1.Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than idological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvent much of the fictional enterprise.
2.Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notbaly simple and familiar.
-- by 会员 yhmo139 (2012/2/24 23:03:31)
1.Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than idological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvent much of the fictional enterprise.
2.Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notbaly simple and familiar.
-- by 会员 yhmo139 (2012/2/24 23:03:31)