得大概P的特点,然后引入TA来帮助student做experiment,最后说明了benefit from this kind of exprience: first,... second,...finally,...
作者: cindytaurus    时间: 2012-3-28 23:13

MSU good environment..
introduce P
lab advantage
how to measure the trees
what do we learn from

作者: juvenren    时间: 2012-3-29 00:04
作者: juvenren    时间: 2012-3-29 00:24
越障 9‘12(好慢)
phenology is appealing for many reasons
few logistical constraints
timely and scientifically relevant
fully engage TA
TA work
students do(began)
student apply method
What learn?
1. achieveing far more
2. improve learning experience
3. creativity
作者: babybearmm    时间: 2012-3-29 04:23

越障 9‘12(好慢)
phenology is appealing for many reasons
few logistical constraints
timely and scientifically relevant
fully engage TA
TA work
students do(began)
student apply method
What learn?
1. achieveing far more
2. improve learning experience
3. creativity
-- by 会员 juvenren (2012/3/29 0:24:12)

作者: 亲亲麦小兜    时间: 2012-3-29 22:17
作者: Threesu    时间: 2012-3-30 23:48
作者: 199249712    时间: 2012-4-21 15:48
This argument talks about a professor management of a special drug.
In the first paragraph, the professor is skilled in his field and in a year past moved to a place to teach the development of the drug
In the second paragraph, he moves to another place and also contribute to the industry of drug
In the third paragraph, he share with us the knowledge of his field.
In this argument, the author talks about the reason of declining in ph industry
1P:many people believe that ph industry is booming on its way and will never lose its edge competition, however, the recent cases fail to show the anticipate profits since the closer of something I don’t remember…
2P:someone’s speech:”I always believe that the industry will gain profits or some what, but recent cases doesn’t make it.
3P: the potential reason for the declining: the declining of productivity, and the only focus is blabla sorry I forget but is not on the science of development…
4P: the wrong things in clinic… suggest the things in clinic should also be changed…
5P: they false focus on more ph in clinic, now they should focus on better clinic…
The argument concerns the relation between drug in animal model and in human
If the drug used in animal model doesn’t work the same in human, then the drug make no sense. But industries always revisit the wrong model and make things invaluable. The only thing we need is to get better not get faster since the frame we work on is false and it could damage the contribution in last
One is a hard-working and valuable researcher do a lot to improve the value of the company but nothing happened. This situation could be possible and it’s not the researcher’s false or the company’s. it could happen when the company doesn’t get the real content of the market.
The other is that the area of target of the drug is decided to early. I don’t really get it…I think it means the drugs should decided before the market of targeted people…
This argument introduces the suggesting of the new technology for research in biology.
Someone skilled in biology think reading all the books in this field is impossible although the research depended on big data.
So he suggests that we should use electronic book and intercommunicate the information more convenient…..
And he forseen..??? last two paragraph… I think it’s the further ideas of the argument.

好长啊T.T 只记得大概的思路走向是这样的
说密歇根学校是很美的 坐落在美国的某个地方吧
然后介绍了枫树的变化以及用途 分了三段:先是方便学生做实验 便于实践与接触然后说实验情况是比较复杂的因为枫树内部的分子结构的变化吧。。
然后开始介绍TA 貌似是一个实验室或者教学班什么的 阐述了用枫树如何跟TA结合 分三点吧
先说了TA得一些缺点 就是理论脱离实际 都是mathematical的不是practical
然后说了TA与枫树结合给学生带来的好处 分三点
一个是学生能够辩证的看待自己的方法 而不是固定的使用原来的方法
第二个说实在的没看大懂 好像意思是促进创新跟教育机制一类的吧??
第三个就是提高学生的自主创造性 creativity。。。
作者: haibaraaifly    时间: 2012-4-22 10:13
1'10  52''  42''  48''  1'03
作者: 浅吟天    时间: 2012-4-22 22:50
速度 01:57 01:51 01:32 01:54 02:23
M是个美丽的大学。里面有个p的学科。好像有三个特点,第二个是time和science relevant.然后提到想改变现有的实验室模式。Ta们想法如何改变让它更接近真实环境,变量更多一些不那么理想化。
这个实验发现有三:1,学生比我们想象中有能力。从两点看出:他们glean data的方法很多。并且不是那么主观自信觉得自己这组一定更好。在期末他们都从比对中分析了strength, weakness,收获很多
作者: thouzand_    时间: 2013-8-8 09:48
越障部分:第三遍 07:43
1)Phe 是一种bio study, 有三个特点;
4)TA与Inquiry Teaching 以及 TA对学生(未来科研的前瞻)作用.
few bio constraints
time correlates with sci
complex(- -)
→purpose of TA
students related with (practical) lab
do not presue exactly right answer
→outcome of TA
innovative methods taken
multi-methods used
→(However)TA to inquiry teaching (...??)
→TA concerning perspective (prepare more individual,practical lab context for challenge).
(部分points 目测有deviation 回头更正、补充。)
作者: blacfairy    时间: 2013-8-8 15:14
time one  257 01:37
professor R is an experienced expert in the field of drug design,and he has been vice president of~,now he shift his focus on the environgment of academic,and share with us his perspectives regarding to pharm and academic.

time two 254 01:53
the pharm industry is on its downroad.the highlighgtling problem is the biz model and lack of productivity and innovation, a revolutionary revison is needed in the design of drugs. professor R put forward that instead of try to put more component into the trial,the effective way is to put better components into the trial.

time three 228 01:23
the process of drug design should be rivise. some fail in clinic setting just move on and dont think about what the failure indicates.and the ideas of 'move faster with lower cost'should be abandoned,cause the method we're using just dont work out.

time four 220 01:23
researchers in the pharm company should be corporated, so as to make marketable products.
and some pharm company set their target with disease areas that are too early.(?)

time five 269 01:26
the way pharm researchers use data should be improved to be more searcherble and interchangable,and the data publisher should not fear of the change.

time six 1242 05:02
pheno is a subject that can be conducted in campus handy and observable.because of the temperature,season changes,and outter factors can affect the eco circumstance.
university use graduate teaching assistant to help revise their laboratory to improve the teaching quality.
how the Ta do, how we can learn from the Ta practices.

作者: thouzand_    时间: 2014-3-25 16:10
速度: 07'50"
The prof introduced his insight and discussed two problems and its solutions.
(To boom the phar industry: better compounds in trails
  advice ======== problems ======== suggested solutions
-rsch derive from     -modify rsch                - info exchange in @
  business goals         target (on disease      - combine Bio with Chem
                              independent fashion??)
越障: 06'47"
a subject appeals TAs ====== a specific study exp ====== three positive outcomes
-                                            (2) so-called "boot camp"            (2) two characteristics mushroomed
-                                               - method (1)                            (1) focus on pros and cons of method itself
                                                                                                     rather than whether there is a "right" answer
-                                            (2) resulting data and method     (2) "real" problems to solve for college-bio     
                                                   evaluation                                   class students


作者: Feelun    时间: 2021-5-12 16:24
2'50'' - background of RG and what he will share in the following
3'03'' - the current general problem - focus on bussiness model and profit instead of science. Give example of clinical of trials. we wanna better compounds not more.
2'30'' - point out one of the specific problems. never review, but keep going.(haha, just like how i studied GMAT before, quesions and more questions but never review. That is bad!)
2'44'' - currently, indivisaul hard work have little influence on company success because they do not know what they are doing. another problem is that we link the target to the project too early.
2'47'' - another problem with a potential solution which is how to integrate all information and make the work more efficiently.
14'31'' -
1. 引子 - 一个学科
2. give reason why the subject is appealing
3. involve TAs to design the subject and the details about how it works
4. the thing we get from the who project
作者: Feelun    时间: 2021-5-12 16:25
Feelun 发表于 2021-5-12 16:24
2'50'' - background of RG and what he will share in the following
3'03'' - the current general probl ...

作者: 193p    时间: 2021-5-12 21:27
嗨嗨,有没有w or q 群?
作者: 窝窝wooo    时间: 2021-12-8 15:11
越障 11:50
主题 密歇根学校的创新lab教学方法
1.背景:介绍p studies 是什么,怎么做; 介绍documentary study是个好方法; 本来的lab是怎么运行的
3.结果:1.同学们的表现超出预料 2 TA 提高了同学们的experience 3.creativity

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