Have you ever delivered bad news to your boss? And how you handled?
这条题目我彻底晕了,我就回答了一个项目的问题。不知道该问题到底在考察什么?该用什么思路来回答? 作者: 虎哥 时间: 2012-1-25 20:49
那个学校的?作者: TTK 时间: 2012-1-25 21:25
carlson的?作者: JamesSMAO 时间: 2012-1-26 00:47
Always deliver bad news with a solution proposal.作者: 三颗猫饼干 时间: 2012-1-26 20:53
要是我,首先告诉老板个好消息。趁他高兴之际,告诉他那个坏消息。趁领导郁闷之极,告诉他已经搞定了。让老板再度高兴作者: plumelee 时间: 2012-1-26 23:35
先告诉他可能的解决方案,boss会问为什么,再告诉他bad news。这样他很快就会想通了(如果开明的话)。永远都要避免去为bad news找理由,找责任。作者: TTK 时间: 2012-1-26 23:45
我的回答是bring solution with bad news to your boss作者: WhiteSuby 时间: 2012-1-28 01:38
这道题面试官考察的是你的problam solving的能力。举例子体现出你有应变能力,遇到问题会可以提供resolution.作者: 星星点灯2010 时间: 2012-1-28 15:41
这是个好问题。作者: Siegfred 时间: 2012-1-28 16:02
Always deliver bad news with a solution proposal.
-- by 会员 JamesSMAO (2012/1/26 0:47:05)
言简意赅. 在实际工作中也要这样.作者: 知行 时间: 2012-1-28 16:05
我的回答是bring solution with bad news to your boss
-- by 会员 TTK (2012/1/26 23:45:15)
顶!! 绝对是工作后 经验。 当年我刚工作的时候 我老板第一件事 骂我就是
我不是要你告诉我问题在哪里 我需要你告诉我该如何解决!! 我只做选择题 不做问答题!!
把我给熊的啊!! 以后我每次汇报坏消息 从来都是思考出几个解决方案才敢汇报。。。 不然就是找骂作者: JonFrank 时间: 2012-1-29 10:24
Hey there, happy to help out here. With this interview question (which is not very unusual actually) you should keep three things in mind: 1) Admit to the interviewer that it was HARD, and a difficult situation. They aren’t looking for “Superman” who can do everything without feeling it. Show that you felt how difficult it was, especially if it involved someone’s future at the company (a firing, etc.) 2) Show that you made a decision that was not necessarily the EASIEST. Sometimes, it would be easier to avoid the difficult issue, to blame someone else, etc. It is critical in this question that you show YOUR OWN ability to TAKE CHARGE, and to take responsibility here, even if it required your making some TOUGH decisions. For example, it would be easier to fire someone, claiming that “there wasn’t enough money to pay the salary.” It would be harder to say “you aren’t good at your job.” But you wanna show that you made the decision that was best for the company, even if it was HARDER than it had to be on you. 3) Show through your actions that you were not afraid of your boss. You need to be respectful of course, but the best employees (and future leaders) are ones who are not afraid to speak out. Show that you are not intimidated—and show that you have what it takes to speak confidently with our boss. This attitude is critical in adcoms…
Jon Frank Founder PrecisionEssay作者: baochangzx 时间: 2012-1-29 17:36
Hi,JonFrank : 感谢你的建议。关键是该题目不是工作面试的题目,而是MBA面试官面我的时候问的问题。好难啊,当时不知道如何回答/作者: suribaby 时间: 2012-1-29 22:43
Yes, I did. But I also brought him/her proposals and discuss final solution with her/him.