1. Why MBA 2. Why Kelley 3. What will you say to be your biggest achievement 4. What will your colleagues miss you after you left the company 5. What is your weakness 6. What characteristics drove your success thus far 7. What did you do after you left your last employer 8. What is your hobby 9. Anything else you want Kelley adcom to know 10. Any questions for me
今天是他在大陆的最后一天interview,明天飞去台北,就当是给台湾同胞的节日礼物了。作者: tsaiming 时间: 2012-2-6 16:28
Mr. Holmen will start to interview Taiwan tong-bao since this Wed (8-Feb). Very sppreciate LZ's kindness and information!作者: memesorte 时间: 2012-2-8 16:49
推 Lz Thanks for sharing作者: sbgwtw 时间: 2012-2-8 23:39