标题: Study for your MBA at George Mason University - GMU MBA申请答疑帖 [打印本页] 作者: MasonMBA 时间: 2012-2-18 00:15 标题: Study for your MBA at George Mason University - GMU MBA申请答疑帖 George Mason University is setting the gold standard for the modern, public university. Its dynamic culture and innovative academic programs prepare Mason’s hard-working students for 21st century careers. Its commitment to teaching excellence combines with cutting-edge research that enriches the academic experience and is literally changing the world. Mason is affordable, yet offers high value. Ideally located in the Washington, D.C. region of the United States, students enjoy terrific cultural experiences and access to the most sought-after internships and employers in the country.
The Mason MBA program prepares the next generation of world leaders through a rigorous, stimulating business and management curriculum based on an international perspective, including a rich appreciation for other cultures and points-of-view. This kind of broader focus has become essential for pioneers of businesses, governments, and public institutions worldwide. http://som.gmu.edu/mba
Accepting applications until March 15. Apply today. http://som.gmu.edu/mba/admissions作者: sataharu 时间: 2012-2-18 00:24
学校不错,在dc周围口碑挺好,就是比较新作者: MasonMBA 时间: 2012-2-18 12:30
乔治梅森的full-time MBA program在华盛顿周围有良好的口碑。小班教学(40人左右),教授的学术水平和教学水平很高,责任心强, 特别是为人都十分的nice。MBA学生国际化程度高。2011级MBA班的同学来自中国、印度、尼泊尔、玻利维亚、委内瑞拉、土耳其、法国、德国、西班牙。 在就读梅森之前,他们从事的工作多种多样,有会计、咨询、管理、营销、艺术、贸易、商业等。梅森提倡独立思考的自主学习氛围,课堂上同学们踊跃发言,课后各种小组讨论和案例教学。 在这样的氛围内,你可以充分了解并学到有关business world的最新的知识。学校采用的教材和案例教学模式与哈佛大学接轨,内容涉及金融、会计、管理、运营、领导力、商业法律,涵盖了几乎所有商业领域的知识层面。 梅森MBA的career services的工作人员特别努力和负责,除了对MBA学生定期进行就业指导外,还每周将就业信息直接发给学生本人, 帮助大家随时掌握最新的就业动态和实习机会。