但是website上没有多说相关的信息。申请过olin的筒子们能来说一说么?相关的time length, tuition, financial aid的policy. 我知道是两个独立的adcom去review申请的,该不会要两次interview吧。。作者: smallkey 时间: 2012-2-12 23:19
貌似入学之后也可以申请的: You may apply to any of the above programs either before entering Washington University or after you have already begun your graduate studies in one of the programs. If the former, you must submit two distinct applications – one to Olin and the other to the second graduate program – and your candidacy will be assessed by two independent admissions committees. If the latter, you must apply to the second program prior to the start of your last year in your current (first) program. 第一年之内都可以作者: yarndyed 时间: 2012-2-13 00:00
基本上如果他们MBA要你的话,另一个MASTER也会自动要你的,一般不用再面试了,即使面试的话也就是走走过场。不过两个学位是要付两份学位的,而且貌似MASTER是没有奖学金的。当然有些课是重复的,所以念MASTER可以少念一些课程,少交一点钱。作者: heyifeifei 时间: 2012-2-13 00:13
谢谢楼上的。作者: Pythagoras 时间: 2012-2-13 00:54
会不会太累啊。。。作者: heyifeifei 时间: 2012-2-13 09:41