
标题: GWD1-36 [打印本页]

作者: paopao    时间: 2004-8-25 02:11
标题: GWD1-36

  In corporate purchasing,

       competitive scrutiny is typically

       limited to suppliers of items that are

Line directly related to end products.(商业现象:在购买终端产品,审查限制供应商)

  (5)      With “indirect” purchases (such as

computers, advertising, and legal

services), which are not directly

related to production, corporations

often favor “supplier partnerships”

(10)      (arrangements in which the

purchaser forgoes the right to

pursue alternative suppliers), which

can inappropriately shelter suppliers

from rigorous competitive scrutiny

(15)      that might afford the purchaser

economic leverage. (在购买不是终端产品时,SP可免审查) There are two

independent variables—availability

of alternatives and ease of changing

suppliers—that companies should

(20)      use to evaluate the feasibility of

       subjecting suppliers of indirect

       purchases to competitive scrutiny.(两个变量:有无其它选择/是否容易另选供应商)

This can create four possible


(25)       In Type 1 situations, there are

many alternatives and change is

relatively easy.  Open pursuit of

alternatives—by frequent com-

petitive bidding, if possible—will

(30)      likely yield the best results.  In

Type 2 situations, where there

are many alternatives but change

       is difficult—as for providers of

employee health-care benefits—it

(35)     is important to continuously test

the market and use the results to

secure concessions from existing

suppliers.  Alternatives provide a

      credible threat to suppliers, even if

(40)     the ability to switch is constrained.

In Type 3 situations, there ate few

alternatives, but the ability to switch

without difficulty creates a threat that

companies can use to negotiate

(45)      concessions from existing suppliers.

In Type 4 situations, where there

are few alternatives and change

is difficult, partnerships may be





Which of the following can be inferred about supplier partnerships, as they are described in the passage? infer


  • They cannot be sustained unless the goods or services provided are available from a large number of suppliers.

  • They can result in purchasers paying more for goods and services than they would in a competitive-bidding situation.

  • corporations

    often favor “supplier partnerships”

    (10)      (arrangements in which the

    purchaser forgoes the right to

    pursue alternative suppliers), which

    can inappropriately shelter suppliers

    from rigorous competitive scrutiny

    (15)      that might afford the purchaser

    economic leverage.

  • They typically are instituted at the urging of the supplier rather than the purchaser.无关比较点

  • They are not feasible when the goods or services provided are directly related to the purchasers’ end products.

  • They are least appropriate when the purchasers’ ability to change suppliers is limited.没有绝对化概念

  • B是答案 请问D为何不对

    因为原文中 1-15行讲到 购买终端产品 供应商要审查 购买不是终端的产品 供应商用SP 免审查


    作者: vincent0330    时间: 2004-8-25 06:36


    在原文中L5-L9讲到With “indirect” purchases (such as computers, advertising, and legal services), which are not directly related to production, corporations often favor "supplier partnerships"

    但这里只讲述那些indirect的东东通常用SP, 但原文没讲到direct东东的情形, 所以我们不能推导(D)


    作者: paopao    时间: 2004-8-25 07:50


    难道不能理解为direct end product如何 即可推出非direct end product 如何吗

    是不是只能在unlike/ contrary to 之类的词句下 我们才能这样取非


    狗狗 加油

    作者: vincent0330    时间: 2004-8-25 09:46
    以下是引用paopao在2004-8-25 7:50:00的发言:


    难道不能理解为direct end product如何 即可推出非direct end product 如何吗

    是不是只能在unlike/ contrary to 之类的词句下 我们才能这样取非


    狗狗 加油

    其实我当初也是选这个(D), 后来看一下, 还真的是(B)......

    我们再看看(D)They are not feasible when the goods or services provided are directly related to the purchasers’ end products


    其实这些可推可不推OG里面的文章都有, 我想我们还要再揣摹揣摩.....

    作者: paopao    时间: 2004-8-25 09:58
    以下是引用vincent0330在2004-8-25 9:46:00的发言:

    其实这些可推可不推OG里面的文章都有, 我想我们还要再揣摹揣摩.....



    作者: LES    时间: 2004-8-25 10:14

    can inappropriately shelter suppliers

    from rigorous competitive scrutiny

    (15)      that might afford the purchaser

    economic leverage.

    请问这句话怎么理解?economic leverage什么意思?

    作者: vincent0330    时间: 2004-8-25 20:44

    economic leverage

    经济杠杆作用, 就好像文中探讨了, supplier有竞争则supplier价钱降低, purchaser可以讨价还价

    杠杆作用可以用在很多地方....., 像股票交易, 期货交易, 甚至贷款都算是经济杠杆的一种....

    作者: paopao    时间: 2004-8-26 01:48
    以下是引用LES在2004-8-25 10:14:00的发言:

    can inappropriately shelter suppliers

    from rigorous competitive scrutiny

    (15)      that might afford the purchaser

    economic leverage.

    请问这句话怎么理解?economic leverage什么意思?

    LES 这句话的意思是SP使供货方免受审查 而审查能给购买方带来经济上的好处 意思是会便宜点
    作者: LES    时间: 2004-8-27 20:48
    作者: blackpalms    时间: 2004-8-31 03:06

    I think the key word in this question is the "favor" in L9. By using "favor," the author implies that it is possible to use the supplier partnership in either direct purchases or indirect purchases.

    Choice D says that the partnership is not feasible in direct purchases, but if we take the word "favor" into consideration, we can see that it is indeed feasible to use supplier partnership in the case of direct purchase, companies just don't use it for whatever reasons.

    作者: kevinshao17    时间: 2005-12-1 22:51
    37答案应该是E。文中 “which are not directly related to production”, 注意是PRODUCTION,不是END-PRODUCT。前文指出DIRECT通常是ENDPRODUCT,但不是说INDIRECT就定义为非ENDPRODUCT。想想看,很多原材料也许很重要但不是直接相关ENDPRODUCT的,这个一样应该算DIRECT而去让SUPPLIERS进行竞争。
    作者: sunnybest    时间: 2005-12-18 07:40

    答案是B,但我认为是D,从全文的框架来看,supplier partnership bidding是两种适应于不同条件的策略,因此不具有可比性。DL5-10的取非,符合ETS的出题思路

    作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2006-1-8 16:39
    以下是引用blackpalms在2004-8-31 3:06:00的发言:

    I think the key word in this question is the "favor" in L9. By using "favor," the author implies that it is possible to use the supplier partnership in either direct purchases or indirect purchases.

    Choice D says that the partnership is not feasible in direct purchases, but if we take the word "favor" into consideration, we can see that it is indeed feasible to use supplier partnership in the case of direct purchase, companies just don't use it for whatever reasons.


    作者: xuyuan200201    时间: 2006-1-13 11:09
    以下是引用blackpalms在2004-8-31 3:06:00的发言:

    I think the key word in this question is the "favor" in L9. By using "favor," the author implies that it is possible to use the supplier partnership in either direct purchases or indirect purchases.

    Choice D says that the partnership is not feasible in direct purchases, but if we take the word "favor" into consideration, we can see that it is indeed feasible to use supplier partnership in the case of direct purchase, companies just don't use it for whatever reasons.


    我感觉favor并不能推出" the author implies that it is possible to use the supplier partnership in either direct purchases or indirect purchases. "因为在原文中corporations是在with "indirect"的前提下才favor的;而在"direct"时是需要"competitive scrutiny"的,所以SP在direct时是不可行的!同意D

    作者: 加拿大帅哥    时间: 2007-1-4 13:31

    我也支持D, 因为B选项根本在文中找不到合适的相关信息。

    而D正好是相关信息  取fei

    作者: foxordog    时间: 2007-1-17 22:29
    以下是引用blackpalms在2004-8-31 3:06:00的发言:

    I think the key word in this question is the "favor" in L9. By using "favor," the author implies that it is possible to use the supplier partnership in either direct purchases or indirect purchases.

    Choice D says that the partnership is not feasible in direct purchases, but if we take the word "favor" into consideration, we can see that it is indeed feasible to use supplier partnership in the case of direct purchase, companies just don't use it for whatever reasons.


    作者: cherrychi    时间: 2007-10-30 16:57


    问题主要集中在BD上,为什么说D不对呢?主要因为本文通篇讨论的是针对indirect product, 采取the supplier partnerships的战略比较好,(第2段)但是也要分情况应用,所以我认为本文的中心思想是关于indirect product,并未提及end product 的问题。所以D错。


    作者: bbxiaos    时间: 2007-11-23 01:21


    They can result in purchasers paying more for goods and services than they would in a competitive-bidding situation


    作者: highdior    时间: 2007-11-25 11:05


    就是原文“which can inappropriately shelter suppliers from rigorous competitive scrutiny that might afford the purchaser economic leverage”想表达的意思啊:对Supplier审查(通俗一点:讨价还价)rigoruous一点就能为Corp.(purchaser)带来经济好处,然后是sheter即取反,所以没带来好外,就是买贵乐,呵呵 

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