标题: 求翻译,看看谁的比较好 [打印本页] 作者: mike125615212 时间: 2012-1-28 19:18 标题: 求翻译,看看谁的比较好 Theater Critic: The play La Finestrina, now atCentralTheater, was written in Italy in the eighteenth century.The directorclaims thatthis production is as similar tothe original production as is possible in amoderntheater[. Although the actor whoplays Harlequin theclown gives a performance very reminiscent ofthetwentieth-century American comedian Groucho Marx,Marx’s comic style wasvery much within the comicacting tradition that had begun insixteenth-centuryItaly.作者: Siegfred 时间: 2012-1-28 19:58
戏剧评论家: 目前在中心剧院上演的剧目La Finestrina创作于十八世纪的意大利. 该剧导演称, 在现代剧院环境下, 此次演出已尽可能地忠于该剧的首演. 尽管在剧中饰演Harlequin theclown的女主角表现得与20世纪美国喜剧演员Groucho Marx非常相像, Marx的喜剧风格实际上并未脱离源于16世纪意大利的喜剧表演传统.作者: mike125615212 时间: 2012-1-28 21:04 作者: Siegfred 时间: 2012-1-28 21:09