
标题: lsat-12-2-19 [打印本页]

作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-8-24 22:35
标题: lsat-12-2-19

The format of network television news programs generally allows advocates of a point of view only 30 seconds to convey their message. Consequently, regular watchers become accustomed to thinking of issues in terms only of slogans and catch phrases, and so the expectation of careful discussion of public issues gradually disappears from their awareness. The format of newspaper stories, on the other hand, leads readers to pursue details of stories headed by the most important facts and so has the opposite effect on regular readers—that of maintaining the expectation of careful discussion of public issues. Therefore, in contrast to regular newspaper reading, regular watching of network television news programs increases the tendency to think of public issues in oversimplified terms.

19. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Regular watchers of network television news programs are much more likely than other people to be habitual readers of newspapers.
(B) Including any 30-second quotations from proponents of diverse views, the total amount of time devoted to a single topic on regular network television news programs averages less than one and a half minutes.
(C) The format of network television news programs does not include roundtable discussion of issues among informed proponents of diverse views.
(D) Television news reports tend to devote equal time to discussion of opposing views.
(E) People who watch the most television, measured in average number of hours of watching per week, tend not to be regular readers of newspapers.


作者: pocahontas    时间: 2004-8-24 23:15

Regular看电视新闻的人 比其他人更有可能是habitual报纸读者。

文章结论说Therefore, in contrast to regular newspaper reading, regular watching of network television news programs increases the tendency to think of public issues in oversimplified terms.其实是把 regular newspaper reading的人群和regular watching of network television news programs的人群完全对立起来,看成exclusive的了。


作者: litheliluo    时间: 2004-8-24 23:58


作者: mindfree    时间: 2004-8-25 01:04
Interestingly, I eliminate A right away and I still don't like it. Even when there is an overlap between TV news watcher and habitual newspaper reader, watching TV news can still increase the tendency, while the newspaper reading decreases it. A will perfectly weakens an argument that people who watch TV news tend to ..., but not the conclusion in this question.
作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-8-25 05:42
作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-8-25 08:27



作者: leeon    时间: 2004-8-25 09:06


regular watching of network television news programs的人看成集合a,regular newspaper reading的人看成集合b,原文的结论是:和集合b的人比较,集合a的人增加了新闻热点简单思考的趋势。


作者: pocahontas    时间: 2004-8-25 09:24
作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-8-25 10:02
原文结论:相对于常看报纸,常看电视新闻使人更趋于看问题简单化(讨论的问题是相比常看报纸,常看电视新闻是否会使人看问题简单化)。为了证明这个结论,原文提出两个证据:一是常看电视新闻,使人习惯于想问题简单化。二是相反,常看报纸作用相反(has the opposite effect , on the other hand(使人看问题不会简单化)。A说常看电视新闻的人比其他人更可能常看报纸。其隐含的意思是常看电视新闻常会诱使人再看报纸,从而不会简单的看问题,这是一系列的动作,其源头是常看电视新闻。所以,常看电视新闻由于它能使人也常看报纸,从而不会简单的看问题,使原文的结论说常看电视会使人趋于看问题简单化受到怀疑。其实原文是在讨论做一件事的效果,原文的WEAKEN方式为:看一件事的效果不能孤立来看,不但要看它本身的效果,还要看他的引起的其他效果。这样才能全面比较两件事,否则是片面的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-25 10:06:24编辑过]

作者: leeon    时间: 2004-8-25 10:12
标题: lsat-12-2-19



作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-8-25 10:52


作者: leeon    时间: 2004-8-25 11:07



作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-8-25 17:21
作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-8-25 19:47
"原文的结论还能一定成立吗?"。“如果可以得出看电视必然导致爱看报纸,则结论被削弱”。这是WEAKEN题,不是ASSUMPTION题,只要可能性发生变化就可以,即使是一点点的变化。况且ASSUMPTION也不一定都MUST BE,只有充分类,必要类不需要,而多数是必要类,这就是为何要在问题中加MOST的原因,我见过不少人说MOST没意义,非也。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-25 19:48:26编辑过]

作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-8-25 20:02
作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-8-25 20:31


作者: Bensontuo    时间: 2019-7-31 18:43
cranberry 发表于 2004-8-24 22:35
The format of network television news programs generally allows advocates of a point of view only 30 ...

Spot the question type: Weaken

Within A, because of C happens, so no D.

Within B, because of E happens, so  D.

So as comparing group of A and B, it must be true that No D will always happen within group of A.


1. What if all People in group A happens to be in group B ?

2. What if people in group A would be also influenced by E ?

3. What if people in group A would find a way to avoid C happens ?


A. people in Group A are likely to be the people in Group B => Matching our inferences

B. It does not impact the argument.

C. It supports the argument but not weaken it.

D. It does not impact the argument.

E. Support the argument.

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