- awarded with 10K scholarship for good academic performance.
Profile ======================= GMAT 760 Working Exp. 4.5 Years, Backoffice IT professional in an equity agency group of an investment bank. Age: 32
Reason to apply SMU instead of NUS/NTU =========================== 1> much shorter timespam for a part time program 2> nearer to the CBD area of Singapore, hence nearer to the office 3> execellant reputation for its undergraduate education 4> relative small size of class (but this year it is increased to ~70 students). 5> i already had an NUS exposure, and want some synergy from SMU/
I've read and learnt so much from Chase Dream. "Be Your Better Self" is always encouraging me to push for the next limit.
Please feel free to ask if I could be of any help.作者: lpo 时间: 2012-2-6 23:12
Well said and nice choice. Congratulations!作者: jimliusan 时间: 2013-7-1 23:49
前辈啊。请多关照。。。作者: heywendi 时间: 2013-7-22 18:20
LZ你好呀!我也想申请SMU,能不能加你QQ呢?作者: janyjane 时间: 2013-7-24 15:16