As a girl who was once ... herself, I have greater interest in ... studies than most of others. (第一句话给出两个信息:1.我的原动力 2. 我现在要申请的学习方向。PS字字是金,每一句的用词都是要包含多重信息,经过压缩的,我的第一半句,道出原动力的同时,道出我的亲身经历,这是从我的亲身经验过中来的,下半句,不光是说我要申请此专业就完了,不知足,还要加上than most of others 比较级,因为我上半句的这个亲身经历,所以我比其他所有人更适合更有热情到你的专业。你看,第一句,就是个销售,一句话就要说服你的架势。用摄影男的理论,我这第一句与读者建立的关系是:我是个aggressive的人,我有野心,有气势,我一定要做,非我莫属,我要向你压来了。接着,读者很自然会期待,你是要如何步步逼近地说服我。)Undergraduate study provides me with a sound base in mathematics, mechanics and electrics, as well as social activities training my leadership and cooperation. Enthusiastic, cooperative and hardworking, I believe I will complete my graduate study in your department successfully. (没废话,所有的形容词,都是我接下来分段落要说的。第二句写我的专业背景,列出 数学,力学,电学,接着写我的人格魅力。最后一句是宣誓书,表决心,内容上好像有点废话,但这句是做气势压轴用的。就像邓爷爷跟铁娘子的对话,“中国在这个问题上没有回旋余地。主权不是一个可以讨论的问题。”而你就是要在最开头就让招生者感到你的气势,立场坚定,毫无通融余地,我要进你们系,没有商量余地,我说要进,就定是要进的!)
Now when most people are celebrating the biggest festival--Christmas, in Chinahowever, a number of people are... 第二段只有一句话,话锋一转,我要转到第三段我的专业洞察深度去
In ... 323, including 208 ... 75 ... and 40 ... revealed ...: xxx, xxx, and xxx. Moreover,today the condition ... Form Jan to Nov 2006, 207 ... 1349 ... , 1298 ... , and 697 million RMB (87.5 million US dollar) ... That is why I was determined to do something in this field and am applying for acceptance into Master’s program of...
以上就是我要转的第三段。这段两个任务:一,我对该领域的认识,我的专业洞察力 (如何制造你是“专业”? 最简单,呈现数字排比,处处精确);二,That is why 转到我的 statement of purpose 我读此专业的动机
A graduate from xx University, one of the Chinese national “211 Project” universities known for its XXX Engineering programs, I have solidly grounded myself in a discipline of xx xx, namely, xxxxx. At the age of 10, ... It taught me a lesson of the importance of xx xx, and my father, who used to be an automobile engineer, imparted me a lot of xxxxx knowledge. Thus I began at an early age to be curious about how things work and the logical relationship between them. 没有半句废话,第一句用5个词道明来路,解释学校我专业的出色以及学校的出色,接着供出我的专业背景。10岁的童年这件事,是和我第一段的开头的第一句讲的个人经历一个事,是进一步具体的解释,带出家庭的影响,以及此事件对我的深刻的感情上亲身经历上的有说服力的对此专业的决心。 有没有发现,我的PS里的每一句话,都不是单独的一句,都起码包含着2个信息,都是多重信息的combination。PS之精炼,就是字字为金。在不妨碍阅读通顺的情况下,把你所有要呈现的优点信息,都按照逻辑串在一起。你看,我没有按照时间顺序讲,我一个时间分在两个地方讲,但我有很好讲故事的内在逻辑,读者看了不会觉得跳跃,觉得自然通畅。
Due to my excellent performance in middle school, I was selected into a special class of XX High School (one of the top 3 in my home province with a population of 49 million) for special training. All entered the top 10 universities in China. 如何说明自己的优秀?说自己是哈佛出生的人家就另眼相看了。赞你的学习环境,如何赞?用数字说话。
Most important to me is to solve real problems. (一句话solve problem开头,接着整段都是讲我的hands-on project的经历,整段很自然的跟出我是如何 solve problem 的。我整个PS不是按照成长时间来说,而是挑出我的性格强烈特点说。我第一段说这个专业非属于我读不可。接着几段,一说我的强烈的根深蒂固的动机;二说我课业成绩的优秀,顶尖的学生;三说我动手的项目背景。全都是一个接一个突出的有力道的砰砰砰地砸过来。)In my undergraduate study, I was permitted to participate in a graduate project, dealing with the application of xxx. As an assistant to the graduate group, I had some hands-on experience in designing electronic control devices, such as xxx System and xxx System. I also independently designed an Automatic XXX System. With these practical experiences, I became interested in reasoning, structure and designing, which encouraged me to pursue a further study in the field of applied technology. (你看这个 总分总,第一句摆出总起,接着排比地一句话一个故事的浓缩地给出研究经历,最后一个总结句,从我上上段小时候对事物逻辑关系感兴趣,提升到我逐渐产生想要申请 应用性工程学 的心理,这个心理变化也是由之前摆出的很多研究事实而显得非常自然。看到了我的浓缩了?我作为非牛人,研究背景很少,但我知道利用,三句话排比式地带过,这样的浓缩力度,反而让读者觉得你professional,内容很多,反而比你拉长线地一个project一个project地解释更加有推进力。)
My internship in xxx Co., Ltd. deepened my understanding of engineering work. A successful engineer does not only deal with technology, but also human and society. Thus I volunteered to teach science and software to a group of handicapped children in a special education school near my university, where I gradually made my decision to apply for a people-oriented program within engineering discipline like XXX. 这段又是个转折段。看我的第一句,my internship in xxx deepened my understanding. 简单半句话就放了我的实习经历。很多人不善于用PS的空间,总是连续几句几句地用大量的空间来表达内心的感悟,比如:I become more and more interested in this field. I really belief that if one wants to do it one will realize it. 这些没有事实为依托的感悟,虽然是发自内心的,但读起来假大空,让读者一下子就觉得你这篇文章的密度是小的,内容是可以忽略跳过的,而不是紧凑的结实的句句都要扎实地看的。 接着一句 thus 摆出了看似跟课业专业不相关的志愿者经历。最后一句又自然地道出我的心路历程的转变,用一个词like,链接到我要申请的这个专业上。 句句不离题。形散神不散。你看这一段,只有两句话。字字压缩。 压缩的力量是,别人把你的话当话。废话只要出现两句,别人就开始跳过地看,且怠慢你了。
Intel says, “We are on a mission to transform people's lives with new technology”. The technology of XXX proves this. Research and development of this technology today is as vital as the application of penicillin during the last century. 这段也是转折段,转折到这个专业上,我下一段要开始讲我对这个专业的重要性的认识以及我为什么要申请你们学校。
Contemporary science and technology has enabled …. , and use computer simulations to design ….. However, sophisticated knowledge in this field is lacking in China. Among Chinese colleges there is no professional institution like Uxxxxx which provides xxx studies. …. 我为什么要到美国来读这个专业?因为这个专业是有如此重要的意义,对我,对全人类,但是中国欠缺这个专业的教育,所以我才要专门跑到美国来深造。很简单可信的道理。
As the world’s leading department which grants the only … degree programs in xxx in U.S., your program intensively attracts me for its focus on xxx. …. ... Your research focuses and your welcome of students with diverse cultures and backgrounds are the most important factors for my choice. 对你要去的学校做一点研究,学校的特殊性,你有兴趣的方向,具体地摆出来在这里,对方就知道,你不是海投,你是真的了解过他的学校,是真的有兴趣读,一片诚意也是非常重要的。
My goal, just as your objective goes, is to ... I am eager to study and research in this field in your department. With your updated curricula and interdisciplinary areas of knowledge, I hope to develop myself into a competent professional, and make contributions to … in the world. 最后一段强烈表决心。作者: 普渡哥 时间: 2012-2-4 22:58
up作者: kiviljc 时间: 2012-2-10 18:19
Thx pretty作者: rs曦曦 时间: 2012-8-18 11:02
逻辑感很强的一篇ps作者: hcqyp 时间: 2012-11-22 20:59
谢谢啦作者: rollercoaster 时间: 2012-11-25 12:52