
标题: gwd-6-18 [打印本页]

作者: ztlbox    时间: 2004-8-27 03:22
标题: gwd-6-18


In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  1. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.

  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

这道题我使用排除法,其他项it得知戴都有问题,只有c看之还顺眼,哪位牛牛可以从理论上讲讲为什么c 对

作者: rt316    时间: 2004-8-27 23:19
以下是引用ztlbox在2004-8-27 3:22:00的发言:


In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  1. In California today (today的位置不是很好,时间状语修饰整句,最好放在句首), Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago (Hispanics和a decade ago作比较,比较对象不匹配), when it (it的指代不明确) was about 35 percent.

  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic (主从成分混乱), compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics (表达不精确) under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.

  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California (表达不精确) account for more than 43 percent, unlike (比较结构错) a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

作者: AdamCheng    时间: 2004-9-5 00:24
以下是引用stoneren在2004-8-27 23:19:00的发言:

But do u think that the choice (C) compares the Hispanic with the figures?? doesn't it cause the ambiguity?

作者: agk99    时间: 2004-9-6 04:59



作者: gmat700+    时间: 2004-9-6 09:01


d错,我觉得是因为:1、比较对象概念不对等,californians和a decade ago比较;而且这里用compare to是unidiomatic的,应该用compare with;句子后半部分的it没有指代对象。

作者: rings    时间: 2004-10-8 19:08


But do u think that the choice (C) compares the Hispanic with the figures?? doesn't it cause the ambiguity?


作者: roberta    时间: 2004-10-10 17:32
以下是引用rings在2004-10-8 19:08:00的发言:


But do u think that the choice (C) compares the Hispanic with the figures?? doesn't it cause the ambiguity?


是容易有这种误解, 不过compare with可以这么用,参加longman里面一个例句就会更清楚了:)

a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year

作者: Penggary    时间: 2004-10-10 20:39
C可以这么认为:more than 43%..., compared with about 35%...,主谓结构在前面more than部分,这样看起来比较很对等:more than vs about, 43% vs 35%。大家的意见呢?
作者: bryan0806    时间: 2004-10-10 21:25
以下是引用Penggary在2004-10-10 20:39:00的发言:
C可以这么认为:more than 43%..., compared with about 35%...,主谓结构在前面more than部分,这样看起来比较很对等:more than vs about, 43% vs 35%。大家的意见呢?


这题我只有C读的懂  其他的选项我念起来都不太知道什么意思感觉很不顺 还有我是觉得ABDE的it 都指代不怎么清楚  顺便问一下 it 可以指代 xx% of 复数名词吗?

作者: hankunlun    时间: 2004-11-18 09:20
我觉得这道题的问题主要在it 的使用上,只有C选项没有错误。
作者: paraglider    时间: 2004-12-6 21:58

作者: paraglider    时间: 2004-12-6 21:59

作者: skyguard2000    时间: 2005-2-18 05:12
我来补充一点错误,B选项中的them不能用来指代介宾结构中的名词,即 Of the  Californians中的Californians。
作者: skyguard2000    时间: 2005-2-18 05:15
A、D、E中,account for more than 43 percent, 43 percent of what ?

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-9 12:57
以下是引用skyguard2000在2005-2-18 5:12:00的发言:
我来补充一点错误,B选项中的them不能用来指代介宾结构中的名词,即 Of the  Californians中的Californians。

这个观点很新颖, 不知道有什么出处吗?

作者: ethyl    时间: 2005-5-22 20:36

我来补充一点错误,B选项中的them不能用来指代介宾结构中的名词,即 Of the  Californians中的Californians。



作者: jerry1121    时间: 2005-7-5 01:56



作者: Lucky0506    时间: 2005-8-3 17:13
以下是引用rt316在2004-8-27 23:19:00的发言:

以下是引用ztlbox在2004-8-27 3:22:00的发言:


In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

  1. In California today (today的位置不是很好,时间状语修饰整句,最好放在句首), Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago (Hispanics和a decade ago作比较,比较对象不匹配), when it (it的指代不明确) was about 35 percent.
  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic (主从成分混乱), compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.
  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics (表达不精确) under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.
  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California (表达不精确) account for more than 43 percent, unlike (比较结构错) a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.


1。C.这里是否主语在比较啊?句子挺顺的,就是后面的compared with about a dacade ago.觉得是不是应该加上“that”。

Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with that about 35 percent a decade ago.

2。B,主从成分混乱? 第一次听见这个概念。可以解释一下具体什么意思?我觉得不混啊。只是好像of them和前面的of the californian重复了.


作者: sensornet    时间: 2005-8-16 04:59
17好像跟我的观点一致。C和原句意思不一样!大家看看under the age of 18的修饰对象,一个是Hispanics,一个是Californians。这两个句子的意思完全不同!我看,这道题没一个是对的。说哪个是对的都可能。在没有ETS标准答案的时候,谁也不要说哪个语法点的优先权更高。我更觉得这道题和17题一样是道测试用烂题。
作者: ESeraph    时间: 2005-9-2 21:20
以下是引用sensornet在2005-8-16 4:59:00的发言:
17好像跟我的观点一致。C和原句意思不一样!大家看看under the age of 18的修饰对象,一个是Hispanics,一个是Californians。这两个句子的意思完全不同!我看,这道题没一个是对的。说哪个是对的都可能。在没有ETS标准答案的时候,谁也不要说哪个语法点的优先权更高。我更觉得这道题和17题一样是道测试用烂题。

i think the meaning in C is closer to reality.  If "Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent" in A is correct, California is too young.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-2 21:20:40编辑过]

作者: sammaijgd    时间: 2005-9-4 15:29
我觉得这题出的不好 ,C选项有修改原文的嫌疑
作者: stray2000    时间: 2005-9-26 01:40


under the age of eighteen  修饰成分的位置不影响本句的逻辑意思。

原句说18岁以下的Hispanics占了加州43%人口, C说加州18岁以下的人口中有43%是Hispanics(这里已经隐含了这些Hispanics群体是18岁以下的意思)。


作者: happythree    时间: 2005-10-14 21:31

我认为还是有改变原意之嫌,原文的意思是,18岁以下的Hispanics占加州的43%,当然这个很不make sense. 但原文确实是这个意思.


作者: joanrain    时间: 2005-10-26 09:19

up23lou de xiongdi

wo jiushi zheyang ba C gei paichu diao le!55555

作者: howhowhow    时间: 2005-11-26 18:56



C: 18歲以下的加州人有43%是Hispanics (犯了SC最嚴重的錯誤─改變句意!!)

E Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

today跟a decade ago比

E裡面it 很清楚代Hispanics under the age of eighteen這個片語阿



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-26 19:20:08编辑过]

作者: lili09030118    时间: 2005-12-20 09:47

C的确有改变愿意之衔,但E中的IT能指的又是什么呢 ?hispanics 由前文可知是复数啊 所以 虽然C有歧义 但E指代有问题

作者: kathy8446    时间: 2006-8-18 23:55
以下是引用howhowhow在2005-11-26 18:56:00的发言:



C: 18歲以下的加州人有43%是Hispanics (犯了SC最嚴重的錯誤─改變句意!!)

E Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

大家都认为C改变原意,但我觉得恰恰因为原句A中没有指出account for 43% (of what),所以根本不能断言原意是什么。说不定它想表达的就是占18岁以下人的43%呢?


作者: 清清小蚂蚁    时间: 2006-9-9 10:23
以下是引用kathy8446在2006-8-18 23:55:00的发言:

大家都认为C改变原意,但我觉得恰恰因为原句A中没有指出account for 43% (of what),所以根本不能断言原意是什么。说不定它想表达的就是占18岁以下人的43%呢?


A 说,加拿大人中,18岁以下的西班牙人占了43%




作者: sendme    时间: 2006-9-9 13:31

A 意识是:

Hispanics under the age of eighteen 战全部加州的人口的43%。

你说合理吗??? 那末在加上他们的家长,则全加州都是 Hispanics 了。

所以, C: 18歲以下的加州人有43%是Hispanics correct.

作者: 娜na    时间: 2006-9-9 15:33




In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.


  1. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.
  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.
  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

Answer:  C


作者: 清清小蚂蚁    时间: 2006-9-9 18:02
以下是引用sendme在2006-9-9 13:31:00的发言:

A 意识是:

Hispanics under the age of eighteen 战全部加州的人口的43%。

你说合理吗??? 那末在加上他们的家长,则全加州都是 Hispanics 了。

所以, C: 18歲以下的加州人有43%是Hispanics correct.


作者: 清清小蚂蚁    时间: 2006-9-10 10:58
以下是引用sendme在2006-9-9 13:31:00的发言:

A 意识是:

Hispanics under the age of eighteen 战全部加州的人口的43%。

你说合理吗??? 那末在加上他们的家长,则全加州都是 Hispanics 了。

所以, C: 18歲以下的加州人有43%是Hispanics correct.

A 说,加拿大人中,18岁以下的西班牙人占了43%







作者: madben    时间: 2006-9-10 14:13


1. 很多18岁以上的非西班牙人没有孩子
2. 很多西班牙少年离开他们的父母来到了加州。


作者: 清清小蚂蚁    时间: 2006-9-10 16:46
以下是引用madben在2006-9-10 14:13:00的发言:


1. 很多18岁以上的非西班牙人没有孩子
2. 很多西班牙少年离开他们的父母来到了加州。




作者: amethyst10G    时间: 2006-10-10 12:14
以下是引用娜na在2006-9-9 15:33:00的发言:




In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.



  1. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.
  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.
  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

Answer:  C



作者: peterchang    时间: 2006-10-12 11:06

c.        Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.


作者: redragon124    时间: 2006-11-24 11:23


A, Hispanicsa

more than 43
a decade

more than 43 percent和35 percent比,正确

a decade

Hispanics 和 a decade

作者: yale_qiu    时间: 2007-1-11 11:21



再回过头去看A,43% of what?造成了含义上的模糊

既然A 原本的含义就不明确,也就谈不上更改句意了。


作者: znlhy    时间: 2007-4-10 14:12



  1. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.
  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.



作者: 罗马青年    时间: 2007-5-28 16:24

c.        Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.



因为“compared” 前面有逗号“,”隔开, 因此其修饰的是主句的主语,起补充说明的作用。

作者: manfromars    时间: 2007-12-4 10:16




作者: manfromars    时间: 2007-12-4 10:39


E. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

it是可以指代整句“Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California”内容的


Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.

此句的主句应是a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, 而在and引导的并列句子中主语the only way的谓语will continue to be rejected被省略了。所以,有些考生感到此句的翻译无从下手。with 做状语表示伴随状况。it 指代a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected这一句子内容。”

另外,我是否可以理解成为today和a decade ago在作比较?

作者: allenhzkk    时间: 2008-1-31 10:07

我也选E,我觉得today可以和a decade ago比较。但it不理解?

不管c有没有改变句子意思,这个under the age of eighteen改变了修饰对象,原来修饰hispanics变成了修饰Californians,这就应该错了。


再说哪,原句说的是in californian,西班牙人怎么怎么。



In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent,跟Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, 是不等的。

作者: bananaleaf    时间: 2008-5-29 13:53
以下是引用娜na在2006-9-9 15:33:00的发言:




In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.



  1. In California today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  2. Of the Californians under the age of eighteen, today more than 43 percent of them are Hispanic, compared with a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.
  3. Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.
  4. Today, compared to a decade ago, Californians who are Hispanics under the age of eighteen account for more than 43 percent, whereas it was about 35 percent.
  5. Today, Hispanics under the age of eighteen in California account for more than 43 percent, unlike a decade ago, when it was about 35 percent.

Answer:  C



作者: chinamerica    时间: 2008-6-8 07:05
作者: lrai524    时间: 2008-6-8 11:10
以下是引用agk99在2004-9-6 4:59:00的发言:




作者: jessie0317    时间: 2008-9-14 10:44

compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

我想问compared with。。在句子中做什么成分啊?不是修饰43 percent吧?! 

作者: 吴羽若    时间: 2008-12-3 21:12



作者: jomn111    时间: 2009-7-15 12:05
作者: 56summer    时间: 2010-5-25 16:15
A 说的是在California,Hispanics中more than 43percent是under the age of 18
而C是说more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic,
作者: fansail    时间: 2010-9-26 23:19
Manhattan: for A, D and E, neither of them specifies what we're taking percentages of. You need to say "43% of Californians", or "43% of the population of California", or 43% of... something.

作者: Blossomair    时间: 2010-11-9 20:24
这题明确比较对象就简单了,是35percent 和 43percent的对比,除了c以外的选项都是用california 或者 Hispanics 和数据比较,对象错了。

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