标题: LBS(伦敦商学院)能和美国的商学院的top15相比吗? [打印本页]
作者: 风景 时间: 2004-8-29 15:20
标题: LBS(伦敦商学院)能和美国的商学院的top15相比吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-29 15:21:31编辑过]
作者: jetrong 时间: 2004-8-29 17:18
作者: lewis 时间: 2004-8-29 19:09
作者: xixi2004 时间: 2004-8-30 09:00
作者: skypacerzhou 时间: 2004-8-30 09:20
作者: 螺旋霉素 时间: 2004-8-30 10:31
作者: viagra 时间: 2004-9-1 11:25
LBS当然不错,但最多也只能在US top10-top15 之间。
作者: peaker 时间: 2004-9-4 20:37
作者: mikejrf 时间: 2004-9-5 19:24
作者: aokceo 时间: 2004-9-8 01:47
作者: 飞雪 时间: 2004-9-8 02:52
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2004-9-10 23:19
作者: peaker 时间: 2004-9-11 00:56
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2004-9-11 20:26
作者: 爱维的天 时间: 2004-9-12 22:28
以下是引用peaker在2004-9-4 20:37:00的发言:
作者: fwl43 时间: 2006-8-1 20:44
作者: goodssb 时间: 2006-8-1 20:48
我认为它是top 5. 就业远比很多人想象的好.
作者: tuzq 时间: 2006-8-1 21:37
LBS is kinda like magic 7 in the states. plus insead, imd, it can be included in the top 10 globally. actually, these 10 schools' deans often meet together.
作者: fanjun1978 时间: 2006-8-2 04:49
作者: rebeccayu2004 时间: 2006-8-2 13:15
以下是引用peaker在2004-9-4 20:37:00的发言:
作者: ESeraph 时间: 2006-8-2 13:38
作者: PerSway 时间: 2006-8-12 12:37
确实,伦敦也是世界两大金融中心之一,LBS在MC和IB的就业情况(就业率和平均其薪)可不比美国TOP 10差,而且找到intern的几率也很高,具体可以看看他们的就业统计。
作者: gonghao 时间: 2006-8-12 16:20
以下是引用viagra在2004-9-1 11:25:00的发言:
LBS当然不错,但最多也只能在US top10-top15 之间。
作者: shaoji 时间: 2006-8-12 17:15
说LBS只能算30得简直就是胡说八道的。全球的金融中心各大投行私行的,不知道us top 30的大有人在,没听说过伦敦商学院的简直不可思议。欧洲顶尖MBA少,但是不代表顶尖的就差,这么大的欧洲,他们的平均工资可是top10都不一定比得上的。LBS, INSEAD 绝对属于top10的水平!!!
作者: modern 时间: 2006-8-12 21:57
最無聊的人會去比avg Gmat 比這個Insead跟LBS還是M7級的
IMD比較特殊一點 歐洲三牛裡面IMD走的是更成熟更小班的路線 更適合稍微高階的經理人就讀
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-12 21:58:48编辑过]
作者: 重拳出击 时间: 2006-8-13 03:53
收集了LBS 2005届MiF 中国学生的工作情况, 2005毕业的 MiF 一共有15位,分别来自大陆和香港, 我只收集到了14位的情况, 给大家参考, 为保护他人隐私, 只提供last name, 没有first name. 根据我认识的LBS的MiF同学的介绍,LBS的MBA就业情况比他们只好不差.
Luo: Trading,Barclays Capital, London
Bai: Morgan Stanley, London
Jiang: Merill lynch, London
Zhao: 某Private Equity, London
Qian: Barclays Capital, Hongkong
Chiu: Deutsche bank, Hongkong
Sun: Detusche bank, Hongkong
Huang: PMA (private equity), Hongkong
Yin: Citigoup IBD, Hongkong
Li: Hongkong Monetary Authority, Hongkong
Zheng: McKinsey, Beijing
Hu: China Construction bank, Beijing
Tang: Head of corporate banking, Standard Charter, Shanghai
Chen: CLSA, Singapore
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-13 3:56:50编辑过]
作者: 重拳出击 时间: 2006-8-13 13:22
作者: kinchan 时间: 2006-8-13 14:08
作者: rebeccayu2004 时间: 2006-8-14 10:11
作者: suvtong 时间: 2006-8-14 12:07
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-14 12:08:10编辑过]
作者: eternalwind 时间: 2006-8-14 13:01
如果想在US就业的话, LBS还不如US TOP 30
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 13:51
But, the thing is, most people prefer US rather than EU.
And even fewer people, who will graduate from the Top b-schools, would like to go back to China. conclude, few people would pick EU schools, even though they might be as good as US ones.
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2006-8-14 14:15
以下是引用nnm在2006-8-14 13:51:00的发言:But, the thing is, most people prefer US rather than EU.
And even fewer people, who will graduate from the Top b-schools, would like to go back to China. conclude, few people would pick EU schools, even though they might be as good as US ones.
make no sense
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 18:21
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 18:23
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-8-14 20:35
And even fewer people, who will graduate from the Top b-schools, would like to go back to China.
May not be true. If you can earn the same in both US, EU and China, you might prefer to come back to China, including HK. The fact is that many young people prefer US (they may not find decent jobs in China), while experienced people prefer to come back since they can find very decent jobs in China, e.g. Mckinsey, IB in HK/mainland, VC/PE, or C level management in MNC. Of course if you were not at management level in big names before business school, you will find that you can find better jobs in US.
如果想在US就业的话, LBS还不如US TOP 30
I disagree. What do you mean by 就业? If you talk about top IB, investment management (e.g.hedge fund, PE/VC) or strategic consulting, then I don't think top 15-30 US schools are comparable to LBS at all. Opportunities in such companies are very global, and it's not difficult for LBS students to relocate to US. The interesting point is that many LBS students used to work in US, but they prefer to work in London after graduation as London experience is very valuable as London is the world no.1 or no.2 financial centre in different financial area.
If you talk about industrial companies, probably it's true. But only a small percentage of LBS students are interested in industrial jobs.
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 21:35
以下是引用kevinao在2006-8-14 20:35:00的发言:
And even fewer people, who will graduate from the Top b-schools, would like to go back to China.
May not be true. If you can earn the same in both US, EU and China, you might prefer to come back to China, including HK. The fact is that many young people prefer US (they may not find decent jobs in China), while experienced people prefer to come back since they can find very decent jobs in China, e.g. Mckinsey, IB in HK/mainland, VC/PE, or C level management in MNC. Of course if you were not at management level in big names before business school, you will find that you can find better jobs in US.
这个部分偶没有发言权, 因为偶是mid-level,还不是managerial的.不过偶同意大侠的说法.
我自己比较想回去的, 在外面漂泊这么久(在可预见的将来还要很久), 很想归根, 老死在中国.
如果想在US就业的话, LBS还不如US TOP 30
I disagree. What do you mean by 就业? If you talk about top IB, investment management (e.g.hedge fund, PE/VC) or strategic consulting, then I don't think top 15-30 US schools are comparable to LBS at all. Opportunities in such companies are very global, and it's not difficult for LBS students to relocate to US. The interesting point is that many LBS students used to work in US, but they prefer to work in London after graduation as London experience is very valuable as London is the world no.1 or no.2 financial centre in different financial area.
If you talk about industrial companies, probably it's true. But only a small percentage of LBS students are interested in industrial jobs.
Partly agree....... I recon that LBS is about in the same level as US top15-30 , provided people hunt for job in US.
I saw an American LBS graduate commented as above.
American kind of think of US as the only develped country around the world, and others as the second tier.
And being said precisely, London is the second largest center with definitely fewer opportunities than NY.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-14 21:37:56编辑过]
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 21:41
LBS金融在欧洲傲视群侪. 当然LSE也不错(别问偶LSE是什么学校
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-8-14 22:17
1) If you are looking for jobs in NY, I think US top 10 may be better, but here jobs only means ibank jobs as many VC or hedge funds are not in NY. NY should have more Ibank opportunties than London, but not much more as London is the world's biggest market in some areas (e.g. FX, metal futures) and there are at least 100 LBS students join Ibank every year. Therefore, I guess the LBS graduate mainly talked about industrial jobs, and I don't think you should make conclusion based on one person's comment.
2) If you compare LBS with LSE, then I don't want to make further comments as you do not appear to have basic understanding about business schools. LSE is not a business school, and LBS graduates almost never compete with LSE graduates. LBS' competitors are mainly Insead and top 10 US schools.
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 22:22
以下是引用kevinao在2006-8-14 22:17:00的发言:
1) If you are looking for jobs in NY, I think US top 10 may be better, but here jobs only means ibank jobs as many VC or hedge funds are not in NY. NY should have more Ibank opportunties than London, but not much more as London is the world's biggest market in some areas (e.g. FX, metal futures) and there are at least 100 LBS students join Ibank every year. Therefore, I guess the LBS graduate mainly talked about industrial jobs, and I don't think you should make conclusion based on one person's comment.
I'm not a IB guy as you might be, so you should be right.
And(狡辩一下) I think the guy has more say than us since he has got the exact experience in job-hunting of both areas.
2) If you compare LBS with LSE, then I don't want to make further comments as you do not appear to have basic understanding about business schools. LSE is not a business school, and LBS graduates almost never compete with LSE graduates. LBS' competitors are mainly Insead and top 10 US schools.
Did i compare LBS with LSE in terms of B-Schools?????????
Further more, LSE does have MBA program, although not comparable to LBS, and I did admit that LBS is better than LSE
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-14 22:35:30编辑过]
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-14 22:44
作者: goodssb 时间: 2006-8-14 23:07
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-15 00:02
毕业生都非常有竞争力, 当然跟LBS竞争的一般不会是同一个水平的职位, 因为以本科生为主.
但LSE的EMBA还是很牛X的, 因为很多都是伦敦本地的金融牛人进去进修的.
可能比不上LBS的EMBA, 但单从就业(薪水)来说是不会比LBS的MBA差的, 尽管不是很有可比性, 毕竟年龄和经验不是在同一个水平.
好像跑题了, 汗
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-15 0:16:15编辑过]
作者: nicmoon 时间: 2006-8-15 03:59
如果你读international business,建议你去美国的 SOUTHCAROLINA NO。1 in USA
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-15 07:26
以下是引用nicmoon在2006-8-15 3:59:00的发言:
如果你读international business,建议你去美国的 SOUTHCAROLINA NO。1 in USA
Oh yeah, I've heard of this joke before.......
Ok, forget about it.
we were talking about Investment Banking, not International Business.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-15 7:27:56编辑过]
作者: rebeccayu2004 时间: 2006-8-15 09:48
lse在经济学,金融领域的权威地位无庸置疑,学术界上公认,上世纪30年代的经济学理论中心是英国的lse,而80年代后转到美国的芝加哥大学。lse的经济学泰斗级人物也是诺奖获得者包括, Miler (著名的m-m最优资本结构理论),阿卡洛夫的著名的“柠檬理论”信息不对乘理论,等等。以及罗素,萧伯纳等诺奖获得者。目前,lse的许多系和专业有和美国的芝加哥大学经济系同学分,有的系和美国的哥伦比亚大学和康奈尔大学同学分。
认识有经济系的中国的硕士研究生毕业直接去哈佛全奖读博士的。也有毕业了直接去warton读mba的。也有若干美国名校如普林斯顿,uc博克利,甚至还有mit的美国人来lse读书的,有的甚至放弃了mit的offer,来lse.曾经问过美国人问什么来lse,lse相当于美国什么层次的大学, 美国人是这么评价lse的,在社会学和政治经济学领域,lse相当于哈佛。这也是为什么有不少从lse毕业的直接去哈佛肯尼迪政治学院读书的。欧盟的主席也是现在意大利的头普罗迪就是lse毕业的,新加坡的李光耀,还有若干国家的总理和内阁都是LSE的毕业生。英国议会里的议员lse的毕业生有几十个。原英国证监会和银监会主席是目前lse的校长。他不久前也差点当上morgan stanley的全球CEO。
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-15 10:25
以下是引用rebeccayu2004在2006-8-15 9:48:00的发言:lse在经济学,金融领域的权威地位无庸置疑,学术界上公认,上世纪30年代的经济学理论中心是英国的lse,而80年代后转到美国的芝加哥大学。lse的经济学泰斗级人物也是诺奖获得者包括, Miler (著名的m-m最优资本结构理论),阿卡洛夫的著名的“柠檬理论”信息不对乘理论,等等。以及罗素,萧伯纳等诺奖获得者。目前,lse的许多系和专业有和美国的芝加哥大学经济系同学分,有的系和美国的哥伦比亚大学和康奈尔大学同学分。
认识有经济系的中国的硕士研究生毕业直接去哈佛全奖读博士的。也有毕业了直接去warton读mba的。也有若干美国名校如普林斯顿,uc博克利,甚至还有mit的美国人来lse读书的,有的甚至放弃了mit的offer,来lse.曾经问过美国人问什么来lse,lse相当于美国什么层次的大学, 美国人是这么评价lse的,在社会学和政治经济学领域,lse相当于哈佛。这也是为什么有不少从lse毕业的直接去哈佛肯尼迪政治学院读书的。欧盟的主席也是现在意大利的头普罗迪就是lse毕业的,新加坡的李光耀,还有若干国家的总理和内阁都是LSE的毕业生。英国议会里的议员lse的毕业生有几十个。原英国证监会和银监会主席是目前lse的校长。他不久前也差点当上morgan stanley的全球CEO。
And hundreds of other Prime Ministers around the world. Check this if interested
I would say sorry that i brought up LSE in this thread.
It's totally out of scope.
作者: rebeccayu2004 时间: 2006-8-15 10:30
以下是引用rebeccayu2004在2006-8-15 9:48:00的发言:lse在经济学,金融领域的权威地位无庸置疑,学术界上公认,上世纪30年代的经济学理论中心是英国的lse,而80年代后转到美国的芝加哥大学。lse的经济学泰斗级人物也是诺奖获得者包括, Miler (著名的m-m最优资本结构理论),阿卡洛夫的著名的“柠檬理论”信息不对乘理论,等等。以及罗素,萧伯纳等诺奖获得者。目前,lse的许多系和专业有和美国的芝加哥大学经济系同学分,有的系和美国的哥伦比亚大学和康奈尔大学同学分。
认识有经济系的中国的硕士研究生毕业直接去哈佛全奖读博士的。也有毕业了直接去warton读mba的。也有若干美国名校如普林斯顿,uc博克利,甚至还有mit的美国人来lse读书的,有的甚至放弃了mit的offer,来lse.曾经问过美国人问什么来lse,lse相当于美国什么层次的大学, 美国人是这么评价lse的,在社会学和政治经济学领域,lse相当于哈佛。这也是为什么有不少从lse毕业的直接去哈佛肯尼迪政治学院读书的。欧盟的主席也是现在意大利的头普罗迪就是lse毕业的,新加坡的李光耀,还有若干国家的总理和内阁都是LSE的毕业生。英国议会里的议员lse的毕业生有几十个。原英国证监会和银监会主席是目前lse的校长。他不久前也差点当上morgan stanley的全球CEO。
作者: rebeccayu2004 时间: 2006-8-15 13:55
校友还有日本现在的首相小泉,美国前总统肯尼迪,丹麦女王Margrethe 二世,挪威王子,前加拿大总理,印度总理。。英格兰银行行长,现在的世界银行副行长等等
作者: nnm 时间: 2006-8-15 14:16
我都无语了, rebeccayu2004 MM是不是LSE的呀?
作者: goodssb 时间: 2006-8-15 19:23
LSE还有现在据说在City最热门的经济学家,虽然没得过诺贝尔奖,但已提名3次了的danny quay.
作者: nottingham84 时间: 2013-7-16 15:41
LBS is consistently ranked as one of the top 2 business schools in Europe and as one of the top 10 business schools in the world. -Cited by wikipedia
作者: dpq0911036 时间: 2013-7-16 21:18
此贴是专门开来黑LBS的吗。。US15。。。oh my god
作者: buchart 时间: 2013-7-17 00:47
LBS是个好学校。 我今年申请没中, 会去美国top10。 但整个过程中了解到的信息是: LBS的生源素质远超美国top10-15这段的学生。 一个原因可能是伦敦吸引了很多英联邦/中东/欧洲/亚洲的牛人, 它的国际化程度有百分之八九十。 大多数美国学校都是30%。另一个原因是年龄稍大, 入学时候已经做出的成就会稍高一些。
作者: snew27 时间: 2013-7-23 21:50
ofcourse LBS is better。。no brainer
作者: 38383388 时间: 2013-7-27 20:24
作者: deadendjy 时间: 2013-8-2 03:36
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