Tuck 是这周三凌晨5:30跟second-year student的skype interview: 1. Walk thru resume 2. What's your knowledge gap? You want to enter into the same industry after MBA? 3. Why Tuck? 4. What can you contribute to Tuck during and out of classes? 5. Describe a time you disagreed with your boss 6. Describe a setback or a failure 7. Assume your study group members are of different backgrounds, what are the three words they would describe you 8. What are the three things you want me to tell the admissions officer? 9. Questions for him.
总共40分钟左右,面完小哥说了下wish you best of luck,然后就匆匆byebye下线了,thank you note也木有回我,希望他是看见了没回而已
昨天周五早上刚接到interview email, 下午就和校友约上了今天面,因为校友下周木有空。。从linked in上面可以看到校友照片,看上去是个很nice的人,见面确实也是,笑眯眯的,但是问问题的时候还是很dig into的哦: 1. Walk thru resume,中间detail地问了好几个项目的细节 2. Why MBA? Why cannot learn the knowledge by transferring to the U.S. office?What's your plan after MBA? 3. Why Kellogg? Have you applied other school? What is your second choice? 4. What do you do in your spare time. 5. What can you contribute to Kellogg? 6. What do you want to know about Kellogg? 经由最后一个问题,就开始了跟他的聊天,问了他从选择kellogg的原因、从Mck进入现在这个行业的原因以及在现在这个行业的一些故事,等等。
最后给我提了意见说等我MBA毕业后,最好在选择的那家公司多待几年,说我现在move too quickly,还说at first thought我应该再多待一年再申请MBA,多积累些experience,这样才能更好地contribute to study group。。。但他也没说聊完之后是否觉得现在是我的timing。。搞得我比较忐忑