The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.
If the statements above are all true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?
Answer: C
我觉得C还是有问题,因为B选项中已经提示我们accidity并不是唯一决定质量的因素,因此应该是在三unrefined olive oil 其他方面都一样的情况下,accidity越底,质量才越高。
up 俺也不会
up 俺也不会
agree with ricky663. only 不符合原文的语气。 原文说的是一种accurate measure .但并没有指出是否是唯一的。c 是举例
本题开始说acidity并不是判定的标准,但是大量研究表明quality 与free oleic acid成反比,而从free oleic acid 的量又能精确推出acidity的量,所以quality与acidity 成比例,但文章并没有说肯定成反比,也可能成正比啊。
所以C说intermediated in the quality是对的,也避免了绝对化结论,没说acidity与quality是成正比还是反比
A错.A说"When an olive oil is refined, the concentration of oleic acid in the oil is reduced",但文中没有说"refined oil"的quality比"unrefined oil"高,更没有说判定"refined oil"质量标准仍是"acidity".只是说"The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity."(both for refined oil and unrefined oil).所以A is out of scope.
如果原文中提到"extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. In addition, refined oil is of higher quality than unrefined oil."则A为正确选项.
C选项很好,因为它的讨论限于unrefined oil.
The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.
If the statements above are all true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?
acidity of oil不是评价oil quality的标准,所以我们不知道intermediate in acidity是否能证明quality也是中间。所以C是非常没有根据的。
A是对的。free oleic acid 和oil quality成正比。A说了,如果oil 给refine了,oleic acid就少。把两句话合在一起,我们推出,如果oil refine了,oil qulity就高。这个的确没有在原文中说过refined oil,但是我们不要太钻牛角尖,难道提纯的oil质量还比unrefine的oil质量差了?这个不需要原文提供,常识就知道,refine这个词也说明了quality的提高。
查了refine的意思,觉得refine正好对应了题目中的“less free oleic acid"
A是对的。free oleic acid 和oil quality成正比。A说了,如果oil 给refine了,oleic acid就少。把两句话合在一起,我们推出,如果oil refine了,oil qulity就高。
(1) A of UO 不能 --> Q of UO
(2) FOA of UO↓ --> Q of UO↑
(3) FOA of O --> A of O (注意不是FOA of O <---> A of O)
A:文章只提到FOA,没有提OA,因此A的结论不能must be true(必须加入其他没有出现的信息才能推出A);lawyer的说法必须基于一点:最后一句中的an olive oil=refined olive oil。
The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.
If the statements above are all true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?
acidity of oil不是评价oil quality的标准,所以我们不知道intermediate in acidity是否能证明quality也是中间。所以C是非常没有根据的。
A是对的。free oleic acid 和oil quality成正比。A说了,如果oil 给refine了,oleic acid就少。把两句话合在一起,我们推出,如果oil refine了,oil qulity就高。这个的确没有在原文中说过refined oil,但是我们不要太钻牛角尖,难道提纯的oil质量还比unrefine的oil质量差了?这个不需要原文提供,常识就知道,refine这个词也说明了quality的提高。
那如mm所说,只要extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter,the higher its quality. 这一个前提就够了, 别的全是废话。 因为精炼橄榄油可以看成原榨橄榄油的提升版,条件可以看成extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid olive oil contains per liter,the higher its quality.细节决定成败啊。 呵呵呵 前提都得用上哦 除非前提被否定。
C 还是 A
快考试了 抓狂。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.
If the statements above are all true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?
acidity of oil不是评价oil quality的标准,所以我们不知道intermediate in acidity是否能证明quality也是中间。所以C是非常没有根据的。
=>可是題干中有提到"the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive contains per liter, the higher its quality". 這樣不就可以知道品質和酸度的關係嗎? 所以在C中提到an unrefined olive oil的酸度介於其他unrefined olive oil中間, 則品質也是介於中間...聽起來也合理耶....
A是对的。free oleic acid 和oil quality成正比。A说了,如果oil 给refine了,oleic acid就少。把两句话合在一起,我们推出,如果oil refine了,oil qulity就高。这个的确没有在原文中说过refined oil,但是我们不要太钻牛角尖,难道提纯的oil质量还比unrefine的oil质量差了?这个不需要原文提供,常识就知道,refine这个词也说明了quality的提高。
=>我一開始也是選A, 可是我後來發現A有問題, 因為題干並沒有提到經過refine程序的olive oil, 它的酸度會減低. 有可能refine的程序不佳, 酸度還是不變. 誰知道refine的程序是啥呢? 有可能是指去除雜質的refine....(只是舉例, 沒有鑽牛角尖..)
A是对的。free oleic acid 和oil quality成正比。A说了,如果oil 给refine了,oleic acid就少。把两句话合在一起,我们推出,如果oil refine了,oil qulity就高。这个的确没有在原文中说过refined oil,但是我们不要太钻牛角尖,难道提纯的oil质量还比unrefine的oil质量差了?这个不需要原文提供,常识就知道,refine这个词也说明了quality的提高
原文里说在unfefined的oil里,free oleic acid 和 oil quality成正比,一点没提到在refined oil里oleic acid 和quality是什么关系,或许refined oil,其quality的评判标准和 crude oil完全不一样了呢?
题目的结论是:The quality of unrefined olive oil is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality.
就是说unrefined olive oil的质量不能很精确的通过acidity来定义,然而大量的实验证明the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains , the higher its quality.
我对这句话的理解为,acidity不可以很精确的实在的衡量the quality of unrefined olive oil但是可以大概的衡量.那么C选项说的就很正确了. If an unrefined olive oil is intermediate in acidity between two other unrefined olive oils, it will also be intermediate between them in quality. 直接就是支持结论的,不是说质量直接跟acidity的关系,而是说了一个大概的,在什么和什么之间.
If an unrefined olive oil is intermediate in acidity between two other unrefined olive oils, it will also be intermediate between them in quality.
到底要选什么啊`````!? 彻底晕了`````
我认为各位都想复杂了,正中了ETS圈套,其实这题该选D:Free oleic acid is the only acid that unrefined olive oil contains.
理由:从最后一句The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.就可以得出(用美国人的简单思维)
C不对:文中虽然中间一句(1)the less free oleic acid an unrefined olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality;(2)最后一句推出less free oleic acid--->higher acidity,但是文中第一句明确说了即使酸度与质量成正比,但是不能用酸度来判断质量
即(2)less free oleic acid--->less acidity
(1)less free oleic acid--->higher quality
不能推出less acidity--->higher quality(如果没有第一句这个断桥,就可以从上面2个等式推出C的关系(当然,推理的过程是我们平常通用的AB正比,BC反比,所以AC反比的思维;但是有了这个断桥,即使我们推出来了,也要被第一句给否定)ETS就是借助了这个常用思维来误导了我们^-^)
那么23楼就是错误的,即便是一个在中间的数,也是依靠正比关系得出的一个模糊关系,而依照我的分析,得不出正比关系的,而且not actual的意思是很明确的否定(与事实相反),不是你理解的“不准确的意思”
The quality of unrefined olive oil
is not actually defined in terms of acidity, yet extensive tests have shown that the less free oleic acid an unrefined
olive oil contains per liter, the higher its quality. The proportion of free oleic acid that an olive oil contains is an accurate measure of the oil’s acidity.
我的疑问是红色处的oil 是unrefined 还是 refined??? 如果是refined考虑A选项时就不能把它定义为out of scope 了...
oleic acid可以衡量quality,两者成反比。
A,无关选项。refined oil的情况无从得知。
C,正确。oleic acid可以精确测量acidity,因此根据前提,acidity可以活成正比或成反比或者其他比例测定quality.因此取中间值是比较信服的。
不明白b为什么不对,文章都说了the less oleic acid the higher its quality。如果不考虑酸性和oleic acid之间的差别的话,那么这句话的意思不就是,酸性越低,质量一定越高。b选项说“unrefined olive oil的质量可以仅凭酸度这一个标准determine”
verb (formal) to discover the facts about sth; to calculate sth exactly: [VN] An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident. ◆ [V wh-] We set out to determine exactly what happened that night. [also VN that]
to make sth happen in a particular way or be of a particular type: [VN] Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate. ◆ Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character. [also V wh-]
B 是说未精炼橄榄油的质量只能通过精确测量其酸度来决定
首先这个提法过于绝对,而且原文中也明确提出“not actually defined in terms of acidity” 。与原文矛盾的结论怎么可以从原文推出呢?
评价初榨橄榄油质量很重要的指标是酸度,酸度是一个从分析角度来确定橄榄油品质的参数,它是用来测定自由脂肪酸在油中所占的比例的指标。拿我公司出品的华欧?牌特级初榨橄榄油来说,他的酸度是0.60,这就是说在每一百克华欧?牌特级初榨橄榄油中,含有0.6克的自由脂肪酸。? |
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