
标题: OG SC 33 以及 35 谢谢各位啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 [打印本页]

作者: FFFFFanfan    时间: 2012-2-19 21:50
标题: OG SC 33 以及 35 谢谢各位啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
33. Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent
prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that
it will cut production by closing its factories for two
days a month.
(A) Because an oversupply of computer chips has
sent prices plunging,
(B) Because of plunging prices for computer chips,
which is due to an oversupply,
(C) Because computer chip prices have been sent
plunging, which resulted from an oversupply
(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an
(E) Due to an oversupply, with the result that
computer chip prices have been sent plunging,

35. Along with the drop in producer prices announced
yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released
today seem like it is indicative that the economy,
although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.
(A) like it is indicative that
(B) as if to indicate
(C) to indicate that
(D) indicative of
(E) like an indication of
Grammatical construction; Agreement
In this sentence, the verb seem should be followed
by an infi nitive, to indicate; the relative pronoun
that correctly introduces the clause, but it does not
agree with sales fi gures.
A Singular it does not agree with plural sales
fi gures.
B Verb seem may be followed by as if in
some contexts, but here the result is an
ungrammatical and illogical construction.
C Correct. In this sentence, the verb seem is
correctly followed by the infi nitive to
indicate, and the pronoun that correctly
introduces a clause.
D Indicative of cannot introduce a clause.
E An indication of is wordy and cannot
introduce a clause.
其中B选项的解释不大明白 不知道as if为什么不能用。谢谢啦~
作者: 晴空一瞬    时间: 2012-2-23 19:48
33题我也不懂  求高人
作者: stephanie213    时间: 2012-2-24 00:14
33题:(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply, 只说了是个oversupply,没有说是什么的oversupply,总不能食物供应过多也能导致chip价格下降吧。再有,没有说清楚oversupply和plunging price的关系,应该是oversupply直接导致的价格下降,但是from用的非常的宽泛,只说了从oversupply中出现这个一个现象,并不能说明oversupply就是那个原因。所以从严谨性角度看,不如A。其次due to 开头一直不被GMAT所喜好,能用because开头的句子表达清楚意思的,就不要再用各种动名词修饰词的短语了。毕竟GMAT规则里,直接用动词优于形容词啊。
作者: stephanie213    时间: 2012-2-24 00:19
seem as if的意思是“看上去好像是”as if 后面就是虚拟了,ships far away seem as if they were floating in the air...这种感觉的,不是真实的。
seem to 意思是“貌似,似乎是”表示的一种猜测
作者: lipb7015151    时间: 2012-5-1 10:38
33题:(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply, 只说了是个oversupply,没有说是什么的oversupply,总不能食物供应过多也能导致chip价格下降吧。再有,没有说清楚oversupply和plunging price的关系,应该是oversupply直接导致的价格下降,但是from用的非常的宽泛,只说了从oversupply中出现这个一个现象,并不能说明oversupply就是那个原因。所以从严谨性角度看,不如A。其次due to 开头一直不被GMAT所喜好,能用because开头的句子表达清楚意思的,就不要再用各种动名词修饰词的短语了。毕竟GMAT规则里,直接用动词优于形容词啊。
-- by 会员 stephanie213 (2012/2/24 0:14:01)

但是還是不是很清楚A這樣兩個has done,這樣能像OG說的明確表達順序嗎?


(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,謝謝嘍~
作者: FFFFFanfan    时间: 2012-8-4 00:43
33题:(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply, 只说了是个oversupply,没有说是什么的oversupply,总不能食物供应过多也能导致chip价格下降吧。再有,没有说清楚oversupply和plunging price的关系,应该是oversupply直接导致的价格下降,但是from用的非常的宽泛,只说了从oversupply中出现这个一个现象,并不能说明oversupply就是那个原因。所以从严谨性角度看,不如A。其次due to 开头一直不被GMAT所喜好,能用because开头的句子表达清楚意思的,就不要再用各种动名词修饰词的短语了。毕竟GMAT规则里,直接用动词优于形容词啊。
-- by 会员 stephanie213 (2012/2/24 0:14:01)

作者: FFFFFanfan    时间: 2012-8-4 00:44
33题:(D) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply, 只说了是个oversupply,没有说是什么的oversupply,总不能食物供应过多也能导致chip价格下降吧。再有,没有说清楚oversupply和plunging price的关系,应该是oversupply直接导致的价格下降,但是from用的非常的宽泛,只说了从oversupply中出现这个一个现象,并不能说明oversupply就是那个原因。所以从严谨性角度看,不如A。其次due to 开头一直不被GMAT所喜好,能用because开头的句子表达清楚意思的,就不要再用各种动名词修饰词的短语了。毕竟GMAT规则里,直接用动词优于形容词啊。
-- by 会员 stephanie213 (2012/2/24 0:14:01)

但是還是不是很清楚A這樣兩個has done,這樣能像OG說的明確表達順序嗎?


(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,謝謝嘍~
-- by 会员 lipb7015151 (2012/5/1 10:38:29)

35感觉with用得不好,而且语句很冗余、、不如A简洁。。。至于那个顺序 我也想问。。
作者: vickyaza    时间: 2012-8-4 00:57
33题,美女,Due to的因果关系是不如Because来的强烈的。而在这道题目里,题目的意思很明确的指出了。Due to要少用,基本不用,特别在因果很明确的前提下。

另外,如果真要用D的话,Due to 后面应该跟真正的原因(oversupply),而不是due to plunging prices。他先说due to plunging proces 再说from oversupply,不清楚啊,人家看完会很confuse.所以不对不对不对~reject!!!

35题,as if to indicate,这是语法错误,不makes sense. E里面,an indication的话也是可以,但是应该是an indication that..而不是of...另外,indicate是动词,动词的表达力是最强的,如果你说an indication变成名词了,就没有这么强了。在SC中,表达意思清楚明确强烈,应该考虑动词先。

作者: 梁泱泱    时间: 2012-8-4 11:42
33题xdf语法老师说,表示因为的,优先:because>because of/due to,所以看见because,due to基本不予考虑。。。考试时候别想太多吖,优先考虑because从句有利于节约时间!
作者: 小奇奇怪lily    时间: 2012-8-4 17:05
楼主的意思是表示顺序的话一般过去时更佳吗?那就是这个has sent的动作已经结束了,可能会改变原意。还是用其他时态表示顺序?

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