标题: 北美生物类变态PI不完全列表(转自MITbbs) [打印本页] 作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2012-2-24 12:56 标题: 北美生物类变态PI不完全列表(转自MITbbs) 美国变态PI David X. Liu Department of Neural and Behavioral Science Penn State Univ. 2 postdoc were fired after working for Dr. Liu only for 2 months because they did not obtain the expected experimental results.
Roger (Yuguang) Shi Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology Penn State Univ was in Department of Biochemistry and McGill Cancer Centre, McGill University, Canada Fired 5 Chinese student and postdocs. Ask security staff to monitor the postdocs to leave the lab Bing xu 原来在香港科技大学 现在Brandeis univ., Chem Dept. 不让学生毕业导致学 生自杀
David Wong UCLA, UCLA School of Dentistry, Dental Research Institute
Chun Jiang Department of Biology, Georgia State University 作假
Michael K Lee Johns Hopkins 人粗鲁,蛮横,嘴边常挂着FXXX,SXXX,欺软怕硬,反 复无常,有歧视中国人的倾向,实验催得很紧,非常挑剔苛刻(作实验也很严谨,这是 优点),压着数据不发表文章,不愿听不同意见(作实验方面,所以post-doc实际上是, 他的technician),脾气火爆,因一句话不合就解雇人已经发生过几次了,而且拒绝写 推荐信。
Thomas K. Wood Texas A & M University 网页上的实验室人员基本都不在了,跑光 postdoc基本上做不多久就跑掉
Richard Lu
DEJIAN REN U Penn dept. Biology
SONG WENCHAO U Penn medical school.
Yingming Zhao UTSW
Michael rosenfeld UCSD 一个project好多个人做, 文章作假
Xingen Lei Cornell
Ting Xie Stowers institute
Elliott M. Ross, UTSW, Department of pharmacology,犹太人,只会在最初2个月对 你像人样,之后暴露本质。人粗鲁,蛮横,嘴边常挂着FXXX,SXXX,对实验非常挑剔苛 刻,他本人没有idea,但是又拒绝别人所有不同建议,这样post-doc全部被变成他的 technician,想出一篇biochemistry级别的文章,运气好的话3-5年吧。脾气火爆,感 觉不爽解雇人。从不轻易给别人写推荐信。不喜欢组里成员休假,并且以身作则自己也 不休假,在他实验室美国正常的法定假期不属于postdoc也就算了,感恩节圣诞节也会 被他干涉,还会对别人的婚假说三道四。
Dorina Avram Albany Medical College 来自罗马尼亚的女老板,对手下人特别Mean, 尤其是女生,已经把实验室无数人骂哭, 学生都跑光了,博后也都不久。但她在招人或Rotation的时候都装的特nice, 一旦定下 来就完全另一幅嘴脸。搞到不但自己系里人(包括系主任)都怕她,别的系里只要和她 有交道打的都见她都躲。而且有学术作假方面的rumor。
Dr. Karin was born in Tel Aviv, Israel and received the Bachelor of Science degree in 1975 from Tel Aviv University, with a major in Biology. In 1975 he arrived in the US and in 1979 received a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Karin followed his graduate studies with postdoctoral fellowships at the Fox Chase Institute for Cancer Research, working in the laboratory of Dr. Beatrice Mintz, and the laboratory of Dr. John Baxter at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Karin joined the faculty at the University of California, San Diego in 1986, where currently he is a Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology.
Postdoc University of Missouri, 1995 Ph.D Michigan State University, 1993 M.S. Sichuan Agricultural University, 1985 B.A./B.S.Hunan Agricultural University, 1982
Molecular Nutrition ; Department of Animal Science 252 Morrison Hall Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Yun Qiu Ph.D. Academic Title: Associate Professor Primary Appointment: Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Secondary Appointments: Pathology U Maryland, School of Medicine
Roger (Yuguang) Shi Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology Penn State. Univ. was in Department of Biochemistry and McGill Cancer Centre, McGill University, Canada Fired 5 Chinese student and postdocs. Ask security staff to monitor the postdocs to leave the lab
Michael Rosenfeld just recruited 5 Chinese postdocs in last two years. Four already left in their first half year. I do not know how long the last one can suffer his staying in Geoff's lab,haha
Yadong Huang Associate Investigator Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease Associate Professor of Pathology and Neurology University of California, San Francisco
Katerina Akassoglou, Ph.D. Associate Investigator Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease Associate Professor of Pathology and Neurology University of California, San Francisco
一个中国薄厚四年间三篇J Neurosci, 两篇NEURON;找工作是得到的推荐信是"If you are looking for a star, XXX is not such kind of person. If you are looking for someone can do good experiment, XXX can do it".