标题: 语法JJ求助 [打印本页] 作者: 蘑菇胖肉肉 时间: 2012-2-19 20:57 标题: 语法JJ求助 36.有个not only....., but also must have ...., 然后我觉得应该选那个not only后面should have....的情态动词+have相对应哈 有米有人晓得这个题的考点是神马呀?我不懂这个说的意思诶。。。谢谢谢~~~
32. made of 还是用made for (别的选项排除了) 41.matter of +名词复数.... A: is subjected to B: are subject to (lz 不知道matter是否可数,选了are subjected to )这个应该是单数,还是复数捏? 72. Sb received recognization for her work, which includes membership of 某组织 and having her selected as 某职位 Sb received recognization for her work, including becoming a member of 某组织 and having her selected as 某职位 Sb received recognization for her work, including membership of 某组织 and selection as 某职
73. Sb (某演员)... famous for role as A and as B, ...(后面还有个and) Sb (某演员)... famous for role as A ,and B, ...(后面还有个and)
89.GWD原题 GWD The company .... all its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report. A all its members' name B all its members C the identities of all of its members确定选C 楼主选错了, 大家一定要注意?