标题: 1.19 一战归来,放狗 [打印本页] 作者: gaidi9 时间: 2012-1-20 01:33 标题: 1.19 一战归来,放狗 一战失败,Q50 V21,看来不好好准备就是悲剧啊...个人水平有限,板砖轻拍… 作文基本裸考...就临考前看了眼7宗罪,差点没写完...汗... AA是说 Booksbecomes more and more in E-format.(就是电子书啦) E-book normarlly are spreading free of charge online or charge atvery low price on CDs. In E-format makes is easier to access and wider spread.Base on an ONLINE survey(可以就这里进行质疑), 72% of people claim thatvery like E-books(类似的意思); 81% of people believe that it is very important to read classicworks. Thus arthor stats that it is a good inverstment to start a E-classiccompany. 个人思路: 1.质疑survey 本身, 没有任何相关调查背景信息,如范围和人群的限定,同时本身这个survey就是online调查,忽略了不用电脑或者不上网的那部分用户. 2.popularity of E-book doesnt mean it will be a good business. 受欢迎并不代表就卖得好,noinformation about cost of investment, cost of production, sale revenue ofE-books,然后题目里自己都说了就算是CD版本的电子书价格都很低,所以没办法从72%的人喜欢就能推断出应该投资开公司. 3.81%的人是说读classic 很重要,但是没说在哪读,不一定就限定在电子书的格式上,有可能是说纸质传统书,缺乏相关信息支持电子书版本的classicwork就好...
AI: Nation should keep highly competitiveeducation system – make the student will compete with themselves as well asstudents from other nation, so that too keep its own economic success. 个人思路: 挺高竞争的激烈程度的后果是什么? →高压,大部分学生还处于青少年,心智不成熟,不一定能很好的应对stress→随便乱编了个举例说东亚国家如中国日本韩国(相对教育体制竞争程度激烈)的青少年自杀率较高,统计显示主要原因为学习压力和工作压力过大.→不能盲目 教育系统宽松的国家也有对自己国家贡献高的人才,举例美国瑞士 就算教育系统下人才成功了,未必会为本国做出贡献,如高技术人才大批量前往美国等发达国家,追求更好的生活条件和待遇
V2 river's dam has influenced the number ofsamon fish.妨碍他们到上游繁殖。 移除了dam的一部分后samon数量上升。所以政府准备移除a larger dam in a river toincrease the number of samon问削弱