The results of the company’s cost-cutting measures are evident in its pro? ts, which increased 5 percent
during the ? rst 3 months of this year after it fell over the last two years.
(A) which increased 5 percent during the ? rst 3 months of this year after it fell
(B) which had increased 5 percent during the ? rst 3 months of this year after it had fallen
(C) which have increased 5 percent during the ? rst 3 months of this year after falling
(D) with a 5 percent increase during the ? rst 3 months of this year after falling
(E) with a 5 percent increase during the ? rst 3 months of this year after having fallen
Right: We HAVE LIVED in a hut for three days.
This sentence means that we started living in the hut three days ago and that we are stil
living in that hut. In comparison, a sentence in the Simple Past has a different meaning.
Right: We LIVED in a hut for three days.
This example means that we are no longer living in the hut. The three days are over.
increased 5 percent during the ?rst 3 months of this year 利润后面没有再继续增长的意思是否也可以?
-- by 会员 hangzhoukk (2012/2/26 13:39:01)
1. 那我想再请教一下,为什么后面的fall需要用-ing形式呢?
2. 如果要强调,profits在今年早期之前都是掉的,应该怎么说呢?是不是:
Profits had fallen for 2 years before (后面应该如何写??请指教)
-- by 会员 bluesolo (2012/3/4 11:42:57)
baby姐对verb tense的问题解释的真是太好了,特别是那个参照系的例子,一语惊醒梦中人啊~
-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/3/4 17:38:02)
BABY姐,但是OG上说,第一个数据的时态应该比第二个的晚,你说after doing所表示的时态和主句一样,不就和OG的解释矛盾了么~?》
-- by 会员 claire66 (2012/4/12 23:03:51)
BABY姐,但是OG上说,第一个数据的时态应该比第二个的晚,你说after doing所表示的时态和主句一样,不就和OG的解释矛盾了么~?》
-- by 会员 claire66 (2012/4/12 23:03:51)
时间介词 + doing是例外~
所以不要记忆“介词+doing所表示的时态和主句一样,时间介词 + doing是例外”这样的死规则,而要去理解“为什么要简写” --> 因为简写了人们依然能“正确”理解主语、时态等等元素。
-- by 会员 aeoluseros (2012/4/13 1:08:24)