
标题: gwd10-38 [打印本页]

作者: 我爱宝宝    时间: 2004-8-22 05:18
标题: gwd10-38


Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French

scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing

gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a

French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing

insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

B. Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, a French scientist was

attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy

moths with adult silkworms.

C. To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a

strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the

gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.

D. The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

E. In an attempt at the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a

French scientist, importing the gypsy moth from Europe into Massachusetts in

1869 in order to cross gypsy moths and adult silkworms.



作者: 我爱宝宝    时间: 2004-8-23 00:22
作者: toynbee    时间: 2004-8-23 01:02

attempt at不符合习惯搭配,所以A,E排除




作者: vincent0330    时间: 2004-8-23 01:35

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a
French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing
insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

个人愚见, 请指教:

(1) be use to 与attempt at 语意重复

(2) attempt at sth, attempt to do sth

(3) 后面的crossing, 若做伴随结果, 逻辑意思怪异, 若是修饰主语, 逻辑搭配部当

作者: shiningstar    时间: 2004-8-23 04:14

A,E in an attempt中 attempt 是名词,而他又动词用法所以这种情况下动词优先attempt to do好

B. Imported 逻辑主语不对应该是moth而此处成了a French scientist .

C,E.development 有动词形式所以develop优先,

而且c表达怪怪的,in attempting the development 好像没有这种表达方法吧 ,如果改成To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe我觉得这样会好些!

E答案,要是按照og的习惯,应该还有个错误就是主语:a French scientist跟他的谓语距离太远。。。。,好像根本没有谓语哦!


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-23 4:14:49编辑过]

作者: leeon    时间: 2004-8-23 09:03

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a

French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing

insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

看A者中的这种结构,attempt发起者是谁不清楚,这道题将A改为French scientist's attempt at doing...可以解决这个问题,但是考虑到前面的介词by,这里还不是很合理。而且后面的分词结构crossing...修饰谁看不清楚。

D中的The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.


作者: 我爱宝宝    时间: 2004-8-23 11:53



结论:attempt to;全划线题重心可以改变。

作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-20 03:29

D中by a French scientist attempting是不是介词短语带分词了?

102. Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin's ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.

(A)  Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(B)  Except for a concert performance with the composer himself staging it

(C)  Besides a concert performance being staged by the composer himself

(D) Excepting a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(E)   With the exception of a concert performance with the staging done by the composer himself

Choice A is best. In B, the participle staging inappropriately expresses ongoing rather than completed action, and the prepositional phrase containing this participle (with... it) is unidiomatic. Likewise, C uses the participle being inappropriately. In D, the use of Excepting in place of the preposition Except for is unidiomatic. Choice E is awkward and wordy.

请NN给个意见, 我在这点上一直糊涂.谢谢!

作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-20 08:51
up, 需要帮助!
作者: leeon    时间: 2004-9-20 09:54

102中的错误在it,with sth done这样的结构是idom的。后面加了it就错误。

这里的by sb doing sth也是一种很长见的结构。分词结构充当介宾结构中的宾语补足语。在OG中有一种很完美变体就是sb do sth by doing sth。

作者: bryan0806    时间: 2004-10-12 10:35

我本来也选了A 后来仔细看 A的最大错误在于cross

cross逻辑上应修饰scientist 但是 他可修饰insects 好像也可修饰moth造成歧义

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.


作者: msfox    时间: 2004-12-7 20:43


作者: neverback    时间: 2004-12-13 15:32






作者: yyd9806    时间: 2004-12-24 08:14

同意楼上的说法. 查了一下字典, attempt做名词时也可以和at连用表示试图.如下:

(常与at, on, to连用)努力;尝试
She made an attempt to cook the dinner.

make an attempt at
打算; 试图


其次,A选项中的CROSS并没有造成修饰的误解(反驳第11楼的说法),CROSSING是进一步解释前一句所描述的实验过程,这个科学家的实验"developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects" 是CROSSING.... 

作者: windweed    时间: 2004-12-31 22:30

我总觉得D 中

The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

要是改成: by a French scientist's attempting to 就没问题了. By sb doing 感觉好象很不爽. 一般动名词前面不是所有格形式吗?


这里defense 一下A:

1. french scientist 怎么会干起进口生意呢? 应该是别人进口来了,他用才对吧. A 表达的比D有道理.

2. 另外楼上所说的crossing 进一步解释developing 也有道理哦.

还请继续讨论非到定论不可. NN再请进来.

作者: bryan0806    时间: 2005-1-2 01:07
嗯  看到有人反駁我十一樓的說法  不得不再來講一下

我覺得A的crossing引起岐意 是GMAT的大忌  D中的by 已經把used的意思表達出來了


127. In theory, international civil servants at the
United Nations are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own
governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living
allowances for their employees’ paychecks, assigned by them to the
United Nations.

for their employees’ paychecks, assigned by them

for the paychecks of their employees who have been assigned

for the paychecks of their employees, having been assigned

in place of their employees’ paychecks, for those of them assigned(B)

in place of the paychecks of their employees to have been assigned by them

In choice A, the
phrase assigned by them modifies the
adjacent noun, paychecks: the
sentence implies that paychecks, rather than employees, work at the United
Nations. In C, the phrase having been
... is uncertain in reference, making the sentence unclear. By
using in place of instead of for, choices D and E create the
unidiomatic and redundant construction substitutes
x in place of y.
Moreover, D, aside from being wordy, is unclear because
the pronoun them has no unambiguous
antecedent; and in E, their employees to
have been assigned by them
is wordy and awkward. Choice B, the best answer,
properly uses the phrase who have been
assigned... to the United Nations
to modify employees.

作者: helenefz    时间: 2005-2-14 20:03



作者: anyname    时间: 2005-3-22 17:13
以下是引用leeon在2004-9-20 9:54:00的发言:

102中的错误在it,with sth done这样的结构是idom的。后面加了it就错误。

这里的by sb doing sth也是一种很长见的结构。分词结构充当介宾结构中的宾语补足语。在OG中有一种很完美变体就是sb do sth by doing sth。

by a French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

可不可以理解为attempting to ....分词作定语修饰a French sicientist呢?我个人觉得在GMAT中,介词by后面加复杂成分是awkward。

作者: rivergirl    时间: 2005-5-2 06:34
以下是引用helenefz在2005-2-14 20:03:00的发言:



作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-13 21:52

C. To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a

strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the

gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.

D. The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

这里C确实没有D好, 但是不知道除了倾向于使用动词外, C还有什么地方不对吗?


作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-15 15:51


36. Bufo marinus toads, fierce predators that will eat frogs, lizards, and even small birds, are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control pests in the state's vast sugarcane fields.

(A)  are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control

(B)   are native in South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's as attempts to control

(C)  are natives of South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt at controlling

(D)  had been native to South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as an attempt at controlling

(E)   had been natives of South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as attempts at controlling

Choice A is best. The phrasing are native to correctly suggests that the toad species is indigenous to, and still exists in, South America. In B, native in is unidiomatic; in C and E, natives of illogically suggests that each toad now in Florida hails from South America. In D and E, had been inaccurately implies that the toads are no longer native, or indigenous, to South America, and introduced to Florida is unidiomatic. Both as attempts in B and E and as an attempt in D are wrong because the attempt consists not of the toads themselves, but of their introduction into the environment. The correct phrase, in an attempt, should be completed by an infinitive (here, to control), as in A.

OG说的明确, in an attempt to do是idiomatic的用法.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-22 15:50:09编辑过]

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-12 11:46
作者: lukapurple    时间: 2005-7-30 22:01


36. Bufo marinus toads, fierce predators that will eat frogs, lizards, and even small birds, are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control pests in the state's vast sugarcane fields.

(A)  are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt to control

(B)   are native in South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's as attempts to control

(C)  are natives of South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930's in an attempt at controlling

(D)  had been native to South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as an attempt at controlling

(E)   had been natives of South America but were introduced to Florida during the 1930's as attempts at controlling

Both as attempts in B and E and as an attempt in D are wrong because the attempt consists not of the toads themselves, but of their introduction into the environment. The correct phrase, in an attempt, should be completed by an infinitive (here, to control), as in A.

作者: pkulikai    时间: 2005-7-31 09:33
attempt 是可以与 at  搭配的~   可以说 an  attempt at doing sth   当然也可以说            an attempt to do sth~[em01
作者: coffemug    时间: 2005-8-8 06:24
个 人 拙 见 (summarizing upstairs wonderful answers :

A. "was used" repeats "in an attempt at...";

    in an attempt at developing -> in an attempt to develop

    "crossing" has wrong subject

B. "a French scientist" is not the subject of "imported"

C. in an attempting the development -> in an attempt to develop

    Emphasis of the sentence changed

D. Correct

E. In an attempt at the development -> in an attempt to develop

    sentence fragments

作者: coffemug    时间: 2005-8-8 06:26
supplements (from Longman):

attempt v

    attempt to do sth

    attempt (doing) sth

attempt n

    attempt at

    in an attempt to do sth

    an attempt on sb's life

    make no attempt to do sth

作者: channing76    时间: 2005-8-8 19:42
以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-20 3:29:00的发言:

D中by a French scientist attempting是不是介词短语带分词了?

102. Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin's ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.

(A)  Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(B)  Except for a concert performance with the composer himself staging it

(C)  Besides a concert performance being staged by the composer himself

(D) Excepting a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(E)   With the exception of a concert performance with the staging done by the composer himself

Choice A is best. In B, the participle staging inappropriately expresses ongoing rather than completed action, and the prepositional phrase containing this participle (with... it) is unidiomatic. Likewise, C uses the participle being inappropriately. In D, the use of Excepting in place of the preposition Except for is unidiomatic. Choice E is awkward and wordy.

请NN给个意见, 我在这点上一直糊涂.谢谢!

试解释下:分词(过去,现在)是实意的,不需要加with;with 加一名词充当修饰成分;

being +一过去分词是不爽的用法,好像只有being+done 的;


作者: LunarLin    时间: 2005-9-21 23:40



作者: LunarLin    时间: 2005-9-21 23:44

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a

French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing

insects, (crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms. )


作者: hippo_xu    时间: 2005-10-2 07:59


A.      错,分词crossing要么修饰主语(moth),要么修饰前面insects,但是两个逻辑意思上都不通

B.      错,过去分词imported表示被动,修饰a French scientist, 逻辑意思错

C.     正确

D.     错,我觉得也是逻辑意思上有问题,crossing逻辑主语是moth,明显不通,

E.      错,没有谓语



作者: onebowl    时间: 2005-10-10 21:13
以下是引用LunarLin在2005-9-21 23:40:00的发言:



作者: jzd2c    时间: 2005-10-22 23:34
难到全划线的句子就可以改变句子重心吗. 意思由,French scientist use 变成了French scientist import 可以吗, 请回答.
作者: Maggie_Ru    时间: 2005-12-22 15:00
以下是引用neverback在2004-12-13 15:32:00的发言:






肯定不能选A~~因为这样一来~crossing的动作发出者就变成了the moth~~~显然步符合逻辑~~


C选项~~我觉得比较好玩~~~有一个歧义如果发现的话~~~很容易就能排除掉它~~~那就是a scientist in 1879 会让人误解成一个1879年的科学家~也就是说这个科学家可能是生于1879年~~而显然原文的意思是一个科学家在1879年引进了the moth~~~我觉得象这样的修饰成分~~位置放置很重要的~~大全中这样产生的歧义有几道题~~~最经典的就是一个什么什么人给她的哥哥还是谁写信~~信里面提到一件什么事情~~这道题~~~当时做起来觉得就像玩文字游戏~~~~不过~~也就是因为这道题目~~让我对修饰成分的位置在英语中的重要性有了深刻的认识~~~~




[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-22 15:02:59编辑过]

作者: mko    时间: 2006-2-13 08:00
attemp n.
attempt to do sth
attempt at (doing) sth

attemp v.
attempt to do sth

So, "an attempt at developing a strong strain" in A is correct, the problem is the "crossing"

作者: mymengming    时间: 2006-7-15 14:58
以下是引用Avantasia在2005-5-13 21:52:00的发言:

C. To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a

strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the

gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.

D. The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

这里C确实没有D好, 但是不知道除了倾向于使用动词外, C还有什么地方不对吗?


这里的C除了in attempt at的用法不对,好像还存在其他不恰当。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-15 15:00:04编辑过]

作者: ptr07    时间: 2006-12-19 13:01
tonybee and shiningstar gave good explainnation

作者: fd983314    时间: 2007-1-14 01:42
这道题选错了。主要是对by a French scientist attempting这样的结构不清楚。要看看OG上有没有别的例子。谢谢大家讨论这道题。
作者: apoab    时间: 2007-4-1 19:28

本题的句意是:跟法国科学家相关的动作有:在1869年从欧州进口飞娥(gypsy)到美国麻州、他这么做的目的是为了发展产丝的昆虫(develop a strongstrain of silk-producing insects)、为了达成目的
他用的方法是把gypsyadult silkworms混合交配(by crossing….)



C科学家的目的变成了混合交配(to crossing~~),错,混合交配不是目的而是方法

E C (in order to cross~~),错,也是把目的跟方法弄反了


作者: tjuwenzi    时间: 2007-4-6 23:02




作者: sunshinerab    时间: 2007-4-17 22:15
支持A。crossing 前面用逗号与前句隔开,可以表伴随结果,白勇语法上讲:这种用法是指即整个句子是原因,导致分词动作产生,无逻辑主语。另外,-ed分词短语在句尾,一般优先就近作定语,修饰名词。
D attempting and by crossing同样也存在修饰歧义,除了句意改变外,句子结构太长了,不清晰。

作者: 罗马青年    时间: 2007-6-12 02:54
作者: Amyfly    时间: 2007-7-20 23:38


作者: tangzimo    时间: 2007-10-22 00:25



还有最主要的是attempt只有attempt to do 的用法

作者: fortitude    时间: 2007-10-30 23:32
作者: tangyuehua    时间: 2008-2-17 04:17
以下是引用apoab在2007-4-1 19:28:00的发言:

本题的句意是:跟法国科学家相关的动作有:在1869年从欧州进口飞娥(gypsy)到美国麻州、他这么做的目的是为了发展产丝的昆虫(develop a strongstrain of silk-producing insects)、为了达成目的
他用的方法是把gypsyadult silkworms混合交配(by crossing….)



C科学家的目的变成了混合交配(to crossing~~),错,混合交配不是目的而是方法

E C (in order to cross~~),错,也是把目的跟方法弄反了



作者: sarahzhensh    时间: 2008-7-22 16:04

ing分词短语在句尾,(1)表示伴随动作、状态、功能,与句子谓语动作同时发生,逻辑主语等于句子主语。所以Acrossing 的主语是the gypsy,错。(2)表示伴随结果,整个句子是原因,导致分词动作产生,无逻辑主语。A 显然不符合此。B中逻辑主语错。E没有谓语


作者: Ryan0222    时间: 2008-11-10 01:46
以下是引用leeon在2004-8-23 9:03:00的发言:

A. Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a

French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing

insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

看A者中的这种结构,attempt发起者是谁不清楚,这道题将A改为French scientist's attempt at doing...可以解决这个问题,但是考虑到前面的介词by,这里还不是很合理。而且后面的分词结构crossing...修饰谁看不清楚。

D中的The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.

French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by

crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.



He was found(by sb.)lying on the floor.有人发现他躺在地上,但lying显然不是sb发出的动作

He was seen (by someone)sitting in a café.有人看见他坐在咖啡馆里,sitting也不是someone发出的动作

The papers were left(by sb)lying around.文件散落一地,lying依然不是sb发出的动作



作者: 路吉儿    时间: 2009-8-4 19:30

作者: 没办法1987    时间: 2009-9-11 11:53




科学家在1869年从欧州进口飞娥(gypsy)到美国麻州,目的是为了发展产丝的昆虫(develop a strongstrain of silk-producing insects)用的方法是把gypsyadult silkworms混合交配(by crossing….)

D 其实并没有改变逻辑意思



B 逻辑主语

CE原来句子是想说“crossing”是方法,该选项说成了“To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms”变成目的,改变原意

作者: bijinjing    时间: 2010-9-2 14:45
有没有人能回答我的我的顾虑~~虽然前人都说D by friench scientist attemping 是方法,但这么理解,变成了引进 gypsy moths 通过by```这个方法,这显然是不对的,我觉得只能理解为by scientist, 这样的话后面的attemping~~~和A 的in an attempt 一样存在逻辑错误,主语变成了mouth。我觉得虽然c很多小错误,但是选项中唯一主语一致的~~对于答案D真的不是很理解,请大家指教
作者: bijinjing    时间: 2010-9-2 22:11
作者: jbc88    时间: 2010-11-27 14:57
有没有人能回答我的我的顾虑~~虽然前人都说D by friench scientist attemping 是方法,但这么理解,变成了引进 gypsy moths 通过by```这个方法,这显然是不对的,我觉得只能理解为by scientist, 这样的话后面的attemping~~~和A 的in an attempt 一样存在逻辑错误,主语变成了mouth。我觉得虽然c很多小错误,但是选项中唯一主语一致的~~对于答案D真的不是很理解,请大家指教
-- by 会员 bijinjing (2010/9/2 14:45:35)

作者: wildmantomba    时间: 2012-1-9 12:24
The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a
French scientist attempting(who is attempt 省略who is 改成ing形式) to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.(作为限制性定语从句修饰a French scientist)
作者: lcyalexa    时间: 2015-8-16 14:48
The agent of a COMMA + VERBing modifier must be the SUBJECT OF THE PRECEDING CLAUSE.
A: The gypsy moth was used, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
Here, COMMA + crossing seems to refer to the gypsy moth (the subject of the preceding clause), implying that THE GYPSY MOTH was CROSSING gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
Not the intended meaning.
Eliminate A.

An introductory VERBed modifier must refer to the SUBJECT OF THE FOLLOWING CLAUSE.
B: Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, a French scientist...
Here, imported seems to modify a French scientist (the subject of the following clause), implying that A FRENCH SCIENTIST was IMPORTED into Massachusetts.
Not the intended meaning.
Eliminate B.

A introductory VERBing modifier must serve to express an action that is CONCURRENT with the main verb.
C: In attempting the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the gypsy moth.
Here, the implication is that a French scientist was ATTEMPTING as he IMPORTED.
Not the intended sequence.
Clearly, the moth had to be imported BEFORE the scientist could attempt to develop the strain of insects.
Eliminate C.

In E, the subject (a French scientist) lacks a verb.
The result is a sentence fragment.
Eliminate E.

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